
Listen to my advice: "carbon cycle" such a high-level game, ordinary people lose weight do not try

Weight loss has always been a hot topic, low-carbon diet, ketogenic diet, intermittent eating... A variety of weight loss diets are emerging. A while ago, someone asked:

Ever heard of "carbon cycle diet"? I heard that you can accelerate fat loss, really?

Fitness people may have heard of the "carbon cycle," but for most people, the term is relatively unfamiliar.

Many articles on the Internet about carbon cycle diets will link it to weight loss. Can it lose weight in the end? Is it right for you? Find out today.

Listen to my advice: "carbon cycle" such a high-level game, ordinary people lose weight do not try

There is no formal definition of carbon cycle diet, which is simply a dietary method that crosses ingestion between a high-carbon diet and a low-carbon water diet.

Professional endurance athletes such as triathlons, rowing, marathons, etc., or bodybuilders sometimes use this diet to optimize energy use and improve athletic performance.

In general, it is to increase the intake of carbohydrate on the training day and reduce the intake of carbohydrate on non-training days.

This way of eating may "train" the body to use carbohydrates for quick energy during exercise; control carbohydrate intake on non-training days, consume excess glycogen stores, promote fat burning, and help control weight.

Listen to my advice: "carbon cycle" such a high-level game, ordinary people lose weight do not try

However, a carbon-cycle diet can also have a negative impact on athletic performance. The carbon cycle also affects the physical recovery of athletes, as carbohydrates, as the first source of energy, are the main fuel for endurance and high-intensity exercise.

Therefore, even for professional athletes, the effect of the carbon cycle cannot be guaranteed.

Some studies have shown that restricting carbohydrate intake can lead to limited muscle protein synthesis, even if protein intake is adequate.

Therefore, unless there is a professional team that customizes the precision diet plan for athletes during the competition period and adjusts the ratio of the three major nutrients at the same time, in most cases, the carbon cycle diet is rarely used.

Listen to my advice: "carbon cycle" such a high-level game, ordinary people lose weight do not try

Nowadays, there are also many people who use carbon cycle diets to lose weight. They increase carbs on fitness days and reduce or avoid carbohydrate intake when they are not working out.

When it comes to results, the carbon cycle is only effective for some people to lose weight. note! Here we are talking about "weight loss", not "weight loss" or "fat loss".

Many bloggers claim to have lost weight after using the carbon cycle. It's not that they lied to you, but the weight loss isn't necessarily all the credit for the carbon cycle, and it's not necessarily fat that's lost.

Listen to my advice: "carbon cycle" such a high-level game, ordinary people lose weight do not try

The topic of the "carbon cycle" on social media is popular

There are two possible causes of weight loss:

1. Loss of water and muscle content, resulting in weight loss

2. The carbon cycle also increases the amount of exercise. If exercise creates a calorie gap, it can lead to weight loss.

But is it really effective for fat loss? Not necessarily.

Reduced carbohydrate intake will lead to a decrease in physical strength, lack of motivation to exercise, in low-carbon or carbon-free days, naturally will reduce the amount of daily exercise, such as the original choice to take the stairs, because of the lack of energy to choose to take the elevator.

Listen to my advice: "carbon cycle" such a high-level game, ordinary people lose weight do not try

Exercise is essential for fat loss and weight maintenance. Therefore, using carbon cycles to reduce fat is not a long-term solution. There is currently no scientific evidence that it can help with fat loss.

Listen to my advice: "carbon cycle" such a high-level game, ordinary people lose weight do not try

Long-term low-carb water and carb-free diets can lead to deficiencies in a variety of nutrients, such as thiamine, folic acid, vitamins A, E, B6, calcium, iron, potassium, and dietary fiber.

Most people do not see the effect of fat loss, but there are many health problems, such as hair loss, headaches, bad breath, fatigue, low blood sugar, difficulty concentrating, mood changes, digestive problems and other issues.

Listen to my advice: "carbon cycle" such a high-level game, ordinary people lose weight do not try

▲ A blogger shared her carbon cycle experience

Listen to my advice: "carbon cycle" such a high-level game, ordinary people lose weight do not try

Inadequate carbohydrate intake can affect blood sugar levels, water balance, electrolyte balance, and metabolic health. The following people are not recommended to try a carbon cycle diet:


Prone to hypoglycemia

Have intestinal problems

People who exercise regularly with high intensity

Many people are full of hatred and fear of carbs, and flock to the "low-carbon water" diet; when nutritionists advise everyone not to be afraid of carbs, they will also attract their protests.

Carbohydrates are not a food, but a large class of foods, and they are good and bad.

Listen to my advice: "carbon cycle" such a high-level game, ordinary people lose weight do not try

There are three types of carbohydrates: sugar, starch, and dietary fiber. What exactly is "sugar"?

● Sugar is a simple carbohydrate. It is added to foods such as candy, desserts, processed foods, sugary drinks. These foods rise in sugar quickly and can easily lead to obesity, so you should eat less of these foods.

● Starch is a relatively complex carbohydrate. The carbohydrate contained in foods such as rice, noodles, potatoes, and breakfast cereal is mainly starch. The body breaks down starch into sugar for energy. Starchy foods can also raise blood sugar, and eating too much can also lead to weight gain.

● Dietary fiber is complex carbohydrates. The body can't break down most of the fiber, it increases satiety, optimizes gut health, and lowers blood sugar and cholesterol levels.

If you want to reduce fat by controlling carb intake, just adjust the amount and type of daily carb food, and do not need to remove all carbs. For example, choose foods rich in dietary fiber such as whole grains and beans, and replace low-nutrient carb foods such as biscuits and cakes with natural fruits and nuts.

Listen to my advice: "carbon cycle" such a high-level game, ordinary people lose weight do not try

When you go out to dinner, do you eat staple foods? Are you particularly wary of carbohydrates?


[1] D'Anci KE, Watts KL, Kanarek RB, Taylor HA. Low-carbohydrate weight-loss diets. Effects on cognition and mood. Appetite. 2009;52(1):96-103.

[2] Wylie-Rosett J, Aebersold K, Conlon B, Isasi CR, Ostrovsky NW. Health effects of low-carbohydrate diets: where should new research go? Curr Diab Rep. 2013;13(2):271-278.

[3] Hall KD, Kahan S. Maintenance of Lost Weight and Long-Term Management of Obesity.Med Clin North Am. 2018;102(1):183-197. doi:10.1016/j.mcna.2017.08.012

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