
Beijing Winter Olympics countdown to 50 days| world ski champion Guo Dandan: "I seem to have found a second mission"

Because I have been to the top of the mountain, I understand the hardships of climbing to the top; because I have fallen to the bottom, I cherish the courage to return.

Guo Dandan, China's first world ski champion, is one such person who has experienced the top of the mountain and the bottom of the valley.

Beijing Winter Olympics countdown to 50 days| world ski champion Guo Dandan: "I seem to have found a second mission"

On August 2, 1997, Guo Dandan won the gold medal in aerial skills in the Australian leg of the World Cup Freestyle Ski Series. Courtesy of respondents

At the age of 17, she became famous for her B46, the most difficult move in women' competitions, and won the first gold medal in the world competition of Chinese skiing.

At the age of 18, she went to the Winter Olympics, in order to complete the difficult action, accidentally injured, could have been withdrawn due to injury, but she insisted on completing. After the game, even she couldn't believe it, her right foot was diagnosed with a fracture and a broken tendon in her left foot. Although she did not win the medal, everyone gave her a standing ovation. After this competition, her physical condition gradually deteriorated. At the age of 21, with regret for the Winter Olympics, she retired from the field.

"When I first left the ice and snow, I was very depressed, and no one dared to mention these two words in front of me." When he said this, a trace of sentimentality appeared on Guo Dandan's face. She didn't believe she couldn't do anything but ski, so she sold clothes and opened a laundromat. I thought the days would go on like this, but the story took a turn for the worse in the winter of 2002.

That year, Guo Dandan's teacher, Shan Zhaojian, China's first national champion in skiing, was recruiting talents for the development of public skiing in Chongli, Hebei Province, and under his perseverance and encouragement, the flame in Guo Dandan's heart was ignited again.

With great vigor, she took two pieces of clothing and carried five hundred yuan to the Chongli Saibei Ski Resort. When I first arrived, the humble ski resort could not even guarantee basic daily washing, guo Dandan gritted his teeth and insisted. There were also very few people who came to ski, until one Saturday morning, when a bus drove from the snow field and a group of ski enthusiasts came down...

"I just found out that standing on the highest podium was not my finish line, but another one. With my snow friends, I felt as if I had found a second mission. Guo Dandan began to devote himself to the promotion of mass skiing.

Beijing Winter Olympics countdown to 50 days| world ski champion Guo Dandan: "I seem to have found a second mission"

Guo Dandan was with the children. Courtesy of respondents

Beijing Winter Olympics countdown to 50 days| world ski champion Guo Dandan: "I seem to have found a second mission"

Preach on campus. Courtesy of respondents

In addition to teaching in the snow fields, she went to the school to tell the children the story of ice and snow sports. Although it was inevitable to eat "closed door soup" at the beginning, many schools have now rushed to invite her to preach. Of course, the difficulties are self-evident.

"Our promotions are all public welfare, often busy for a few days for an event can not close their eyes, sometimes wonder if it is worth it." But I couldn't be lazy because the kids liked me so much that seeing their big clear eyes felt like it was all worth it. After saying that, she smiled playfully and revealed a childlike bright smile.

On the way to promote ice and snow sports, Guo Dandan knew that a person was weak after all, so he thought of his peers who were also champions. "Unexpectedly, as soon as I issued a call, they said, we all support you!" Since then, the sports star champion ski team has successively added more than eighty members.

Speaking of these things, she laughed again. This is also the expression that Guo Dandan left the deepest impression on the reporter, whether it is talking about the experience of injury or the feeling of promoting ice and snow, she is always passionate and smiling.

Beijing Winter Olympics countdown to 50 days| world ski champion Guo Dandan: "I seem to have found a second mission"

Participate in public welfare activities. Courtesy of respondents

Nowadays, the day of the Winter Olympics is getting closer and closer, as a member of the Winter Olympic propaganda team, looking through her circle of friends, at least three or four a day, the work schedule is full, in Guo Dandan's own words, "The days are used for three days a day, and every day is either preaching or on the way to preach!" At the same time, becoming a Winter Olympic torchbearer has also become her goal.

As China's first ski champion, we may have cheered for her to win glory for the country, but what is more noteworthy is the perseverance behind this smile. In the eighteen years since she retired from the army, she has not been silent due to injury, but has stepped on the gravel and cut through thorns, opening up a new journey for herself and cultivating a dream flower on a new track to promote ice and snow sports.

"Starting from ice and snow, the courage to mission, in the days to come, I will still practice it, so that more people understand ice and snow sports, love ice and snow sports." When interviewed, her eyes shone with determination.

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