
A torture device that can be completed with a noodle is more cruel than "lighting a sky lamp", which is hard to believe

The rulers of ancient feudal societies invented many terrible tortures to punish those who committed crimes. They use it to punish the following criminals. Speaking of ancient torture, Ling Chi, waist chopping, lighting of sky lanterns, etc. are well known. But did you know that there is a kind of torture that is more painful than "lighting the sky lamp"? In the Qing Dynasty, beheading could also be considered torture. Why did this torture become torture? This is because of different means of torture. In ancient times, people invented blunt knives to kill. And this kind of criminal law is not only harmful to the body, but more to make people mentally broken, and such a criminal law was not abolished until after the evening sun.

A torture device that can be completed with a noodle is more cruel than "lighting a sky lamp", which is hard to believe

Let's talk about "lighting the sky lantern". This torture is to put the wick on the victim's navel and then light it on fire. The fat oil of the body should be used as lamp oil, so that the lit wick will not be extinguished day and night, and it will burn up on its own. At the same time, let the victim slowly die in despair. Arguably, this is extremely cruel for the victims. After that, because the "lighting of the sky lantern" was too cruel, few people used such a criminal law, and the most famous thing was that Lü Bu applied such a cruel criminal law to Dong Zhuo, although Dong Zhuo was a bad person, but such a criminal law was also very cruel to him.

A torture device that can be completed with a noodle is more cruel than "lighting a sky lamp", which is hard to believe

With the continuous development of the times, people invented a more cruel punishment than lighting the sky lantern, that is, "eating noodles", also known as "two dragons spitting whiskers", which was called "the most terrible punishment" at the time. At this time, some people will ask, why is eating noodles the most cruel criminal law? There is literally nothing cruel about it, and the torture device only needs one night of noodles, but it is extremely painful for the prisoner.

A torture device that can be completed with a noodle is more cruel than "lighting a sky lamp", which is hard to believe

And when this criminal law is most openly implemented, it is to starve the prisoner for several days, at this time the prisoner can be said to be hungry very uncomfortable, and then let him eat the noodles of the next night and a half of life, in the prisoner upside down, see here everyone also feels that there is no problem, but this raw noodles are difficult to digest, and the inverted prisoner noodles will flow out of his mouth and nose, resulting in breathing being blocked, although this punishment does not cause any kind of harm on the body, but let the prisoner slowly suffocate and die,

A torture device that can be completed with a noodle is more cruel than "lighting a sky lamp", which is hard to believe

From this torture alone, it feels cool behind it, there are more tortures in ancient times, fortunately, now that society is progressing, ancient feudal society has become history, and these cruel criminal laws have also been abandoned by people. This kind of torture only makes people feel cold behind their backs. There were many cruel punishments in ancient times, but society was constantly evolving. Ancient feudal societies have become a thing of the past, and these tortures no longer exist

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