
Alonso and Brundel believe Verstappen and Hamilton can share the F1 world championship

Alonso and Brundel believe Verstappen and Hamilton can share the F1 world championship

Verstappen and Hamilton share the world championship

Former F1 driver and now TV commentator Martin Blunder suggested that Verstappen and Hamilton could share this year's world championship, which would calm the public opinion and discussion of the rules about the Abu Dhabi Grand Prix, which would also be an acceptable outcome for both drivers.

Brundell was first and foremost very sure of Verstappen's world champion. "He certainly deserves it, he leads 652 laps this season, more than Lewis's 303 laps. He was a points leader in 15 of his 22 races, including the last seven. His 10 wins were also higher than Lewis's 8, and the number of podiums also led 18-17. ”

"On the way to becoming champions, Verstappen sometimes had bad luck, but in the last mile his luck came."

Hamilton deserves a title

The point of contention was on Massy in the final safety car stage of the race, as his decision, which at the time appeared to be a violation of FIA regulations, caused strong resentment from Mercedes. Of course, Mercedes' protest was rejected, and the rules were also explained in detail. They also have the opportunity to appeal.

In Brundel's view, even if Mercedes appeals, the chances of overturning the game are very small. Because the FIA can't take back Verstappen a few days after he became world champion.

In this case, perhaps "sharing the championship" is an option that can satisfy both parties.

"Lewis also deserves to win an eighth world title and I sincerely hope they can share that title."

'His speed, stability, determination, style and willpower, especially at the end of the season, are outstanding."

"The last few laps in Abu Dhabi were not the best moments of the sport. Some things have to change this winter, and our fans must be confused. ”

Alonso: Share the trophy

Alonso is also a supporter for sharing the title.

"If you look at the performances of all 22 races, like I said before, both should be world champions. I think it would be the most correct decision this year if I could split the trophy in two, and both of them are really outstanding. ”

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