
Years ago, windfall was like rain, and the 3 genera "good pregnancy" came uninvited and no longer worried about money

Years ago, windfall was like rain, and the 3 genera "good pregnancy" came uninvited and no longer worried about money

Zodiac rats

Zodiac rat people belong to the five elements of water, of which the 60-year-old rat people, Gengzi rat year, Na Yin for the wall soil, called "groundhog", stayed up to the end of the year, there is hope to get 49 years of "fire bull" help, the construction of "ugly fire and children of the soil" fortune bureau, the big luck arrived, the fortune icing on the cake, fortune rushing, there are noble people have windfall, will be fruitful. At the same time, for some zodiac rat people, in the next 7 days, the palace of disease and doom happened to encounter the impact of "ups and downs" and "years broken", causing dissatisfaction with this aspect of health fortune, beware of not catching a cold, in addition, for some people, the cervical spine is easy to swell, pay more attention to the combination of work and leisure, after work, take a good rest.

Years ago, windfall was like rain, and the 3 genera "good pregnancy" came uninvited and no longer worried about money

Zodiac chicken

At the end of the year, when they arrive at the end of the year, if they really catch the opportunity, the vault will explode, and there is a good chance that they will become rich. Say goodbye to a long period of time the overall fortune is not very ideal, and the noble windfall is basically no luck in the status quo, in addition to the zodiac chicken, they are probably the luck of the guide peach blossom, a small number of friends 2 consecutive 3 encounter peach blossoms, for people who are anxious to get off the single, if you want to get off the order early, you should work harder, otherwise you can only overlook the high-level love at the bottom.

Years ago, windfall was like rain, and the 3 genera "good pregnancy" came uninvited and no longer worried about money

Zodiac cow

They are born with cattle and are prosperous, of which the cattle people born in 97 years, Na Yin is a stream, commonly known as "buffalo", stayed up to the end of the year, have the opportunity to get the assistance of the 84-year "golden rat", build a "sub-golden life ugly water" symbiosis bureau, wait for the opportunity to arrive, the heavens are blessed with great luck, the fortune is endless, buy a house and buy a car, life will usher in a more brilliant tomorrow. In addition, for some zodiac cattle friends, in the next 2 days, the palace of disease will unfortunately encounter "violent defeat" and "through the rope" fierce star to commit, which will lead to a bit of bad health fortunes, and should pay attention to the problem of poor spirits, in addition, for a small number of friends, pay attention to rest, lack of sleep is prone to headaches, drink more water can moisten the intestines, which is good for the body.

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