
Hanging an "ancient sword" at the bottom of the bridge, the value is extremely high, but no one dares to move, experts: do not want to live to move

The sword is a kind of weapon used in ancient wars, this weapon opens a double-edged straight tip, sharp and abnormal, horizontal and vertical can hurt people, direct attack can break through the thick armor, very dangerous. As the most commonly used weapon in the history of our country, the sword can be said to have witnessed the prosperity of our country from its origin to the present, and is one of the most precious and important cultural relics in our country. After the rise of the archaeological development of our country, experts have also unearthed many precious swords in the tomb, such as "Yue Wang Gou Jian Sword", "Compound Sword", etc. are all cultural relics belonging to China's national treasure level, which have very high historical research value. But there is such a sword in our country, it has been hanging under the bridge for hundreds of years, but it has never dared to move it, even experts say: I don't want to live to move!

Hanging an "ancient sword" at the bottom of the bridge, the value is extremely high, but no one dares to move, experts: do not want to live to move

This sword is the famous "Dragon Slayer Sword". As the name suggests, the dragon sword is to cut off the flying dragon and protect the wind and rain. The sword is located on a bridge in Guizhou, and it is said that the sword is like a guardian deity guarding the villagers on the side of the bridge, so that they will not be disturbed by evil spirits. So what is the point of this sword? Why hang a sword under the bridge? The meaning of this sword is like what was first told, it is used to suppress evil spirits, and there is a strange story in it. In ancient China, there was a saying that "there are more wild beasts in the mountains, and the water is full of dragons", and the water system in Guizhou is developed, so the story of the dragon under the water has gradually spread.

Hanging an "ancient sword" at the bottom of the bridge, the value is extremely high, but no one dares to move, experts: do not want to live to move

Jiaolong is a creature that has the form of a dragon at the beginning but has not yet cultivated into a dragon, and legend has it that if Jiao wants to cultivate into a dragon, he must cultivate for tens of thousands of years before he can ascend to the heavens and become a real dragon. Jiao lived underwater most of the time, in order to be able to become dragons, they could only cultivate silently underwater, not for the misfortune of the human world, and then they had to experience "heavenly disasters" to be considered real dragons. But there are also some dragons who like to do evil, as long as they appear, disasters will occur, fields, houses, grain, etc. are all destroyed by it, and people are miserable.

Hanging an "ancient sword" at the bottom of the bridge, the value is extremely high, but no one dares to move, experts: do not want to live to move

In order to stop the rebellion of these evil dragons, our ancestors placed a sword under the bridge to suppress the murderous spirit of these dragons, so that they were afraid to come out and harm people again. And this dragon slashing sword is a weapon used against jiao. For thousands of years, this sword has been hanging under the bridge and has never been taken down, and it has also become a precious cultural relic with the precipitation of time. Artifacts are made of value, and so is this sword. As a relic, many people wanted to steal it, but after a strange incident happened in that year of 1987, no one dared to move the sword again. Two grave robbers had their eyes on the sword in order to make a fortune, and they rowed to the sword and were preparing to do it.

Hanging an "ancient sword" at the bottom of the bridge, the value is extremely high, but no one dares to move, experts: do not want to live to move

Just as they were about to do so, all around them suddenly became dark, and the originally calm water surface was instantly choppy, the boat quickly overturned, and the two tomb robbers also fell into the water. The noise of these grave robbers was very loud, which soon attracted the attention of the villagers, and later attracted the police, and it was with the help of the police that the two tomb robbers survived. The theft was a criminal offense, but the two thieves were eventually acquitted. There may still be many people who think that their behavior is too bad, why let them go? There is also a reason for this, after this incident, although the two thieves were unharmed, they went crazy and paralyzed, and the end was very miserable.

Hanging an "ancient sword" at the bottom of the bridge, the value is extremely high, but no one dares to move, experts: do not want to live to move

Since then, there have been more legends about this sword, and it has also attracted the attention of archaeologists, who have not believed in the magic of this sword for many years, and wanted to study it, but in the end they did not succeed, because once they wanted to study, they would be stopped by nearby villagers, and after each failure, the sword no one dared to move, so they continued to be the guardian spirit of the people, the town guarded side.

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