
The Spiritual Genealogy of the Chinese Communists (3): The Spirit of the Soviet Union

author:Linyi Internet Police
The Spiritual Genealogy of the Chinese Communists (3): The Spirit of the Soviet Union
The Spiritual Genealogy of the Chinese Communists (3): The Spirit of the Soviet Union
The Spiritual Genealogy of the Chinese Communists (3): The Spirit of the Soviet Union





The Spiritual Genealogy of the Chinese Communists (3): The Spirit of the Soviet Union
The Spiritual Genealogy of the Chinese Communists (3): The Spirit of the Soviet Union
The Spiritual Genealogy of the Chinese Communists (3): The Spirit of the Soviet Union


General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech at the party history study and education mobilization conference pointed out: "In the course of one hundred years of extraordinary struggle, generation after generation of Chinese communists have stubbornly struggled and struggled unremittingly, and a large number of revolutionary martyrs who regard death as their homecoming, a large number of heroes who have stubbornly struggled, and a large number of advanced models who have made selfless dedication have emerged, forming a series of great spirits, building up the spiritual genealogy of Chinese communists, and providing rich nourishment for us to build the party and revitalize the party and strengthen the party. In the study and education of party history, we must profoundly understand the requirements of the general secretary, nourish them with the spiritual genealogy formed in the course of the CPC's century-long struggle, deeply plant the ideological homeland on the new journey of comprehensively building a modern socialist country, and use the centennial spiritual genealogy to condense the driving force for the new journey of forging ahead.
The Spiritual Genealogy of the Chinese Communists (3): The Spirit of the Soviet Union
The public account of the Working Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Organs Directly under the Municipal Government committee "Yimeng Organ Party Banner Red" launched a series of interpretations of the "Spiritual Genealogy of Chinese Communists", and this issue learns and shares the third article "The Spirit of the Soviet Union".

The spirit of the Soviet Union

Spiritual connotations

Firm faith, truth-seeking and pragmatic, single-minded for the people,

Honest and honest, hard work, striving for first-class, selfless dedication


In November 2011, Comrade Xi Jinping pointed out: "In the creation and development of revolutionary base areas, in the practice of establishing the red regime and exploring the revolutionary road, countless revolutionary ancestors have used their blood and lives to forge the spirit of the Soviet region with firm faith, truth-seeking and pragmatism, single-mindedness for the people, honesty and honesty, hard struggle, striving for first-class, selfless dedication, etc. ”


The spirit of the Soviet Union is the great revolutionary spirit cultivated by the Chinese Communists during the period of the agrarian revolutionary war, with Comrade Mao Zedong as the main representative, in integrating the universal principles of Marxism with the specific reality of the Chinese revolution and in the great practice of painstakingly exploring the correct road of the Chinese revolution; it is an indispensable and important part of the chain of the great revolutionary spirit of the Communist Party of China, the inheritance and development of the Spirit of Jinggangshan, and the direct source of the Spirit of the Long March.

Unwavering conviction

Ideals and beliefs are the fundamental source of great spiritual strength. Faith in Marxism and faith in communism and socialism are the political soul of Chinese communists and the spiritual pillar that can withstand any test. In the final analysis, the CPC's ability to constantly rise up through setbacks and harden into steel through hardships lies in the fact that the lofty ideals and revolutionary convictions in the hearts of tens of millions of Chinese Communists have always been firm and persistent, and have always shone with fiery light.

After the defeat of the Great Revolution, the Chinese Communists continued to hold high the banner of revolution in the face of the massacre of the Kuomintang, led the launch of the agrarian revolution and armed struggle, created the Soviet base areas, and established the prototype of new China, the Chinese Soviet Republic. From Zhu De and Mao Zedong, when the main force of the Red Fourth Army marched down Jinggangshan in January 1929 to the southern Fujian region of Gannan, to October 1934, when the Central Red Army began its Long March, the Chinese Communists fought in the Central Soviet Region for five years and nine months. Faced with the confusion and doubts about how long the red flag can be fought, the Chinese Communists, with Comrade Mao Zedong as the main representative, firmly believe that "the spark of a spark can ignite the plains" and have established one revolutionary base area after another. Under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, the military and people of the Soviet Union have always firmly believed in the thesis that "the spark of a spark can ignite the plains" and the belief that the Chinese revolution will surely triumph, and in order to pursue lofty ideals and bright visions, they have followed the footsteps of the former and the successors, sacrificed their lives and forgot their deaths, and forged ahead courageously. Even after a temporary defeat in the war, in the face of the temptation of the enemy's high-ranking official Houlu, the Communists who were imprisoned by the enemy replied sonorously and forcefully: "We are temporarily defeated militarily, and we will not fail politically." We will definitely win, and communism must be realized in China! "The enemy can only cut off our heads, never shake our faith!" For the doctrine of our faith is the truth of the universe! This rock-like belief does not stop at emotional beliefs, but also stems from the scientific nature and truth of theory, is the calm determination after understanding the truth, and is the embodiment of the unity of knowledge and faith.

Truth-seeking and pragmatic practical exploration

Seeking truth and being pragmatic is a distinctive feature of dialectical materialism and historical materialism, and is the essential requirement for adhering to the Marxist scientific world outlook and methodology. In-depth investigation and study and persistence in seeking truth and being pragmatic embody the ideological line of seeking truth from facts, which the CPC vigorously advocates and practices.

Mao Zedong resolutely opposed "Left" dogmatism. "Against Originalism" is an article written by Mao Zedong in the Central Soviet Region in May 1930 to oppose the dogmatic ideas in the Red Army at that time. Dogmatism at that time was called "originalism." Mao Zedong clearly pointed out: "The 'original' of Marxism is to be studied, but it must be integrated with the actual situation in our country. We need 'originality', but we must correct the originalism that is divorced from the actual situation. During the Soviet period, under the influence and guidance of Mao Zedong's "without investigation, there is no right to speak," party and government cadres at all levels in the Soviet region attached great importance to investigation and study, constantly improved their working methods, and constantly opened up a new situation in their work with a realistic and pragmatic work attitude. During this period, the correct agrarian revolutionary line, principles, and policies implemented by our party's leadership, the correct strategic principles and tactics of the Red Army's first to fourth anti-"encirclement and suppression" campaigns, the correct principles and policies for the building of the party and political power and the building of economic and cultural culture in the base areas, and so on, were precisely through investigation and study, constantly summing up the fresh experience created by the cadres and masses in the Soviet union, formulating and creatively proposing them in light of the actual situation. Through in-depth practical investigation and study, the Chinese Communists represented by Comrade Mao Zedong have integrated Marxist theory with the practice of the Chinese revolution and embarked on a revolutionary road with Chinese characteristics in which the countryside surrounds the cities and seizes power by force.

The concept of governing with one heart for the people

Wholeheartedly seeking the interests of the masses of the people is the fundamental purpose and value pursuit of the COMMUNIST Party of China. The Chinese Soviet Republic was the first nationwide workers' and peasants' power in China's history and an important attempt by the Communist Party of China to govern in some areas. As a newborn state power, Soviet power is not only an organ for the toiling masses of workers and peasants to manage their own lives, but also represents the interests of the toiling masses of workers and peasants and practices the concept of ruling with one heart and one mind. The Communist Party of China not only theoretically realizes the importance of "sincerely seeking benefits for the masses," but also shows great concern for the production and livelihood of the masses in action, so it is sincerely supported by the broad masses of the people.

During the Soviet period, it was precisely by virtue of faithfully practicing the sense of purpose of serving the people wholeheartedly that our party established flesh-and-blood ties with the broad masses of the people, thus forming a "real copper wall and iron wall" that could not be broken by any force. As Chairman of the Provisional Central Government of the Chinese Soviet Republic, Mao Zedong called on Party members and cadres to "show concern for the livelihood of the masses and pay attention to working methods," to sincerely seek the interests of the masses, and to solve all problems of the masses. He said that every Communist Party member should always chant "win over the masses" like a monk chanting "Amitabha Buddha." In order to solve the drinking water difficulties of the villagers in Ruijin Shazhouba, Mao Zedong led government workers and Red Army soldiers to dig "red wells"; Zhu De helped peasants plant seedlings and harvest rice; Zhou Enlai, Zhang Wentian, and others helped the families of the Red Army to carry water and cut firewood... These stories of the Communist Party's dedication to the people are still widely praised today. The masses in the Soviet union sighed from the bottom of their hearts: "The Communist Party is really good, and everything has been thought of for us." ”

Honest and honest political character

Opposing corruption and building a clean and honest politics is a clear political stand that the CPC has always adhered to. In order to consolidate the newborn Red regime and ensure the construction of the Central Soviet Region and the progress of the revolutionary war, the Party and the Central Government of the Soviet Union strictly demanded that the cadres of the Soviet Region cultivate a work style of honesty and honesty in government, implemented a series of resolute, effective, and effective measures to combat corruption and promote clean government, and created an "unprecedented real and honest government," which won high praise.

The Xingguo Mountain Song "Cadres in the Soviet Region have a good work style, bring their own dry food to work, wear straw shoes to dry the revolution, and play lanterns at night to visit the poor peasants" is not only a true portrayal of the hard work of the cadres in the Soviet Region and sincerely seeking the interests of the masses, but also expresses the heartfelt praise of the people of the Soviet Region for the good work style of the cadres in the Soviet Region. During this period, all cadres, from the chairman of the central government to the workers of the commune soviets, were not paid. Mao Zedong went to Ningdu County to investigate, stayed in the district government for one night, and insisted on paying the "ocean one yuan and eight corners" for food and accommodation.

In order to maintain the purity of the party, the party and the Soviet government have paid attention to the work style of cadres and the building of anti-corruption and clean government, persistently used systems and laws and discipline to fight corruption and punish corruption, and established a mechanism for the building of a sound party style and a clean and honest government that combines punishment and prevention and attaches equal importance to education, system, and supervision. In terms of punishing corrupt elements, the Central Soviet Region has formulated the Regulations on the Punishment of Government Workers and the Regulations on Punishing Corruption and Waste. In terms of system building, regulations such as the Provisional Financial Regulations of the Chinese Soviet Republic were promulgated. In terms of supervision, the first is to set up a Central Party Affairs Committee in the Central Committee and a workers' and peasants' procuratorial committee in Soviet governments at all levels, and at the same time to organize commandos and light cavalry to supervise the implementation of the soviet government's decrees and instructions; second, it attaches importance to the supervision of news and public opinion and opens up special columns such as "Red Board" in newspapers and magazines such as "Red China"; the third is to mobilize mass supervision and mobilize the masses to extensively participate in the whistle-blowing campaign through the establishment of accusation bureaus and the launching of mass appraisals.

The revolutionary spirit of hard struggle

Arduous struggle refers to the spirit of struggle in which we are not afraid of difficulties, work hard to become stronger, and work hard to start a business under difficult and difficult conditions; this is the party's political essence and fine traditions, and it is the source of strength for us to overcome all kinds of difficulties and constantly advance.

During the Period of the Soviet Zone, due to the Kuomintang's military "encirclement and suppression" and economic blockade, there was a serious shortage of materials in the Central Soviet Zone, and the life of the vast number of soldiers and civilians was extremely difficult, and each person was only given less than 1 dime of vegetable gold and half a kilogram of grain per day. During the Fifth War of Encirclement and Suppression in the Central Soviet Region, in the face of the increasingly fierce war, the shrinking of the base areas, and the serious deterioration of the financial and economic situation in the Soviet Region, the Central Government of the Soviet Union issued a call through the "Red China" newspaper to "struggle for saving 800,000 yuan in four months" and put forward specific methods for launching a savings campaign. The central party and government organs and staff took the lead in responding, eating only two meals a day and saving one meal of rations to support the front line. Saving every copper plate for the cause of war and revolution became a conscious action of the military and people in the Soviet union. In the thrift movement, the Communist Party of China and the Soviet government constantly promoted the struggle against corruption, waste and passive sabotage, and won the high recognition of the masses of the people, Mao Zedong pointed out: "The Communist Party of China has played a great educational role among tens of millions of people in the whole nation with its experience of arduous struggle and the bloody sacrifice of hundreds of thousands of heroic party members and tens of thousands of heroic cadres. ”

Strive for a first-class work realm

Striving to be first-class in the spirit of the Soviet Union refers to the CPC leading the vast number of cadres to work diligently, serve the people, and strive to be models, which is prominently embodied in the creation of "first-class work." This is a basic realm for the vast number of party members and cadres and the masses of the people to treat their work.

Under the leadership of Mao Zedong, Zhu De, Zhou Enlai, and other leaders, the vast number of cadres in the Soviet Union consciously played a vanguard and exemplary role, carried forward the revolutionary spirit of forging ahead, daring to blaze new trails, and striving to be the first; model counties and townships that have scored outstanding achievements in all aspects of work have emerged, and a large number of exemplary cadres and outstanding party members have been trained and brought up. The Provincial Party Committee of Northeast Jiangxi, the Xingguo County Party Committee, and the Soviet Governments of Changgang Township and Caixi Township all created "first-class work" and were commended by Mao Zedong and the Central Government of the Soviet Union. Carrying forward the spirit of striving to be first-class, the military and people of the Soviet union enthusiastically and highly revolutionary fighting spirit enthusiastically supported the former "expansion of red" and the development of production, and in an extremely difficult environment, created the "first-class work" in all aspects of party building, administrative work, social work, and mass work in the Soviet area.

The spirit of sacrifice of selfless dedication

"Selfless dedication" is prominently embodied in "everything for the Soviets". In the glorious years of blood and fire in the Soviet Union, the vast number of party members, cadres, and the masses of the people selflessly dedicated themselves and were not afraid of sacrifice, and many moving deeds that could be sung and wept emerged. Cadres in the Soviet union had no salary, "brought their own dry food to work," and suffered hardships first and enjoyed them later; the masses in the Soviet area did not hesitate to do anything to support the revolution and join the war, making major contributions and sacrifices. It was precisely this spirit of selfless dedication that enabled the Party and the Red Army to develop and grow in an extremely difficult period, and ultimately to win the victory of the Chinese revolution.

The masses in the Soviet union have truly felt from practice that the Communist Party of China is a political party that safeguards the interests of the toiling masses, and that the Soviet government is the government of the masses themselves, which has never been seen in China's history, and is a new government that truly seeks the interests of the people. Without the victory of the Communist Party of China, the Soviet government and the revolution in the Soviet Union, there would be no liberation of themselves and no happiness, which inspired their dedication. This dedication is a thorough, active, selfless spirit of dedication which they have out of a high degree of trust and heartfelt love for the Communist Party, the Soviet government and their revolutionary cause, and which they consciously produce on the basis of the preservation of their vital interests.


Source: Yimeng organ party flag red

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