
CFHD Champions Cup | Champions Cup Team Interview: AG Team Does Not Forget Its Original Heart, Glory of Each Other

With the end of the Champions Cup on December 11, the AG team broke through, from the loser group all the way to the final, and finally won the championship glory. For such a team that has just won the championship and is the overall champion of the event with the highest CFHD prize money, the mood at this moment should be extremely happy. Today we have the honor to interview the members of the AG team, let's listen to the AG team's journey in the Champions Cup!

CFHD Champions Cup | Champions Cup Team Interview: AG Team Does Not Forget Its Original Heart, Glory of Each Other

Q: What are your thoughts on the 3-2 score predicted by the CFers before the final?

A: Actually, I don't have too many ideas, but I still feel that strength proves everything.

Q: What do you think is in this final. What are the key cores of team success?

A: The important core is cooperation. Because we are united and fighting together, we can win the final victory.

Q: Regarding the defeat of AC on this map in Mid-Levels, do you have any "tricks" against the tactics of the AC team?

A: Actually, we didn't do anything against the AC team tactically, and we thought more about playing our own things well.

CFHD Champions Cup | Champions Cup Team Interview: AG Team Does Not Forget Its Original Heart, Glory of Each Other

Q: Which team do you think will be the strongest opponent you will face in this Champions Cup?

A: We believe that the strongest opponent in the Champions League is the EDG team, and the last picture is also EDG leading all the way, and finally leading by 2 points to narrowly beat EDG.

Q: In this Champions Cup, from the record of total victory to the quarterfinals, to the losers group, will there be any change in your mood?

A: I just feel that we have entered the loser group and there is no way back, so I will take one step at a time and try my best to play every round of my own.

Q: What do you most want to say to your fans after winning the championship?

A: I would most like to say to the fans, thank you for the support of the fans along the way, we will work harder in the next competition!

Q: What do you want to do after winning the championship prize money?

A: I most want to go home for a good New Year.

CFHD Champions Cup | Champions Cup Team Interview: AG Team Does Not Forget Its Original Heart, Glory of Each Other

That's all for the post-Champions Cup interview. Once again, congratulations to Team AG for winning the 2021 Champions Cup!

CFHD Champions Cup | Champions Cup Team Interview: AG Team Does Not Forget Its Original Heart, Glory of Each Other

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