
A summary of the roots associated with walking in English

author:Da Cheng said the teacher training

PIE *ked-

Important derived words are: cease, cede, abscess, access, ancestor, concede, decease, exceed, precede, proceed, succeed, necessary

to go, yield proceed, yield cf. Go away > Get out

☆ cede [siːd] vt. Abandonment; cession (territory)

☆ necessary ['nesəs(ə)rɪ] adj. Required n. Necessities

{ ne-, not + -cess-, + -ary, thing/person relating to } cf. Boundary borders; military troops; military personnel

cf. nescience ['nesiəns] n. ignorance; agnosticism

-ced- = go walking (ced is also ceed, cess)

cede, cedere, cessi, cessus 1 V (3rd)

go/pass (from/away); withdraw/retire/leave; step aside/make way; take place of; grant, concede, yield, submit; fall back/to; happen/result; start (period)

<< L. cēdere, to withdraw, go撤回;撤退;走 > ptp. cess ( us )

cf. cess-āre, to leave off停止

[] ~ [i:] ; [t] / [] ~ [] / [z] < 咝音化

[] []

☆ cease [siːs] n. stop vi. Stop; end vt. Stop; End

{cesso, leave off停止 < freq. of cedo, to leave off, go away 走开}

precedent [pri'si:dənt, 'presi-] [pre-, before first, before, ced line, -ent noun suffix, representation, anterior thing, precedent, precedent; (-ent adjective suffix,... of)] first, first

※ -ent, [ < L -ent- (s. of -ens), prp. suffix of conjugations 2, 3, 4]

# pre- < PIE * per 1

precedented ['presidentid, 'pri:-] [see above, -ed adjective suffix,... Of] there is precedent, there is precedent

-ed, (added to nouns) having; possessing; affected by [appended to the noun] means "there is... ";" by... Impact of the "

unprecedented [,ʌn'presidəntid] [un-none, see above] No precedent, unprecedented

precede [pri:'si:d, pri-] [pre-, before, before + -ced-, go line] first, lead, first, first

{word-building suffix English-language anglicization}

☆ foregoer 〖fore-, (of time or rank) before; in advance of (refers to the time or position) before, before

☆ precedent [pri5si:dEnt] n. precedent

preceding [pri'si:diŋ, 'pri:-] [see above, -ing adjective suffix,... of] in the front, in the first

exceed [ik'si:d] [ex-, out, beyond, ceed, "beyond and beyond"] over, over, over, over

Excess [ik'ses, 'ek-, 'ekses, ik's-] [ex-outside, beyond, cess line, "beyond limit"] over, over, too much, too much

excessive [ik'sesiv] [see above, ive adjective suffix,... Of] excessive, excessive, excessive

proceed [prəu'si:d] [pro-forward, ceed line] forward, proceed

procedure [prə'si:dʒə] [pro-forward,ced line,-ure, action or process of noun suffix, table "... Actions or processes "Proceeding process"] Processes, steps, formalities

process ['prəuses, 'prɔ-] [pro-forward, cess line] procedure, process, program

procession [prəu'seʃən] [see above, -ion, action or condition of noun suffix, "~action or state"] proceeds, marching rows, teams

antecedent [,ænti'si:dənt] [ante-, before, before, ced line, -ent adjectives and noun suffixes] antecedent, first; precedent, precedent, antecedent

# ante-, (of time or position) before; in front of (referring to time or location) in... before; at... Front: Ante-room foyer * antenatal prenatal * antedate before birth

# post-, pref prefix (with ns, vs and adjs combined with nouns, verbs and adjectives) after: postgraduate after university; graduate students * post-date late date * Post-Impressionist post-Impressionist artists

antecessor [,ænti'sesə] [ante-first, cess line, -or] forerunner, pioneer

# -or, person or thing that does the person or thing that does the act: actor actor; actor; actor; agent* governor manager * resistor resistor

antecede [,ænti'si:d] [ante-first,ced line] vt. Before ~; better than; in front

successor [sək'sesə] [suc- (< sub-), followed by cess line, -or] successor, successor, successor, heir

succession [sək'seʃən] [suc-supra, cess line, -ion noun suffix] successively, consequentially, inherited, succeeded

# -ion, action or condition of ... Action or State: Confession confession, confession hesitation hesitation competition

successive[sək'sesiv] [see above, -ive adjective suffix,... of] successive, continuous, connected

# -ive, (person or thing) having a tendency to or the quality of having... Tendencies may have... Nature (person or thing): explosive explosive; explosive * captive captured; captive; captive; captive; obsessive * descriptive descriptive depictive

recession [ri'seʃən] [re-in, back, cess line, -ion noun suffix; "back line"] back, back, (economic) recession

recede [ri'si:d] [re-reverse, back, ced line; "go back"] back, back, back, back

retrocede [,retrəu'si:d] [retro-, backward backward, ced line] back, backward

retrocession [,retrəu'seʃən] [retro-backward, cess line, -ion noun suffix] back, retreat, retreat

# retro- [ < L, repr. retro (adv.), backward, back, behind] means "to [after]", "backtrack", "oppositely", "reverse push", "return", etc. Retroactive traces the retrograde retrograde of retro-rocket anti-propulsion rockets

cf. intro-, inward: introvert introvert

intercede [,intə'si:d] [inter-intermediate,... In the middle, ced line; "intervene in it"] intermediary mediation, mediation, intercession, request on behalf of the request

intercession [,intə'seʃən] [inter-intermediate,... Among them, cess line, -ion noun suffix; "intervene in it"] intermediary mediation, mediation, intercession

intercessor [,intə'sesə] [see above, -or] intermediary mediator, mediator, interlocutor

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