
Stay away from the traps. Men, with a string, cannot relax under any circumstances

author:Yumeno Yanqi

Men, living in this world, if they want to live a peaceful life, they must learn self-discipline.

What is self-discipline?

Self-discipline is the self-control of certain desires of the self.

Especially when traveling alone, self-discipline is especially important.

Don't think that by staying away from the gaze of your wife and co-workers, you can indulge yourself and do whatever you want.

That's a very easy accident.

If something happens to you, you can't get it yourself, and you may ruin your life.

Stay away from the traps. Men, with a string, cannot relax under any circumstances

Li is a public official, 33 years old this year.

In the unit, he is currently highly valued by the superior leaders and belongs to the key training objects of promotion.

On a solo business trip, he came from Kyoto to a small city.

After finishing his business and buying a ticket back to Beijing, he wanted to visit this small city.

Because the boarding time was ten o'clock that night, he still had a full day of waiting time.

He became very laid-back.

And because the town was very small, he spent half a day to see the local scenery.

How do I spend the rest of my time?

He inadvertently saw a small street with a sign for a relaxing massage.

He had never been to that kind of place.

But he's always been curious about that kind of place.

He knows that massage can relieve fatigue and can also treat many diseases.

But he was not tired at this time, and there was no disease in his body that needed massage treatment.

But curiosity drove him to the door of the store under the signboard.

He wanted to go inside and see what was going on inside.

Stay away from the traps. Men, with a string, cannot relax under any circumstances

Through the glass on the door, he saw that inside, on a couch, sat three girls.

They are all in their prime, and their looks are good, and they have a kind of radiant tendency.

He didn't understand, how could a small massage parlor have such a wonderful girl?

He wanted to make contact with them.

He wanted to know what they all worked.

So, as soon as his brain was hot, he went in.

Stay away from the traps. Men, with a string, cannot relax under any circumstances

When he went in, he was warmly welcomed.

At that time, a girl who he thought was the most beautiful of the three girls got up from the sofa and offered him various massages.

That's not expensive.

The most expensive one, one hour, only need to pay 198 yuan.

He has that ability to withstand it.

His current pocket is bulging.

He also had a bank card with him, and he had a lot of money in it.

At this time, he can also be said to be quite confident.

He had chosen the project, and the girl led him into a room.

Stay away from the traps. Men, with a string, cannot relax under any circumstances

From the moment he entered the room, he fell into the trap that the girl had already designed.

Massage itself is a legitimate business item.

But this girl is engaged in illegal activities in the name of legality.

Entering the room, the girl recommended to him a massage program called Da Health Care, and to enjoy the services of this project, you need to add some money and need to change a place.

His brain was hot again, and he felt that he was far away from his unit, away from the eyes of his colleagues, and would not be seen by acquaintances, and he even held the mentality of experiencing life and followed this girl to another place.

Stay away from the traps. Men, with a string, cannot relax under any circumstances

As a result, he was blocked in a room by two men.

As a result, he lost his freedom for a while.

The two guys used their phones to video him live without being able to react.

He wanted to grab the other party's mobile phone in order to delete the video, but what he attracted was a punch and kick from the other party.

He was alone, not the opponent of those two men.

He ended up being knocked to the ground by the two guys.

In the process, the girl did not know where she was.

The two guys called themselves: We were plainclothes assistant police officers at the local police station.

They said to him, "You have violated the state's policing regulations."

They said: Do you need us to send the video to your unit or your family?

Stay away from the traps. Men, with a string, cannot relax under any circumstances

He listened to this sentence, and there was a feeling that the sky was falling.

What he has already done, how can he let the unit and his family know?

If the people in the unit know about it, his reputation will be ruined and his future will be ruined.

If the family knew, his wife would divorce him if he didn't get it right, and his already sensible children would look at him obliquely!

After this incident was over, he could only beg the two guys to go private with him.

Because he still had to catch a plane, he didn't have time to entangle too much with them.

At that time, the other party asked him to pay a fine of 5,000 yuan, saying this, or giving him face.

If he refuses to pay the 5,000 yuan, they say, they will take him to the police station and detain him for a week.

If he really reached that step, he would be even more miserable, he just wanted to cover up this kind of thing, and he couldn't cover it up.

He could only consider himself unlucky.

Stay away from the traps. Men, with a string, cannot relax under any circumstances

After he left the place, when his mind calmed down, he realized that the other party was clearly colluding to extort his money.

But what can he do?

He went to the police to report the crime?

If he reported the case, wouldn't he also take out what he had done?

He really had words of suffering, but his teeth were knocked out, and he had to swallow them into his stomach.

He left the town in chagrin and ashes.

Stay away from the traps. Men, with a string, cannot relax under any circumstances

This incident tells us that in this world, there are some places where dirt and dirt are hidden, you just have money, it is best not to go inside.

Go inside and you're likely to catch up with what you don't want to catch up with.

Men who have reached adulthood really don't need to be too curious about some places.

If you want to experience life, you must also have a sense of law-abiding.

In a society governed by the rule of law, under no circumstances should people touch the bottom line of the law.

This also involves self-discipline.

Men, when you're on a business trip, you have to learn self-discipline.

If you can't discipline yourself, you may fall into the trap set by others as soon as your brain is hot.

Stay away from the traps. Men, with a string, cannot relax under any circumstances

And once you fall into the wolf pen like a sheep, and you don't let anyone slaughter you, what can you do?

Speaking of which, I am reminded of another saying.

That is: the wildflowers on the side of the road, do not pick; pick, the other party will not let you pick white.

The least danger is that if you pick it, you may be pricked in the hand by the thorn on the flower.

And once you hurt your hand and lose your life, it may happen one after another.

Biologically, that's called venom spreading.

Sociologically, that's called self-inflicted consequences.

Stay away from the traps. Men, with a string, cannot relax under any circumstances

And the reason why the above-mentioned man was curious about the massage room, and as soon as the brain melon seed was hot, he stepped into the door, and the brain melon seed was hot again, and he followed the girl to another place, in the final analysis, because he subconsciously felt that the girl was a wild flower that could be picked.

But that's how he fell into a trap.

This is a lesson to be learned.

Men, in any case, really have to have a sense of self-discipline, they have to have a clear consciousness of what kind of position you are in.

If you're a street hustler, out of control of yourself, and you've encountered something, you might feel like it doesn't matter.

But if you are a person with an identity, because you can't discipline yourself, and you are ruined, you say, how much will you pay?

Stay away from the traps. Men, with a string, cannot relax under any circumstances

Thinking about women, men, can't lose the sense of self-discipline.

We must not do what is expressly prohibited by law.

If you do it, even if the law does not whip you, some evil people will seize your handle and force you to obey.

At that time, you will be involuntary, you will not yield, and it will be more difficult to escape the doom.

To put it a little more bluntly: man, you just have money, and don't go to places that are easy to recruit.

You didn't catch up, you won't know what it's like.

If you catch up, you will regret your brain for the rest of your life.

Stay away from the traps. Men, with a string, cannot relax under any circumstances

Have time and energy to spend more time with women who really love you.

Even if the woman who truly loves you is not by your side for a while, you can consume the loneliness and loneliness you face through video chat.

That's essentially a treat.

That will make you feel the beauty of long-distance lovesickness.

Really, what I'm saying here is all from the heart.

I am Yumeno Yanqi, please pay attention to me, I would like to explore the problems of society and life with you.

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