
How many Of the Saint Seiyas are there in the Silver Saint Seiya?


The Silver Saint Seiya is a character in the Saint Seiya series, dressed in the Silver Sacred Cloak, and generally above the Bronze Saint Seiya.

Silver Saint Seiya 24

The strength of most Silver Saints is far inferior to that of Gold Saints, and a small number of Silver Saints are equal in strength to Gold Saints. Such as Alubio (SS) of the Throne of Acess, Ofuffy (SS) of Lyra, and the Water Mirror (ND) of the Great Lord.

Chinese name

Silver Saint Seiya

Original name

Saint Seiya Saint Seiya


Masami Cheda

Battle suits

Silver Vestments

English name




00001. ▪ Aquila

00002. ▪ Ophiuchus

00003. ▪ Lizard constellation

00004. ▪ Beluga

00005. ▪ Hound

00001. ▪ Centaurus

00002. ▪ Raven Constellation

00003. ▪ Perseus

00004. ▪ Gooza

00005. ▪ Hellhound

00006. ▪ Sisli

00007. ▪ Canis Major

00001. ▪ Martial Immortals

00002. ▪ Spider Constellation

00003. ▪ Acynacea

00004. ▪ Sky Arrow

00005. ▪ Lyra

00006. ▪ Peacock Constellation

00007. ▪ Lotus Constellation

00001. ▪ Triangular

00002. ▪ Altarpiece

00003.3 Former Holy War Silver Saint Seiya

00004. 4 Silver Saint Seiya

< h2 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > character settings</h2>

The second-level Saint Seiya in the Sacred Domain, whose strength is generally above that of the Bronze Saint Seiya, as soon as he receives the instructions of the Sacred Domain, he will immediately rush to all parts of the world to be super strong

With a single punch from Mesti, thousands of meters of Fuji mountain collapsed

Combat power makes missions easy. It can even be called synonymous with Saint Seiya, they are silver Saint Seiya! Their fist speed and body movements have reached 2-5 times the speed of sound, and their strength is generally several times to tens of times that of the Bronze Saint Fighters, waving their hands to crack the land, splitting the sea, and wearing the 'Silver Sacred Cloak'.

If the Bronze Saint Seiya is the basic power level of the Saint Seiya, then the one with a higher level of combat effectiveness is the 24 Silver Saint Seiya. The highest-ranking Golden Saint Fighters with super combat power are the last force of the Sacred Domain, and often have extremely important tasks, as long as it is not a last resort, the Sacred Domain will not give them instructions. In fact, the instructions given by the Sacred Domain were mainly carried out by the Silver Saint Seiya. At this time, the Bronze Saint Seiya will also go to assist them.

That is to say, the means of attack rely only on the skills of the Saint Seiya itself, while the Holy Cloak only plays a defensive role, and the respective roles of the Saint Seiya and the Holy Cloak become very clear. As a very rare example, like Auriga and Hellhound, there are also cloaks that use part of the cloak as a weapon, but that is only a small trick used as a "cushion field" when there is no need to issue a must-kill skill.

Other than that

Separating the sea is also a breeze (4 photos)

There are also a number of Silver Saint Seiyas who are entrusted by the Sacred Domain to manage the Cloak without a master, and serve as instructors for the Saint Seiya candidates who will wear the Cloak. Moreover, discovering the heir of the Sacred Cloak from these candidates is also an important mission of the Silver Saint Seiya. Since many saints and cloaks have disappeared in the previous holy wars, cultivating new saints and enhancing combat effectiveness is also a task that the holy land facing the next holy war has to solve.

In order to kill the Bronze Saints who participated in the private battle held by the Guladu Consortium, the Sacred Domain sent several Silver Saints, but instead they were defeated by 5 Bronze Saints, and the execution of the instructions ended in failure. However, judging from the fact that these 5 Bronze Saints continued to win victories that could be called miracles in the face of Athena's hostile forces, the strength of the Silver Saints was not weak, but because the 5 Bronze Saints were a special existence, it could be said that it was more appropriate to think that this view was more appropriate.

< h2 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > character details</h2>

< h3 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > Aquila</h3>

Magic Bell Marin

Zodiac Sign: Aquila

Age: 16 years old

Silver Saint Seiya Aquila Magic Bell (19 photos)

Height: 167cm

Weight: 51kg

Birthday: 3.18

Blood type: A

Place of Birth: Japan

Place of Study: Greek Sanctuary

Killer Skills:

Vulture Flash Eagle Toe Flash

Meteor Fist

Empty Fist Empty Fist

Introduction: A female Saint Seiya who has a good relationship with Aeolia Leo, is the master of Pegasus Hoshiya, and has a long-lost brother, so Hoshiya has long thought that she is her lost sister, but during the Battle of the Pure Land of Bliss, the magic bell personally found Hoshiwa. Until now, the magic bell has never taken off the mask to let the audience see the real face.

< h3 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > Ophiuchus</h3>

Sharna Shaina

Zodiac Sign: Ophiuchus

Silver Saint Seiya Saina (41 photos)

Height: 166cm

Weight: 49kg

Birthday: 3.24

Blood type: B

Place of birth: Italy

Killer: Thunder Snake Claw Thunderbolt Claw

Description: The female Saint Seiya of the Sacred Domain, because the apprentice Casios and Starya failed to compete for the Pegasus Sacred Cloak, tried to hunt down Andra, but was knocked off by Starya's counterattack. Later, he was influenced by the warm little universe of Hoshiya, and developed love for him, and repeatedly stepped forward to protect Hoshiya in critical moments.

In "Saint Seiya Ω", he became the master of the new generation of Pegasus Saint Seiya Light Tooth.

<h3 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > lizard constellation</h3>

Mesti Misty

Zodiac Sign: Lizard

Age: 16

Silver Saint Seiya Lizard Seat Misty (18 photos)

Height: 180 cm

Weight: 68 kg

Birthday: 10.11

Blood type: O

Place of birth: France

Place of study: Côte d'Azur, France

Marble whirlwind Marble Tripper

Air Defense Wall Air Shield

Introduction: The Silver Saint Fighter, who manipulates the fluctuations of the air flow at will, is very powerful, has a very conceited personality, believes that victory without loss and damage is a complete victory, and is very persistent about beauty and purity. Accepting the Pope's order to obliterate Hoshiya and the others, he just appeared in the punch to crush Mt. Fuji and wanted to destroy Hoshiya, but Hoshiya escaped and was eventually defeated by Hoshiya with the "Pegasus Spiral Shattering Punch".

< h3 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > Beluga chow</h3>

Moses Moses

Zodiac Sign: Moby Dick

Silver Saint Seiya Moby Cetus Mosis (12 photos)

Age: 17 years old

Height: 205cm

Weight: 130kg

Live Date: August 2

Blood type: A

Place of birth: New Zealand

Place of study: New Zealand

Cetus Spouting Bomber

Description: Sent by the Pope to assassinate Pegasus and others, defeat the magic bell with the help of the mind reading of The Hound, and tie the magic bell to the rising tide in order to induce the star arrow. In the end, he was severely damaged by Hoshiya's "Pegasus Comet Fist" and then defeated by the "Pegasus Boomerang Shatter".

< h3 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > Hound</h3>

Adrian Asterion

Zodiac Sign: Hound

Silver Saint Seiya Hound Adrian (26 photos)

Height: 183cm

Weight: 75kg

Live date: February 20

Blood type: B

Place of birth: Denmark

Place of study: Brockenberg, Austria

Mind reading

Million Ghosts Kick Million Ghost Attack

Introduction: The Silver Saint Warrior who was ordered to kill Hoshiya and the others, fierce in heart and unscrupulous in his work. Be good at mind reading in order to crack the attacks of Star Arrow and Magic Bell. But in the end, he was knocked down because he could not read the magic bell. Although the magic bell left his life for him to return to the Sacred Land to report the news, he has not heard from him since.

< h3 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > Centaurus</h3>


Zodiac Sign: Centaurus

Silver Saint Seiya Centauri Babylon (11 photos)

Height: 185cm

Weight: 80kg

Place of birth: Iraq

Place of study: Centaur Island

Killer: Flame Vortex Fotia Roufihtra

Description: The Silver Saint Fighter, who was sent by the Pope to assassinate Hoshiya and others, turned the heat generated by the friction of the air into flames and sent out flames, leaving his opponents in the burning flames. However, it was defeated by the frozen gas of the glacier and was knocked down by the "Ice Tornado".

<h3 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > raven constellation</h3>

Kimian Jamian


Silver Saint Seiya Raven Kimian (23 photos)


Weight: 56kg

Birthday: 7.27

Place of birth: United Kingdom

Place of study: Scotland

Black Wing Shaft

Synopsis: The Silver Saint Fighter who was ordered by the Pope to kidnap Jodo Yarn Weaving. Capable of manipulating crows to fight, he is later suppressed by The Small Universe of Yarn Weaving, and is controlled by Yarn Weaving to attack himself, and is finally defeated by Ichiki's "Phoenix Wing Tianxiang".

<h3 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > Perseus</h3>

Argo Road Argor

Zodiac Sign: Perseus

Age: 17

Silver Saint Seiya Perseid Arugo Road (42 photos)

Height: 188cm

Weight: 83kg

Birthday: 11.11

Place of birth: Saudi Arabia

Place of study: Austria

Gorgon devil Punch, the snake-haired demon head

Medusa Shield Medusa Shield

Introduction: The Silver Saint of Perseid, acting together with Auriga and HellHound, is very powerful, and his "Shield of Medusa" can petrify all creatures who see the shield, petrify all the instantaneous and hoshiya, and finally in the case of the purple dragon self-destructing his eyes, he is defeated by the "Lushan Shenglong".

< h3 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > Gooza</h3>

Gabila Capella

Zodiac Sign: Auriga

Silver Saint Seiya Gabila (11 photos)

Weight: 80kg

Live Date: August 21

Place of birth: Greece

Place of Study: Greece. Sanctuary

Killer: Boomerang Flywheel

Description: Attacked by manipulating a frisbee in a small universe, after destroying the Guladu Arena, he and others attempted to kidnap Saori Johto, but were stopped by Kazuki and defeated by the "Phoenix Magic Fist".

<h3 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" > Inferno Canis</h3>

Dadi Dante

Zodiac Sign: Inferno Dogs

Silver Saint Seiya Hellhound Dadi (20 photos)

Age: 17 years old

Weight: 93kg

Birthday: 3.29

Blood type: AB

Place of study; Sicily

Hell Steel Ball Lock

Description: The Silver Saint Fighter, who travels with Obito and Perseus, attempts to kidnap Johto Saori, but is stopped by Kazuki. His weapon is the "Steel Ball Chain", but is defeated by the same Instantaneous Weapon with the Chain.

< h3 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > the constellation Corpus</h3>

Dio Dio

Silver Saint Seiya Theo (5 photos)


Height: 160cm

Birthday: 7.10

Place of birth: Mexico

Place of study: Plateau of Mexico

Dead End Fly

Description: The Silver Saint Seiya, who was sent to Japan to spy on Aeolia, acts with Inuyasha and Takeru. Killed by a star arrow wearing a golden robe.

< h3 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > Canis Giant</h3>

Sirius Sirius

Zodiac Sign: Canis Megacess

Silver Saint Seiya Canis Cirrios (6 photos)

Age 17

Weight: 86kg

Birthday: 1.6

Blood type: O type

Place of Birth: East Germany (formerly GDR)

Killer: Mountain Crusher Great Mountain Smasher

Description: The Silver Saint Who watches over Aeolia. Killed by a star arrow wearing a golden robe.

<h3 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > the constellation of WuXian</h3>

Alujay Argeti

Zodiac Sign: Vulcans

Height: 240cm

Weight: 180kg

Birthday: 8.15

Silver Saint Seiya Cactus Alujadi (7 photos)

Place of birth: Africa

Place of study: Uganda

Killer: Hurricane Punch Kornephoros

< h3 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > the constellation of Spider</h3>

Alegune Arahne (appears in the anime)

Silver Saint Seiya Spider Aleguni (7 photos)

Spider constellation

Height: 180cm

Weight: 84kg

Live Date: November 7

Killer: Spider's Web Tarantula Net

Description: Hoshiya suddenly attacks Hoshiya while taking the Eye Holy Water for the Purple Dragon, and finally Hoshiya defeats him with the help of the Steel Saint Seiya Tennoxiang.

<h3 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > throne</h3>




Age: 19

Height: 187 cm

Weight: 89 kg

Birthday: 4.30

Place of birth: Argentina

Place of study: Fairy Island

Description: The Silver Saint Of Fairy Island in the manga version is the master of Instant and Jenny. For the moment, Daedalus is both a strict teacher and a loving father, and his noble personality is also admired by other Saint Seiya. However, due to his suspicions about the Pope, he refused to respond to the Pope and was killed by the Golden Saint Seiya Pisces Abrodi, sent by the Pope.

Alubione Albione

Zodiac Sign: Cyborg

Silver Saint Seiya Immortal Throne Alubio (16 photos)

Description: The Silver Saint of Fairy Island in the animated version is the master of Instant and Jenny. The strength is comparable to that of the Golden Saint Seiya, even among the Silver Saint Seiya, it is also an outstanding strongman, its strength is second only to the strongest Silver Saint Seiya Lyra olufi, and the Scorpio Golden Saint Miro was attacked by a rose of the Pisces Golden Saint Seiya Abrodi during the fierce battle, and his whole body was paralyzed, and he was defeated and killed by Miro. Make good use of chain attacks.

< h3 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > Arrow</h3>

Drimi Tramy

Zodiac Sign: Aquila

Weight: 73kg

Birthday: 6.16

Place of birth: Libya

Place of study: Thebes, Egypt

Silver Saint Seiya Ptolemy (5 photos)

Phantom Arrow Phantom Arrow

Arrow of Gold

Description: The Pope sent an emissary to greet Saori, an assassin, who died under the Pegasus Meteor Fist of Hoshiya after shooting an arrow of gold at Saori.

< h3 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > Lyra</h3>

Orofe Orphee

Zodiac Sign: Lyra

Height: 173cm

Weight: 60kg

Birthday: 11.15

Silver Saint Seiya Lyra olufi (16 photos)

Fantasy Fan Music Stringer Nocturne

Breaking the serenade Death Trip Serenade

Strings terminate Stringer Fine

Description: The strongest Silver Saint Seiya, whose strength is superior to that of the (partial) Golden Saint Seiya, the harp that is good at playing has a devastating ultimate physical killing move and the ability to make people hallucinate and their souls floating in other dimensions. Due to the unfortunate death of her lover Juliedis, she voluntarily pledges allegiance to Hades and comes to the Underworld to ask Hades to resurrect her, but pandora plots and fails, so she remains in the Underworld. Joined the Holy War because of the arrival of the Star Arrow, and easily defeated the Celestial Beast Star Farao. He then conspires with Hoshiya and Telekinetic to assassinate Hades, but is killed by Radamandis.

<h3 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > Peacock constellation</h3>

Shiva Shiva (appears in the anime)

Zodiac Sign: Peacock

Silver Saint Seiya Peacock Shiva (Shibu) (27 photos)

Height: 184cm

Weight: 78kg

Live date: September 15

Stunt: Thousand Hands Divine Sound Fist

Synopsis: A disciple of Virgo Sharja, he was sent to assassinate the Silver Saint Fighter of Yihui.

<h3 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > lotus constellation</h3>

Agora Agora (appears in the anime)

Silver Saint Seiya Lotus Seat Agora (23 photos)

Lotus seat

Weight: 89kg

Live date: September 6

Killer Skill: Lianhua Burst Smashing Fist

Synopsis: Another disciple of Virgo Sharjah, along with Shiva, is defeated by Yihui.

< h3 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > triangular constellation</h3>


Character from Saint Seiya Episode G

Zodiac Sign: Triangle

Killer Skill: Seal of the Three Realms

Synopsis: Fight with disciple Lyngo Ryū against Yuri Ellie, one of the warcraft gorgons resurrected from the age of mythology. Unfortunately, he was petrified in the course of the battle, and tried his best to save his disciple Lie, and temporarily sealed Yuri Ellie. After his death, he protected and inspired Li, and eventually defeated Yuri Ellie. As Lie said, his little universe glowed with gold.

< h3 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > altarpiece</h3>

Alex Ares

Character from: Saint Seiya TV Edition Official Novel "Sacred Sword Secret Story"

Zodiac Sign: Altar

Description: Alex is a descendant of Mu Continent and the younger brother of Pope Shion. He usually wears a mask similar to the papal mask, and acts as a shadow warrior to assist the old and sick current pope and to act as part of the papal office. Although he was a silver saint and did not qualify as pope, he was trusted by all saints with his honest character and attitude of complete support for the pope, and won more respect and support than his brother who was the pope.

13 years ago, Sagar once had a malicious attack and assassinated Shi Ang, only to be discovered by Alex. With compassion, Alex did not expose Sagar on the spot, but instead met him in the room, hoping to make it clear to Sagar. But In order to conceal the truth, Sagar sent out a galactic starburst, killed Alex on the spot, and pretended to be his identity, acting as pope, and took control of the Holy Land.

Nicole Nicole

Character from: Official novel "The Chapter of the League"

Status: Acting Pope, Chief priest

Synopsis: The Silver Saint Seiya appears in the official novel The League Chapter. The office of pope was unoccupied, so the person in charge of the internal affairs of the Holy Land was Nico, who held the position of assistant priest to assist the Pope. Killed by Raton. [1]

<h2 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > former holy war silver saint seiya</h2>

Silver Saint Seiya of the former Holy War, from The Lost CANVAS Myth of Pluto

The handicap of crane

Voice Actor: Sasuke Kobayashi


Beautiful Flashing Kicks

The Azur Silver Saint Seiya from Camir can use superpowers such as teleportation freely, and although she is a female Saint Seiya, she does not like to wear a mask.

Since his debut, he has been working with Tenma and Yahweh. Together, they have experienced battles such as traveling to Huangquan to rescue the soul of Pegasus, freeing Pegasus from the Sacred Land and traveling to Italy together, and facing the Four Gods of Fantasy with El cid. After the Ark was activated, he and the Sacred Domain army rushed into the Star Demon Palace, but were transformed into stone statues due to the trap of the Middle Hades King. Later, the Saint Seiya on the ship were petrified by Athena with divine powers, and together with Pegasus and the others, they fought against Aaron.

After Pegasus defeats Aaron, he is stunned by the awakened Hades. When the Star Demon Palace collapsed, he was rescued by his fellow Yatras and returned to Jamil with yahren and Yatra. Because after the holy war, he lost the ability to sense the small universe and could only live as an ordinary person.




Canis Majoris


Voice Actor: Tsuneyoshi Kawano (Hell Dog)

Several of the Silver Saints, who had been ordered to travel to Italy to scout the intelligence gathered by the Hades, were close to the Golden Saints due to their long battles on the front lines. But was besieged and killed by the Hades. The blood of Canis Andsaurus was used by Aaron to paint. HellHound, Auris, and Aaron Aquila were tricked into returning to the Sanctuary to assassinate Athena, and before assassinating Athena, they were defeated by the child tiger and Shion who were guarding Athena' side, and before dying, they felt Athena's understanding and gentleness, and passed away without regret.


When the Minoan forces invaded the Sacred Lands, they fought against the Silver Saints, and were killed by Minos after their defeat.

Stern seat Raghav, Veuve Tsubaki

The men of El cid the goat, while supporting El cid outside Hades, were killed by the dream god Oneelos.


Together with many Saint Seiya, he went to Kanon Island to explore the secrets of the "ghost", because he was afraid of the great power of the ghost, he fled with the rest of the saints, because the escape was not caught by the "ghost" in time, his shield was bitten by the "ghost", and the perseus himself was unknown.

Lyra, Cymbidium, Triangular, Aquila, Ophiuchus, Moby Dick

The Saint Seiya who first attacked Pluto City with Athena's army, then rushed into the LC with the army, and was petrified in the trap of Pluto. He was later petrified by Athena with divine power. Later fight against Aaron with the Saint Seiya on board. Later, he will pass on his power to Pegasus with saint seiya. Killed by Hades after Pegasus defeated Aaron.


A reconnaissance Saint Seiya who can fly through the sky by riding a crow. After the Battle of Hades City, he led several subordinates to scout LOST CANVAS in the sky, but was attacked, several of his subordinates were killed, and The Raven himself was seriously injured, but still supported to return to the Holy Land, and died heroically after reporting the situation to Athena and others.

Lizard, Hound, Centaurus

Chu accompanied Tong Hu and others in their crusade against the King of Pluto, and was killed by the illusion of the false pope during the attack on the city of Pluto.

The white ceremony of the altarpiece (Ara).

Voice Actor: Ken Horiuchi

Altarpiece (2 photos)

Accumulated corpse qi netherworld wave

The accumulation of corpse qi turns into a spiritual wave

Elder of the Jamil clan, twin brother of Pope Sage of the Sacred Lands, master of Aries Shion and Aquila Jean Ye, but has a bad relationship with Shi Ang and has the ability to repair the Holy Cloak.

Like Sage, he was a survivor of the last jihad, and because of his natural dislike of walking in front of people, he ceded the papal throne to his brother after the jihad, and he retreated to the rear, and only went to the Sanctuary to support at the beginning of the LC jihad. After Saiqi died in battle to seal the God of Death, Bai Li took the position of acting pope and issued the order to march to Hades City, while he went to Hades City alone, swept through the Army of Hades with overwhelming force, alarmed the sleeping god Xiupunos to come to intercept, in the face of powerful gods, Bai Li sacrificed himself to use the "corpse qi to turn the spirit wave" that condensed the strength of the companions of the previous holy war to seal the god of sleep.

However, when he intends to seal his soul with the "Holy Ark of Athena" and use the "Holy Sword of Athena" to lift the Netherworld, he is killed by hades, who suddenly appears. [2-3]

&lt;&lt; NEXTDIMENSION Pluto Myth &gt;&gt;

Giant Lord's Water Mirror

Character from: Next Dimension Myth of Pluto

Zodiac Sign: Giant Lord

Killer Skill: Ice Gun White Lotus Hua

Introduction: He is the master of the constellation Pegasus. When he was young, he practiced Saint Seiya with Shi Ang and Tong Hu, and the three of them were friends with each other, but ren zhi and yong were superior to 2 people, so it took a short time to upgrade to the level of silver saint seiya. After awarding the Pegasus Constellation Sacred Cloak to Pegasus, he rushed to the Pure Land of Bliss at the behest of the Pope, but later disappeared. Reappears as one of the Three Giants of the Underworld, Celestial Star Garoulo, and leads the Hades to march to the Sacred Realm after Athena descends to the Sacred Realm.

Its real purpose is to convey to Athena the highest alarm enough to destroy the Sacred Land, and to do so, she fights to the death with the various Golden Saints along the way who do not know the truth. Finally, after dragging his scarred body to the Libra Palace, he was buried in the arms of his best friend Tong Hu. [2]

<h2 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" >Ω Silver Saint Seiya</h2>

Sarna the Ophiuchus

For details, see the introduction of "Salna the Ophiuchus" above

Southern Cross Ichimo

Voiced by: Toshio Furukawa

Appearance: Episode 18

Cang Mo's father was killed by Sonia a few years before the plot began.

Miguel Hound

Voice Actor: Matsumoto Hodanori

Appearance: Episode 11

Killers: Grand Fang, Grand Wave, Grand Finale

Mars dispatches one of the Silver Saints who hunt down Hikari and demand to reclaim Aria, but is defeated by the combined attack of Hikari and Dragon Peak.

After the Battle of Mars, he was loyal to Athena and had participated in the holy war with the goddess Pallas.

John the Raven

Voiced by: Kenjiro Ito

Killers: Wind Jammer, Wind Trigger

Mars dispatches one of the Silver Saints who hunt down Lighttooth and demand to retake Aria, but is defeated by Yuna for his trick.


Voice Actor: Kozo Shioya

Appearance: Episode 13

Killers: Sand Virus, Fly Slider

The Silver Saint Seiya, who guards the Relics of the Wind, is the vile Saint Seiya who offers it to Mars in exchange for an upgrade by seizing the Saint Seiya's Cloak, and is finally defeated by Hikari.

Pavlin the Peacock

Voice Actor:


Folding love

Appearance: Episode 14

Killer Skills: Cold Arrow Rain, Peacock Blizzard

female. Yuna's master, who usually wears a mask, is good at using frozen air. Yuna puts on a mask before she enters Palaestra and admonishes her to "be a Saint Seiya better than anyone else". Yuna's astrology was also taught by her.

Later, he was ordered by Mars to snipe Yuna, but in fact, he only wanted to confirm Yuna's strength and consciousness, and to convey to her the message that Johto Saori was still alive.

He was later spotted and besieged by three Silver Saints on a mission together. At this time, she took off her mask and declared to the three silver saints that "according to the rules of the female saints, anyone who sees her true face will die."

Arrow Saro

Voice Actor: Hiroshi Okamoto

On Sonia's orders, one of the three Silver Saints of Hikari's party snipes, discovers Pavlin's betrayal and besieges her and Yuna.

Arrows can be unleashed to attack opponents.

Reticulos Peroso


Voice Actor: Tsuyoshi Takahashi

One of the three Silver Saints who pursue Hikari's party at Sonia's behest, discovers Pavlin's betrayal and besieges her and Yuna.

Obito Omaz

Voice Actor: Dainon Matsubara

One of the three Silver Saints who snipes Hikari's party at Sonia's orders, discovers Pavlin's betrayal and besieges her and Yuna.

Carved seat Michelangelo

Voice Actor: Toshi Shimada

Appearance: Episode 15

Colossus live

The Silver Saint Fighter, who guards the ruins of the Earth, is able to operate the Golem from afar to attack enemies, and is recognized by Rong Dou and leaves.

Hell Dog

Voiced by: Kenichi Ono

Appearance: Episode 17

Kills: Cerberus Divide, Cerberus Hell Flame, Cerberus Claw, Cerberus Inferno

He is tasked with finding the whereabouts of the Sacred Cloth Restorer Noble Ghost and finding Arya, attacking Hikari and Roshi. He was later defeated by Light Tooth.

Perseid Milfak

Voice Actor: Hideshi Takemoto

Appearance: Episode 19

Killers: Petra Broche, Snake-Haired Demon Head (Ras Al-ghul Gorgonio)

The Medusa Shield, which can be used to petrify the person looking directly at it, petrified Hikari, Yuna, and Rongdou at the Water Relic, and was defeated by Dragon Peak.

Shield Ainead

Voice Actor: Takashi Nagashima

Appearance: Episode 23

Killer: Perfect Square

The Silver Saint Fighters who remained behind at the Tower of Babel, relying on the Holy Cloak with the strongest silver shield, resisted the joint attack of Hikari and Yuna, and were defeated by the increased strength of Cangmo with a "Infant Division Bombardment".

After the Battle of Mars, he was loyal to Athena and had participated in the holy war with the goddess Pallas. To protect a little girl, she was killed by the third-level fighter Thebe.

Shepherd Bayer

Voice Actor: Daifumi Tanaka

Appearance: Episode 24

The Silver Saint Fighter, who was blocking the front of Guangya and the others who rushed to the ruins of thunder, was defeated at the hands of Long Feng.

Bachus Lucea

Voice Actor: Keiriko Fujimaki

The Silver Saint Fighter, who was blocking the front of Guangya and the others who rushed to the ruins of Thunder, was defeated by the hand of Rong Dou.

Moby Dick Menkar

Voice Actor: Kohei Fukuhara

The Silver Saint Warrior, who stood in the way of Hikari and the others rushing to the Ruins of Thunder, was defeated by the combination of Yuna and Cangmo.

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