
Check out your Tower of Illusions TapTap exclusive package code

"Magic Tower" has officially opened the public beta today, we have brought a TapTap exclusive benefit guide for all the pioneers who are addicted to pinching their faces and drawing cards, and come to see what they miss!

The Dapu Pioneer Squad has come to report!

The Dapu Squad has now arrived at Ida Star

The next battle plan is...

Firepower! Seek the truth of the world!

Change into a handsome combat suit!

Check out your Tower of Illusions TapTap exclusive package code
Check out your Tower of Illusions TapTap exclusive package code

Participate in the exclusive forum activities of "Magic Tower" X, and you will have the opportunity to get the Click la la pillow and the peripheral blessing bag sponsored by "Magic Tower".

To emphasize the point again: the prize has a rattling pillow! This time I can really take Tak La La home!

Take part in exclusive events

National Pioneer Raiders Collection

"Magic Tower" national pioneering strategy collection activities are in full swing, experienced pioneers do not miss, the grand prize has alien game book and black shark game mobile phone, although not as good as the pillow of the click, but it is really good!

Check out your Tower of Illusions TapTap exclusive package code

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