
In love, women must master the "cat abandonment effect" and let men stay away

In love, it does not matter who pays to whom, nor does it care who loves whom, but whether they trust each other, which is enough.

In love, is it necessary to give your love with all your blood? This is a very thought-provoking question.

Many people say that love is to pay for each other unconditionally, which is the performance of loving each other; but some people say that love must know how to "relax and have a degree", and cannot pay unconditionally for each other, because such love seems too cheap.

Do you know the "cat abandonment effect"? Some say that when a cat that has been abandoned, picked up again, or taken home by a new owner, will not be as wanton as before.

In the new home, they will not behave as mischievously as before, but will carefully crouch to the side to observe the face of their owners.

In love, women must master the "cat abandonment effect" and let men stay away

There is also a "cat abandonment effect" in love, perhaps in a relationship you continue to pay for the other party, can not make the other party love you more.

Because they think this is a very normal thing, they naturally do not take you to heart, but if you grasp the "cat abandonment effect" in the relationship, then the relationship may have a different state.

Men are more complacent, always think that women should naturally revolve around men, and there will be a subconscious arrogance in their hearts.

Therefore, for women, in love, if you want men to be more attentive to you and more dependent, you must learn the "cat abandonment effect".

Learning to properly "abandon" a man can make him cherish you even more

In fact, it is not difficult for us to find in life that many feelings seem to be unequal, because in this relationship, it seems that women are constantly paying for each other, and men are naturally enjoying all this and are not willing to pay for women at all.

In love, women must master the "cat abandonment effect" and let men stay away

Over time, the gap between two people will become larger and larger, and men will accept women's goodness.

As long as women can't do it in place, men will be dissatisfied, and even speak ill of each other.

This asymmetrical relationship becomes more and more deformed unconsciously.

If a woman thinks that being good to a man all the time is the way to manage the relationship, then it is a big mistake.

Because men are often people who don't know how to cherish, if you give unconditionally in your relationship, then they will not love you more and more because of your efforts.

On the contrary, they will think that this is their charm, so that you can give unconditionally, and in the long run, their attitude towards you will become more and more cold, and the relationship will tend to be broken.

But if you can "abandon" the man in time at this time, keep a good distance from him, or even disconnect for a while, then he can react to his love for you in this gap where he is snubbed by you.

In love, women must master the "cat abandonment effect" and let men stay away

Only when they are "abandoned" like cats do they know how to cherish everything before, and when you reconcile again, you can feel that the man seems to be different from before, he is more and more gentle with you, and he has become more and more serious about this relationship.

So when you find that the feelings of two people begin to become unequal, mastering the "cat abandonment effect" can make the other party cherish you more.

Learning to be "cold" to a man appropriately can make him inseparable from you

Two people in the relationship is not only the emotional sustenance, but also the partner who lives together.

Attentive women can often do a good job in a "virtuous helper" role, when the man is busy for a day, make a delicious meal for him, or take care of everything in the house for him, tidy up the house, wash his clothes, in fact, the woman's efforts have long been subtly into the man's life, but the man can not detect.

In love, women must master the "cat abandonment effect" and let men stay away

But when the relationship is deadlocked, the man will feel as if he doesn't love you so much, and you seem to be dispensable to him.

So at this time, you have to master the "cat abandonment effect", snub him or even disappear in his life for a while.

At this time, the man will find that after you leave his life, his entire life state has undergone earth-shaking changes.

In the morning, no one gets up early to make breakfast for him, hot milk, there are fewer people in life who are booing and asking for warmth, and no one listens to his nagging for a day of unpleasantness at night.

He will find that he has long been accustomed to the life of having you, and your departure is to make him realize this, so when he loses and regains, he will realize that he can no longer live without you, so he will also pay more attention to the relationship.

In love, women must master the "cat abandonment effect" and let men stay away

Emotional Classroom:

Every relationship can't be stable or sweet from beginning to end, and feelings are inherently complex.

So in the process of running this relationship with each other, there will be a trough moment.

Many women become helpless after falling into such a trough, they desperately want to pull men out of this trough, so they constantly show kindness to men, but men do not love you more because of this good.

Don't panic when you encounter a low, it is easy to let the relationship fall into a deeper predicament.

At this time, you must also learn some careful machines, mastering the "cat abandonment effect" can just save this relationship in crisis, so that men can love you more and cherish this relationship more.