
The Paris police helped the car theft gang sell 16 cars, Porsche, Mercedes-Benz 1500 euros each...

author:New Europe
The Paris police helped the car theft gang sell 16 cars, Porsche, Mercedes-Benz 1500 euros each...

Francis, a 62-year-old Frenchman who was once the commander of the judicial police in the first arrondissement of Paris, was supposed to live a happy life after retirement, but is now a prisoner.

Beginning in 1991, Francis began to investigate the Red Light District, frequenting the Red Light District and nightclubs, mingling with various bandits. A colleague once suspected that he was getting too close to the criminals, but Francis didn't think anything of it and still went his own way.

The Paris police helped the car theft gang sell 16 cars, Porsche, Mercedes-Benz 1500 euros each...

By 2004, Francis was in charge of international investigations. By that time, Francis and his wife had moved 13 times, and in order to take care of her daughter with bipolar disorder, his wife Francine quit her job to concentrate on being a full-time housewife.

Later, after moving too often, they felt that it was not okay, and the couple planned to buy a house.

The couple paid too much for the house, and they faced the trouble of not being able to pay the loan and not being able to find a tenant, so they took the loan. In the beginning, the two would borrow money from friends, and sometimes mortgage the jewelry to pay it back. In addition, everything that can be sold at home is sold, but this does not alleviate the financial pressure on the two people.

Every day, Francis receives a dunning call from a lending institution. His wife, Francine, often called him to ask for money, much to Frances' annoyance.

The Paris police helped the car theft gang sell 16 cars, Porsche, Mercedes-Benz 1500 euros each...

It was under such pressure that Francis met Daniel Robin, a peddler who specialized in reselling stolen cars.

Each time, Daniel would ask Francis to meet him at a bar in paris' 17th arrondissement, and then hand him a note with a car registration number.

With this number, Francis logs into the police's internal system and deletes the number from his file. Once deleted, it means that the car is not a stolen car, and the person driving the car can say that it is his own car.

After such an operation, Francis can receive 1500 euros.

Such operations, between 2015 and 2017, Francis carried out a total of 16 times, earning a total of 18,000 euros.

The Paris police helped the car theft gang sell 16 cars, Porsche, Mercedes-Benz 1500 euros each...
And every time, the cars that Francis deleted from his archives were good cars, such as Porsches and Mercedes-Benzes. It is hard to imagine that such a car, as long as 1500 euros, can be washed white.

The first time he did this, Francis was only out of kindness to help his friend, and he did not expect that Daniel was not only unappreciative, but even threatened to expose all this. Every lie told had to be rounded off with more lies, and Francis embarked on the road of no return.

After his arrest, Francis began to regret that he felt that his life had been ruined. Not only did he lose his job, but he also lost his wife and house, and all he could do now was wait for death to come.

Notably, Francis' wife, Francine, 66, was also charged.

Because every time Francis got the money, it was deposited by his wife into a bank account. However, when confronted by the prosecutor, Francis insisted that his wife knew nothing and that she just had money to save.

The Paris police helped the car theft gang sell 16 cars, Porsche, Mercedes-Benz 1500 euros each...

Then the prosecutor didn't believe it, because Francis's wife often went to Galeries Lafayette to spend money.

As a result, the prosecutor demanded that Francis be sentenced to three years' imprisonment and his wife to two years' probation. At this time, Francis had about 123,000 euros in his account. And most of it was deposited in the bank in the form of cash, and the prosecutor felt that the evidence was sufficient.

By 2017, the former police officer was arrested and jailed, and by Friday, prosecutors had officially decided to sentence him to three years in prison. Seeing this sentence, the lawyer of the former police officer said that the sentence was good, who told him to self-destruct his future?

However, the police officer who helped sell the car went to jail, while the car seller went unpunished, and the French police still don't know who is buying and selling the car...



Wen | smelled

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