
LGD Official Announcement: Coach X1ri joins

【LGD. LOL Branch Personnel Change Announcement】

We are very pleased to officially announce that former TT Coach Su Zehao (ID: X1ri) has officially joined the LGD League of Legends Division Coaching Staff as the LOL Division Coach and competes with us for the new season.

From LDL to LPL, Coach Su Zehao shared his accumulated experience with the players, led the players to fight all the way, grew rapidly, and led the team to win the second place in the LDL and the runner-up in the professional group of the NESO event. The 7-year League of Legends career has given Coach Su Zehao a wealth of coaching experience and a rigorous working attitude. At the 2020 All-Star Ceremony, Coach Su Zehao won the title of The Best Youth Coach of the Year in 2020, and his strength is obvious to all.

During his coaching period, he grew up with the players, advanced and retreated together, was a coach recognized and trusted by the players, and also a big parent who helped the players adjust their mentality and relieve pressure.

I believe that the addition of Coach Su Zehao will inject new vitality into the team, move forward with us, and lead the team to write a new chapter in the new season.

Wait for the cold winter to go, and go to the spring and the day together. In the new season, we walk hand in hand!

Welcome, Coach Su Zehao!

LGD Official Announcement: Coach X1ri joins

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