
Broken, finally broken! Curry officially became the NBA three-point king, but he is not insurmountable?

Man is a very strange animal, and when you know that day will come and you don't know exactly when it will come, most people feel anxious, just like Curry since December, the root of anxiety is uncertainty.

But when the day comes, it's not as anxious as before, because certainty has emerged.

Broken, finally broken! Curry officially became the NBA three-point king, but he is not insurmountable?

Today's Curry may be like us on the day of the college entrance examination, the week before the college entrance examination is the most anxious day for the students of the middle school to study hard for more than ten years, and it is really the day when the pen is on the battlefield, but there is no those obscure emotions. Because it is all today, it is also a certainty that there is no way to retreat.

Man is, after all, an animal in pursuit of certainty.

Curry's certainty is even greater: The Pacers are only two three-pointers left to overtake Ray Allen yesterday, and no one doubts that the record will be made today.

Sure enough, less than 1 minute into the opening game, he scored the first three-pointer to tie Ray Allen; three minutes later, the second three-pointer officially surpassed Ray Allen and became the NBA three-point king.

Broken, finally broken! Curry officially became the NBA three-point king, but he is not insurmountable?

In Madison Square Garden, the temple of basketball that has witnessed countless great moments of the sages, Curry only took 4 and a half minutes to let everyone's heart fall to the ground.

This moment contains excitement, excitement and greatness, but also tears, blood and sweat, and at the same time a trace of weirdness.

Weirdness comes from confusion and distortion – distortions of real-world facts and the fans' shared imagination. In the real world, Curry did not officially reach the top until today after playing 4 and a half points in the first quarter, but in the hearts of some fans, Curry has long been crowned king, and even formed a grand resonance and common imagination.

Broken, finally broken! Curry officially became the NBA three-point king, but he is not insurmountable?

This is also the greatness of Curry, because everyone expected this day to come, so the imaginary flow of time exceeded reality.

But Curry is not like the chosen son, who started out as a superstar. He's not James, he's not Durant, he's a emaciated guard from Davidson University who has finished his junior year.

Broken, finally broken! Curry officially became the NBA three-point king, but he is not insurmountable?

He was 21 years old when he entered the NBA, and the disadvantage was almost visible to the naked eye. Athleticism, body shape, arm span, lateral speed are not top-notch, confrontation and defense are completely sieve, three points are good, but too dependent on shooting at that time in the context of the "yellow and green domination" era, it seems to be a soft performance.

So no one would have imagined that the Warriors, who picked up the rookie with the 7th pick at the time, would become the top figure in the league pyramid. Especially when the ankle injury was like a maggot of the tarsal bone, when he fell down in his third year as a rookie, "Glass Man" was the label most closely related to Curry.

If the news of the Warriors' interception of Huniks was taken out at that time, would the Warriors still receive today's "bright-eyed" evaluations?

Broken, finally broken! Curry officially became the NBA three-point king, but he is not insurmountable?

Two of them, everyone has a scale in their hearts. The taste is not enough for outsiders.

But it was after that year that Curry increased his average three-point shooting per game from 4.7 to 7.7, averaging three-point shots per game, total single-season hits, season-long three-point records, and third-place in the league in three-point shooting.

Curry shot a total of 272 three-pointers that year, leaving second-placed Ryan Anderson close to 60, surpassing ray Allen's total shooting numbers in any season of his career.

Broken, finally broken! Curry officially became the NBA three-point king, but he is not insurmountable?

Tonghua Wanli Danshan Road, young Feng Qing yu old fengsheng. This adage could not have been more appropriate at the time.

The wind rises at the end of Qingping, but when the wind rises, no one often knows that the wind is coming. Curry knocked on the door of the three-point era, but still no one believed it, after all, "shooting can't win the championship" was the iron law of the time, as evidenced by the Warriors' playoff journey in 13 and 14.

But those doubts disappeared a year later, and Curry shot 286 three-pointers with 44.3 percent shooting in 15 years, reaching 300, and no one doubted that he would eventually break the 300 mark.

Broken, finally broken! Curry officially became the NBA three-point king, but he is not insurmountable?

More importantly, he took the Warriors to lift that year's championship. In competitive sports, there is no better way to prove it than to win.

In recent years, the world trend has been turbulent, often reminding me of Mr. Liang Qichao's question in "Li Hongzhang": Is it the hero who creates the situation or the situation that creates the hero?

This question is worth pondering in all walks of life, as well as in basketball. Was it the three-point era that made Curry, or did Curry personally open this three-point era?

Broken, finally broken! Curry officially became the NBA three-point king, but he is not insurmountable?

There may have been multiple answers to this question 16 years ago, but Curry ended it completely with a season of 402 three-pointers and a unanimous MVP in 16 years. He raised the 300 three-pointers that countless people expected in a single season to a completely unprecedented standard - 400!

At that moment, everyone knew in their hearts that all the three-point records would be Curry's. Whoever ends on the three-point road is empty at first sight.

It is precisely because of these details that Curry's "three-point crown" appears more vivid.

Stephen Curry changed the basic laws and operation of the game of basketball, he used his own personal experience to tell those small players who have basketball dreams, you can play like this, you have another way, play your longboard to the extreme can also stand on the highest stage and even reach the top.

Broken, finally broken! Curry officially became the NBA three-point king, but he is not insurmountable?

Language has power, but the power of language is hardly worth a role model proven by action, and Curry is such an example. He planted a seed in the hearts of countless children, most of which will fall silent, but there will always be some roots and blossoms.

This is the greatest significance.

In the end, I don't think Curry's record is insurmountable.

Curry broke Ray Allen's record of 1300 games with 789 games, of course, there are factors in Curry's ability to go against the sky, but it also takes advantage of the time.

Broken, finally broken! Curry officially became the NBA three-point king, but he is not insurmountable?

The so-called day is Allen's era, averaging seven or eight three-point shots per game is already a deviant move, but Curry then made it commonplace, and now the three-pointers often have to shoot more than 10 three-pointers, how many years can Curry play?

As soon as the little guys enter the league, they will stand in this three-point era, relative to Curry, equivalent to him against Ray Allen and Miller.

And the future is always a super-set of history, and the historical record is placed there waiting to be broken. Just like the seemingly unattainable three-double record and three-point record of that year, there is always a generation of new people replacing the old, and there is always a generation of new people who become old.

But in any case, Curry is the king of the third of this era.

Broken, finally broken! Curry officially became the NBA three-point king, but he is not insurmountable?

Spring breeze triumphant horseshoe disease, a day to see all the Chang'an flowers! Congratulations to Curry for becoming the all-time three-point king in NBA history!

Thanks for reading it all!

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