
KD hopes Irving will return soon! Team 7 grab Lakers Tucker! Warrior Knicks ticket prices start at $2,600

On December 14, Beijing time, the NBA's game today has ended, and western favorite teams such as the Warriors, Rockets and Nuggets have won the game and played a good performance. In addition to the game, just today, the league has 3 important news out, below, the author for everyone to take stock one by one. First, according to NBA reporters, Durant and Nash and others are very welcome to Irving's return and rush to the championship together, and their frequent speech seems to be putting pressure on nets boss Cai. Second, according to US media reports, there are currently 7 teams interested in trading the Lakers' little Tucker, and it seems that Tucker is a more valuable young star for the Lakers at present. Third, the game between the Warriors and the Knicks, the ticket price has reached the sky-high price, and the lowest price is close to 2600 yuan.

KD hopes Irving will return soon! Team 7 grab Lakers Tucker! Warrior Knicks ticket prices start at $2,600

First, Durant Nash and others expressed their stance: I hope Irving will return to the championship as soon as possible

The Nets did well in the 21-22 season, and as expected, the Nets finished first in the East. In the past two days, there has been a sudden increase in news about Owen, basically about Owen's return. According to fame Shams, Irving could return to the Nets this season.

Just today, reporter Shams revealed more news in the podcast show, it is reported that the current Nets have reached an agreement, all hope that Irving will return, the players are represented by Durant, and the coaching staff is led by Nash, they have expressed their attitude, hoping that Irving can return as soon as possible and compete for the championship with everyone.

KD hopes Irving will return soon! Team 7 grab Lakers Tucker! Warrior Knicks ticket prices start at $2,600

Players and coaches alike are hoping Irving will get back in the starting lineup as soon as possible, and the players on the roster are hoping for Irving to return, including management, but it is not yet known whether the Nets will open the door for Irving. With Irving, the Nets are closer to the championship, and the news I get is that Durant is hoping for Irving to return."

Irving is not vaccinated and, according to the regulations, he cannot play home games, but can play away games. However, in the end, Boss Cai decided at the beginning of the season to ban Irving and not let him play any game. Today, the Nets are very united within the Nets, all hope that Irving can come back, even if Boss Cai is unwilling, the players and coaching staff, management all want Irving to play, and the Nets boss may compromise. Now, the possibility of Irving playing this season is still relatively large.

Second, the US media exposed that 7 teams began to rob Tucker Jr

KD hopes Irving will return soon! Team 7 grab Lakers Tucker! Warrior Knicks ticket prices start at $2,600

The Lakers' performance this season can not be said to be very bad, but it is definitely not a top strong team, at least from the current point of view, the Lakers are not the favorite to compete for the championship, and there are too many teams such as the Warriors, Nets and Bucks. However, the Biggest Advantage of the Lakers is that there is James, the old Zhan can still cut 30 points and triple-doubles at the age of 37, he can create more miracles, if James finally leads the team to the Finals, it is estimated that it will not be surprising.

As the trading deadline approaches, more and more trading rumors are coming out. According to US media reports, there are already 7 teams playing the lakers' idea of Tucker Jr., wanting to get him, and these teams are ready to grab people. If the Lakers' performance still doesn't improve before February this year, Pelinka is likely to start a trade to change the lineup. Tucker Jr. is a valuable young player among the lakers' players at present, averaging 11.3 points, 4.5 rebounds and 2.9 assists per game, and if he takes some first-round draft picks, he may also get a star with strong combat strength.

Interestingly, Kuzma also commented on tucker, "You guys are here again." It seems to be implying that this is a deliberate message released by the Lakers to increase the value of Tucker Jr.'s transaction, is this a sign that Tucker Jr. may leave the team?

Third, the Warriors Knicks game sky-high tickets: the minimum is close to 2600 yuan

In today's Game between the Warriors and the Pacers, Curry still failed to break Ray Allen's record, he hit 5 three-pointers, and 2 three-pointers were just away from officially surpassing Ray Allen. And the next Game between the Warriors and the Knicks is wonderful, the world is watching Curry break the record, it is not difficult, maybe the first quarter will complete this great achievement.

It is reported that at madison Square Garden Stadium, there will be a great spectator, he is Ray Allen. When Curry is officially crowned three-point king, Ray Allen should also give Curry a hug.

KD hopes Irving will return soon! Team 7 grab Lakers Tucker! Warrior Knicks ticket prices start at $2,600

However, the ticket price of this game has deterred many fans, and it is indeed difficult for the group with low income to pay such a high price. According to reports, the Knicks home tickets have been swept away, and the cheapest ticket price is $405, equivalent to about 2577 yuan, close to 2600 yuan. The location is at the farthest end of the pitch and may not even be visible to the players. Curry's pressure may also be very large, if even 2 three-pointers can not shoot, the fans will be very disappointed, it is estimated that Curry will also be subject to a lot of criticism and questioning.

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