
Anonymous alumni donated 250 million yuan to Zhejiang University to support basic disciplines, and the alumni association directly called "excellent"

author:The Paper

The Surging News reporter Yang Yang

Anonymous alumni donated 250 million yuan to Zhejiang University to support basic disciplines, and the alumni association directly called "excellent"

"Zhejiang University Alumni Association" WeChat public account released news on December 15, recently, Zhejiang University Education Foundation and a hidden alumni signed a donation agreement, the alumni will donate 50 million yuan to zhejiang university education foundation every year, a total of 250 million yuan for five consecutive years, set up a special fund to support Zhejiang University physics, mathematics, chemistry three basic disciplines of talent training, discipline and talent team construction, infrastructure construction, etc. The first donation of 50 million has arrived.

The Zhejiang University Alumni Association calls it an "outstanding alumni anonymous donation". The article said, "The donor is a 2002 alumnus of Zhejiang University, as a Qiushi student, he has always been concerned about his alma mater, the spirit of seeking truth and innovation, hoping to take this action, like countless people who have silently dedicated themselves in their posts, to contribute to the school and society." Zhejiang University sincerely thanks this alumnus for his deep friendship with his alma mater, and also hopes that the majority of alumni and all sectors of society will further care about and support the construction and development of the school, and help Zhejiang University accelerate the construction of a world-class university with Chinese characteristics. ”

In the history of alumni donations in Chinese universities, such a high anonymous donation is rare. If you extrapolate from 2002 as the time of undergraduate enrollment, the anonymous donor's birth year is roughly around 1983.

Zhejiang University alumni who are not much different from this age group include Huang Zheng, the founder of Pinduoduo, but public information shows that Huang Zheng graduated from Zhejiang University's Zhu Kezhen College in 2002. In March this year, zhejiang university education foundation and star public welfare fund signed a donation agreement to set up the "Zhejiang University Shanghai Advanced Research Institute Star Science Fund" to promote Zhejiang University to carry out basic research and frontier exploration in the intersection of biology, medical treatment, agriculture, food and other fields, with a donation amount of 100 million US dollars. The donor Fanxing Charity Fund was initiated and donated by Huang Zheng, founder of Pinduoduo and alumnus of Zhejiang University, and the founding team of Pinduoduo.

In 2017, Shanghai Suizhen Investment Management Co., Ltd. signed a contract with Zhejiang University and officially announced a donation of 1.1 billion yuan to the Zhejiang University Education Foundation, which is the largest single donation ever received by the university. "Suizhen" is taken from the school song of Zhejiang University, and the shareholders of Suizhen Investment are all alumni of Zhejiang University. These donations will set up the "Zhejiang University Education Foundation Suizhen Education Development Fund", which will continue to donate a total of 1.1 billion yuan over 10 years.

According to the "Blue Book of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Ecology of Zhejiang University" released by the Science and Technology Entrepreneurship Center of Zhejiang University Management Institute in 2017, there are 393 listed companies in Zhejiang University (including A-shares, listed companies on the New Third Board, and overseas listed companies), and more than 400 Zhejiang University graduates who were founders, chairmen and general managers of listed companies at the time, with a total market value of 6,585.641 billion yuan, spanning 36 colleges of Zhejiang University and surpassing 56 graduates.

Editor-in-Charge: Li Yuequn

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