
Selected poems of Liu Guoxi

About the Author

Liu Guoxi was a former middle school Chinese teacher. He is currently working at Chaoyang Radio and Television Station, chief editor. He is a member of Liaoning Writers Association. Poems, essays, novels, reportages, etc. are scattered in newspapers and online platforms such as "Star Literature", "Literary Monthly", "Speed Reading", "Liaoning Workers' Daily", "Chaoyang Daily", "Baicheng CPPCC Daily", "Liaoning West Literature" and so on. His works have won the first prize of Chaoyang City's 70th Anniversary of the Founding of the People's Republic of China essay and Chaoyang City's poverty alleviation essay.

Selected poems of Liu Guoxi

Five absolute

Deng summer palace Buddha Xiang Pavilion (new rhyme)

Raise your hand to pick the stars and the moon, and throw your feet into the water clouds.

The mountains and rivers are small, and the body can be in the dust.

The old man walked

The wind was cool from last night, and the falling leaves moved the west window.

The old friend returned to his heart, and xiaoxing stepped on the white frost.

Spring painting

Overnight the east wind passed, and the glacier opened up.

The willow buds are tender on the embankment, and the birds on the surface of the water are wandering.

Flower viewing

Purple sky, red dazzling clouds.

All boast of good colors, who read flowers people.

Seven absolutes

Don't love the rivers and lakes love the vegetable garden (new rhyme)

The sword was pressed against Xuan, and the wolf was caught and the tiger stepped on the forest mountain.

Now learn to be Peng Zele, do not love the rivers and lakes love the vegetable garden.

Autumn flowers

The banana flowers stand on their own, and the color of the branches has withered.

Turning to the corner of the wall, a tree of chrysanthemums is budding.

Snow Three Songs (New Rhyme)


Manriyama Manrihaku, the deceased Snow Uta-uta.

Three glasses of green ant new wine, two plum poems embroidered.


The snow spread out ten thousand feet, daring to hold a bamboo stick to make a madness.

Passers-by are surprised by the mountain people, and there are flowers and large characters under their feet.


The silver flowers are dancing in a long way, and the people in the spirit are broken.

Looking at the window of the sea building to listen to the snow, we called each other into the apricot blossom village.

Bamboo Plum Sai Youfu (New Rhyme)

On the three-pole photocopy desk, a tree incense invaded the ink.

Ten thousand scrolls of ancient and modern are filled with four walls, and the two kings are guests of the moon and the wind.

Five laws

Mourning Yuan Longping

XunYe is heavy, and Ze is deeply rooted in future generations.

Gong Gao follows the fu opera, and Dao Jin compares to Yao Lin.

Committed to livelihood, love the hearts of the people.

The superstar fell from the que, flowing with dazzling gold.

Fence Garden After rain (new rhyme)

After the rain in the hedge garden, the scenery is immediately new.

Tender buds are shy, and delicate butterflies are drunk with anger.

Cucumbers are two inches thick and beans are three points fatter.

Put the wine vine down, and insist on two gold.

Summer with Endowment (New Rhyme)

The summer solstice is in the sky, and the heat is hot for two consecutive years.

The heart listens to the green water, and the room is silent and chirps.

The guest is full of breeze, and the chess is elegant and interesting.

Surrounded by no vulgar things, calm and idle.

Seven laws

White-haired Nakawaku Tataku (new rhyme)

He once ridiculed the old river and laughed at the remnants of the Huangchao Emperor.

The sword is bold and thinks of running a thousand horses, and the qin mood sends thousands of wind kites.

The teenager's spirit is narrow, and the white hair is medium and wide.

In the dream, Xin met with Zhuangzi and flew into the clouds.

Poetry (New Rhyme)

Even if you can read the five car chapters, the wrong meeting will be in vain.

The realm has not been opened and written, and the spirit is not seen and not publicized.

After the White Cloud Yellow Crane inscription building, the sleeve hand poetry immortal made a shameful speech.

A spring river flower moon night, if the void to build a peak.

Selected poems of Liu Guoxi

Word (new rhyme)

There are traces of the dprk and the central region

There are traces of spring in the homeland, found in the east of the ancient city. Hundreds of birds play in the water, calling friends to accompany the mooing.

Grass buds arched, willow head smoke cage, purple swallow soaring in the air. Stranger to whose family is young? A turn of hairband fluttering red.

Linjiang Xian celebrates her mother's eightieth birthday

The old mother's birthday is full of joy and auspiciousness on her eightieth birthday. It's a good time to fall. Hao tian flows with color, and the earth valley is fragrant.

In the past, the days of hardship and hardship were difficult, and now the fragrance of Lan Gui wafted. People accumulate good luck and well-being. A heavy toast, De Yi long.

The water tune song head commemorates Mao Zedong

The earth, mountains and rivers are broken, and the people are not happy. Shaoshan Xiawei dragon leap, red sun shining brightly. In the autumn of the uprising, the heavenly generals of the divine soldiers were deployed, wielding swords and dancing long wisps. Five battles Kong Mingbai, four crossings of the run.

Ke Zunyi, talking about Chongqing, occupying Nanjing. The republic was established, and the land of China was reborn. Pointing out the country and the mountains, the words are shocking, and the world is majestic. Who is comparable? Greatness belongs to Zedong.

Little Heavy Mountain Listen to the rhymes of spring

Once the east wind is over. Fanghua Bo is far away, and the blue is boundless. Willows danced in unison. Peach blossom rain, whispering dark incense invaded.

Beautiful scenery. Tasha line is just right, less acquaintance. The small bridge flows with water to play the jiaoqin. Bo Ya rhymes, and sudden frustration will be my heart.

Jiang Chengzi Chongyang sense of giving two songs

After the Mid-Autumn Festival, there is a heavy sun, look at the maple frost, and enjoy the chrysanthemum. The geese flew south, and the earth was full of sky. Climb to the top and look at the yue small, open your mouth to sing, drunk sunset.

Half a life of everything is hot and cold, stepping on the mountains, the heavier the ocean. The sky is shining, but the sideburns are frosted. Still incorruptible and affectionate, still able to eat? Dancing knife gun.

Xi JiangYue mourns Daming

Mo Dao is not a merit, Hugh said that it is easy to be crazy. I respect this skill, and I have a little courage.

Once famous, the city is full of scenery. Sigh this smoke into the slanting sun, drama life dissipated!

Note: Daming, real name Lou Yuge. Before his death, he was the host of Chaoyang People's Radio and the director of Chaoyang County 104 Long Book Channel.

Editorial Release: Zhang Yupeng

Author: Liu Guoxi

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