
ZOL Recommendation Awards | OriginOS Ocean won for its easy-to-use interactions

As the leading technology portal for the Chinese Internet, the professional editors of Zhongguancun Online (ZOL) in 2021 have carefully selected the best things to recognize the excellent products of the year. Each selection is the industry's top goods, each nomination represents the "treasure" quality, ZOL Recommendation Award, to help you take fewer detours, directly to the high quality of life.

Product Name: OriginOS Ocean

Reason for the award: One year after the official release of OriginOS in 2020, this user-praised operating system has also ushered in a new upgraded version - OriginOS Ocean. It adopts a new architecture system, which brings a big leap in function and visual effects. The entire unlock module is made up of several rectangles of different sizes, integrating more functions into the lock screen, such as a caring personal butler.

At the same time, the ease of use of the system is the most commendable. For example, on the unlock page, OriginOS Ocean integrates a variety of software convenient opening methods, you can quickly find the application you want while unlocking; in addition to our commonly used camera, music, entertainment software, but also intimately integrate common functions such as health code, ride code, payment code, scan and so on, which increases the convenience while humanizing.

Population positioning analysis:

OriginOS Ocean is an operating system that brings users a humanized experience with its extremely easy-to-use operation experience and more detailed functions. If you're thinking about replacing a new machine, the vivo lineup that's about to be fully equipped with OriginOS Ocean will be a good choice.

Carefully selected, really starting from the quality, Zhongguancun online annual recommendation, 2021 can not miss the purchase reference.


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