
Xu Xun, a "little cripple" in Hunan Province: He sacrificed his life and forgot to die for the people, and was only 25 years old when he died

author:Hengyang Party History

Xu Xun was born in 1907 and died in 1932, the character Yue Ling, pseudonym "Little Cripple", Hunan Leiyang Yuqing Xu family. In 1923, he joined the Socialist Youth League, in 1924 he was admitted to the Jiazhong Normal Training Institute in Leiyang, and in 1926 he was appointed as an executive member of the county peasant association and a special commissioner for the agricultural movement, and joined the Communist Party of China in July of the same year. In 1927, he was sent by the organization to study at the Wuhan Farmers' Training Institute, and after graduating, he returned to the county to continue the work of the agricultural movement. In 1928, he participated in the Shonan Uprising and served as a liaison officer. In 1930, he was instructed by the county party committee to form the "Nianguan Struggle Action Committee" with Xie Zhufeng and others to raise funds from local tycoons and carry out arduous underground struggles. In February 1932, he was arrested at the Xu family in The Small Water Chicken Gongqiao, and later killed in the county seat of Leiyang County.

Walking into the August 1st Nanchang Uprising Memorial Hall, you will be greeted by the "first shot of the earth-shattering" that is being slammed into the board machine and the brightly colored August 1st Army flag. When we open up the glorious history of the August 1st Nanchang Uprising, we can't help but think of the martyrs who shed their blood for the revolution, and it was they who cast the military flag with their blood and made our party have its own armament since then. In this uprising, more than 20,000 people participated, but only 1,042 people were fortunate enough to leave their names to this day, of which 10 people were in Leiyang, they were (in alphabetical order): Kuang Huang, Wu Wensheng, Liu Tai, Liu Tiechao, Li Tianzhu, Zhou Qu, Xu Lin, Xu Xun, Xu Kang, tan zhen.

Xu Xun, a "little cripple" in Hunan Province: He sacrificed his life and forgot to die for the people, and was only 25 years old when he died

August 1 Nanchang Uprising Memorial Hall

After the "Ma-Ri Incident" in 1927, Xu Xun was ordered to transfer to The He LongBu as a representative of the Party. At that time, Kwong was serving in the 26th Division of the 11th Army of the National Revolutionary Army, and he introduced Xu Xun to his division commander Wu Zhongxi. Kwong said to Master Wu: "Xiao Xu has good character, is very loyal to the party, is proficient in martial arts, has a good marksmanship and a hundred shots, and he is my fellow countryman." But I think your life safety is more important than mine, hereby cut love, and send Xiao Xu to you as a guard. Therefore, at the age of 20, Xu Xun went to the headquarters of the 26th Division of the 11th Army of the National Revolutionary Army and served as the aide-de-camp of Captain Wu and the representative of the Guard Company.

At 2:00 a.m. on August 1, "Bang! bang! bang! "Three gunshots rang out. The Communists finally fired the first shots of resistance at the Kuomintang reactionaries, with a red scarf tied around their chests, a white towel tied to their left arm, and a red cross insurgents with flashlights each launching an attack on the enemy

During the Nanchang Uprising, Xu Xun fought side by side with Wu Wensheng, Tan Zhen, Xu Kang and other comrades-in-arms from The Yang Dynasty and heroically killed the enemy. Later, the troops withdrew to Guangdong, and in the Battle of Chaozhou, Xu Xun and Tan Zhen were wounded, they were both wounded in the thigh, and although they were cured, they were all a bit lame, which is the reason for the pseudonyms "Big Cripple" Tan Zhen and "Little Cripple" Xu Xun when they later fought guerrillas.

After Chaozhou was injured, Xu Xun returned to Leiyang and connected with Deng Zonghai, the secretary of the CPC Leiyang County Party Committee. In October 1927, under the guidance of the spirit of the "Eighty-Seven Conference", the CPC Leiyang County Committee actively led the people of Leiyang to carry out armed rebellion, Xu Xun, Zhang Fengguang and others organized the Huangniao rebellion in the southern district of Leiyang, crushed the door-to-door regiments in Yunfeng, Huanggang, Zheqiao and other places, and established a team of more than 300 people, named the Xiangnan Peasant Army Guerrilla Brigade, Xu Xun as the commander, Zhang Fengguang as the party representative, and active in the borders of Leiyang, Yongxing, and Guiyang. In February 1928, Zhu De and Chen Yi led the Shonan Uprising, and Xu Xun led the Shonan Peasant Army to cooperate with Zhu De's troops to conquer the county seat of Leiyang. On the 17th, Xu Xun was co-elected as a member of the CPC Leiyang County Committee. On the 19th, he was appointed chairman of the Youth Working Committee of the County Soviet Government and captain of the Young Pioneer Red Guards.

Xu Xun, a "little cripple" in Hunan Province: He sacrificed his life and forgot to die for the people, and was only 25 years old when he died

During the Shonan Uprising, the Internationale resounded throughout the city.

Under the leadership of Xu Xun, the Young Pioneer Red Guards were set up in 37 districts and more than 450 townships in the county, who were not only combatants, workers, and propagandists, and went to all villages and bays to post propaganda outlines and slogans. The main slogan was "Down with imperialism!" "Down with the old and new warlords!" "Down with the bully landlord!" "The cultivator has his land!" "Confiscate the landlord's land!" "Carry out the agrarian revolution!" Wait a minute. The young vanguard Red Guards also mobilized the common people to sing revolutionary songs, and under the leadership of the Communists, the common people actively and actively learned revolutionary songs such as "The Internationale", "The National Revolutionary Song", and "Workers, Peasants and Soldiers Unite". During the Shonan Uprising, there were songs everywhere in Leiyang. Revolutionary songs played a role not only in the battle, but also in the rear work of vigilance, public order, martial law, communication, and the capture of local tycoons and gentry.

Xu Xun, a "little cripple" in Hunan Province: He sacrificed his life and forgot to die for the people, and was only 25 years old when he died

Former site of the Shonan Uprising in Leiyang (the Shonan Uprising Complex is now a national key cultural relics protection unit)

In early April 1928, Xu Xun was transferred to Jinggangshan with his troops and served as the commander of the first battalion of the 34th Regiment. In mid-May, the Red Thirty-fourth Regiment was reorganized into the First Road Guerrilla Group of Shonan Province, with Xu Xun as deputy commander, and on May 26, the First Road Guerrilla Group of Shonan arrived from JinggangShan to the vicinity of Monkey Xian Mountain in Leiyang, and annihilated the shangjia door-to-door regiment with lightning speed. Immediately afterward, a meeting of cadres was held at the Niangniang Temple on the upper shelf, and more than 800 cadres and fighters were organized to quickly attack the door-to-door regiments in various districts and townships according to the five lines of east, south, west, north, and central, killing a large number of local tycoons and inferior gentry in two days, and rescuing hundreds of cadres and masses who were being detained and waiting to be killed, including Mao Zejian, who was imprisoned in Liao JiaWan, Xiatang Town, and formed strong pressure on the reactionary authorities and effectively supported the revolutionary struggle at Jinggangshan.

In the spring of 1929, the Red Guerrilla Corps was established, with Xu Xun as the deputy commander-in-chief, to carry out a campaign to suppress local tycoons and inferior gentry and attack the door-to-door regiments. On June 5, Xu Xun led the guerrilla general team, divided into three roads, and conquered the county town of Leiyang in one fell swoop, killing more than 10 enemy people, capturing more than 80 enemy people, surrendering more than 90 guns, and more than 20 bullets. At the beginning of July, the Hunan Provincial Government of the Kuomintang sent Zeng Songxia's regiment to Leiyang to "suppress the Communists." Xu Xun led the guerrillas to adopt the strategic principles of "avoiding the real and making a false point, dividing the troops into guerrillas" and "the enemy attacking us and retreating, and the enemy retreating and attacking us, and going around in circles with the enemy, causing the enemy to pounce everywhere and be passively beaten. In November, the Shonan Red Guerrilla Group was formed, with Xu Xun as its commander, shifted the center of its activities to the border between Leichang and Leiyong, and used the form of "Mutual Masonic Association" to organize and mobilize peasants and establish new guerrilla zones.

At the end of 1930, the CPC Leiyang County Party Committee organized the Nianguan Struggle Action Committee with Xu Xun as its secretary and launched the Nianguan Struggle against donations, rents, and debts. The Action Committee mimeographed leaflets and bulletins were distributed and posted throughout the county to severely punish stubborn arrogance and inferiority who did not carry out the orders of the Nianguan Struggle Action Committee.

In February 1931, the Shonan Special Committee and the Leiyang County Cpc Committee held a meeting in Luojiachong, Zheqiao, to establish a new CPC Leiyang County Committee, with Xu Xun as a member of the county party committee, secretary of the Youth League County Committee, and secretary of the Second District (Yuqing) District Committee. Xu Xun's activities in the Nanlingbei, Shiyue, and Shifeng areas, improved and consolidated 7 party branches in the second district, and led the masses to carry out the autumn harvest struggle. On February 24, 1932, Xu Xun held a meeting of district party members and cadres at Jigongqiao, Yuqing District, and the traitor Xie Rongfu led the enemy to surround Jigongqiao, and when he broke through, Xu Xun was shot and arrested. The enemy interrogated him severely and coerced him to surrender, but Xu Xun was unmoved and regarded death as a homecoming. In the early morning of the 27th, the enemy took him to the county seat of Leiyang and killed him at the age of 25.

Xu Xun, a "little cripple" in Hunan Province: He sacrificed his life and forgot to die for the people, and was only 25 years old when he died

The former site of the headquarters of the Shonan Uprising in Leiyang

The revolutionary activities of the Red Guerrilla Brigade in Leiyang are a practical example of Comrade Mao Zedong's practice of "taking the road of encircling the cities from the countryside" and an important force in the "armed division" of the Central Soviet Region. At the low tide of the Chinese revolution, they adhered to their faith with loyalty and wrote life with tenacity, just as Xu Xun wrote in a letter to his father during the Nanchang Uprising, "Between the heavens and the earth, life is born for doctrine, and when it is time to live, it is time to die for justice, and it is necessary to die for what it deserves." The sonorous words show that the revolutionary martyrs are unswerving in their lofty ideals and beliefs and regard death as a homecoming!

(Author: Xie Junqing, Party History Research Office of the CPC Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China)

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