
Self-prologue | Joshua's Transmission: The Spiritual Life

Self-prologue | Joshua's Transmission: The Spiritual Life

Joshua's Conduction: The Spiritual Life

[Netherlands] by Pamela Kribbe

Translated by Ai Qi Xiaoyue


In this way, the "right" person appeared in the path we were walking in such an easy and magical way that all this is now possible. I'm in awe of that. I am very grateful to Zhang Defen and Guo Yu for introducing "Joshua's Conduction" to readers Chinese mainland. From the responses of Chinese readers, I feel that we are one, and we share common sorrows and joys. We were deeply touched and felt the connection between each other's hearts and minds.

Much of the book, Conduction of Joshua: The Spiritual Life, was translated from Dutch by Aiqi. Aiqi also lives in the Netherlands. The encounter with her was yet another synchronic miracle. We were surprised to see if there was a higher power dominating this matter. We are deeply grateful to AiQi for her dedication and superb translation skills. What she did was not only translating words, but also conveying the spiritual message of Joshua and his mother Mary. Even though I didn't understand Chinese at all, I could feel that she had an intrinsic connection to the conductor that went beyond the literal level.

Many thanks to the publisher of this book, World Book Company Beijing, and especially my editor Huang Xiuli. Our collaboration has been smooth, and we are grateful for Shitu's interest in the book and its efforts to publish it.

Finally (but not unimportantly), I want to thank my husband Gerryt. As I conducted the conduction in the workshop, he sat next to me all the time to give support, to give me a sense of security, just to be "there". Not only during conduction, but also his emotional and spiritual support in our daily lives was priceless to me. Although this book is only my signature, it is actually the crystallization of the heart-to-heart collaboration between the two of us.

Pamela Clipper

October 2012 in the Netherlands

Pamela Manger

——Excerpt from The Conduction of Joshua: The Spiritual Life, by Pamela. Kleber.