
Gushi County held a meeting to promote the rectification of the problem of new plots of cultivated land and houses built in rural areas

author:Xinyang Station of Henan Radio and Television Station

Elephant News Henan Radio and Television Station reporter Xin Peng correspondent Lu Xiangbao Li Yang

Gushi County held a meeting to promote the rectification of the problem of new plots of cultivated land and houses built in rural areas

In order to thoroughly implement the special decision-making and deployment of the provinces and municipalities on the problem of rural indiscriminate occupation of cultivated land and building houses, and resolutely curb the new illegal acts of indiscriminate occupation of cultivated land in the rural areas of Gushi County with a "zero tolerance" attitude, on December 13, Gushi County held a meeting to promote the rectification of the problem of new plots and spots in rural areas of arable land and housing construction, and Feng Xiao, deputy governor of Gushi County, attended the meeting and spoke.

The meeting listened to the report on the rectification of new suspected plaques in agricultural houses in Gushi County, and organized the study of the "Work Plan for rectifying and rectifying the problem of random occupation of cultivated land and building houses in rural areas of Gushi County". The meeting pointed out that all levels should earnestly improve their political standing, strengthen their political responsibilities, and persistently discover, investigate, and report together typical cases investigated and handled in the course of investigating and rectifying the problem of illegal construction of cultivated land in rural areas, and persist in discovering, investigating, and reporting together, so as to form a strong deterrent.

The meeting demanded: First, it is necessary to clarify the tasks and hang up the map for combat. All townships and towns must take the initiative to claim the task, establish a rectification and reform ledger for all problems and spots, carry out wall-chart operations, and grasp the rectification work as a political task that must be completed on time; second, it is necessary to act quickly and vigorously promote it. All townships and towns should profoundly analyze the causes in light of the policies, adhere to the orientation of problems, institute immediate reforms, increase the intensity of law enforcement, and severely crack down on all kinds of illegal occupation of cultivated land and building houses; third, they must go all out and supervise and hold them accountable. Before December 13, the Gushi County Government Affairs Supervision Group uploaded 59 problem spots to the DingTalk system, launched an accountability mechanism for townships (offices) that did not promote the work effectively, passively slackened, did not act, acted slowly, and made no progress in rectification, and carried out warning interviews with the leaders of the jurisdiction to ensure that the rectification and reform of the 59 unchecked spots were carried out in an orderly manner and that all rectification and reform numbers were realized.

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