
Buried Road Becomes Flower Road Everyone said to thank this old man

author:Liaoshen Evening News Fushun moment

Fushun Evening News

The ancient and rare old man volunteered to plant flowers to dress up the environment

Fushun Media Network News (Fushun Evening News reporter Xu Zhongyuan) On the morning of July 5, on the small road on the east side of Building 74-2 of Hunhe North Road in Shuncheng District, an ancient and rare old man carried a bucket and shovel to water the flowers on the side of the road and level the soil. After careful management by the elderly, the flowers were cleaner and cleaner.

Buried Road Becomes Flower Road Everyone said to thank this old man

Lin Guangfa watered the flowers. Photo by reporter Xu Zhongyuan

The old man, Lin Guangfa, is 77 years old. Since the end of April, the old man has volunteered to plant more than 30 kinds of colorful flowers such as wild chrysanthemums on the side of the road, and every morning, middle and evening, he will come here to check the growth of flowers. When the soil is dry, he will water it, and the flower seeds will be replanted before they can survive, and under the daily careful care of the old man, the gorgeous flowers compete to bloom and are full of vitality.

The reporter observed that this 50-meter-long, more than 10-meter-wide laneway is connected with the western section of Linjiang Road and leads to the Shili Waterfront Park, which is the only way for residents of Pinghu Fengying Community, and many citizens who go to the park to exercise every evening have to pass through here. According to nearby residents, the roadside was once piled with debris and construction waste, which seriously affected the environmental image of the community. "The old man cleaned up the garbage himself, and then planted flowers to improve the living environment of the surrounding residents." The beautiful environment and the transformation after the gorgeous turn of the garbage alley have made the surrounding residents praise one after another.

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