
Wang Fengxian: A good descendant of Hippocrates in the East

author:Jinzhou Political Science and Law

Shouldering the responsibilities that should be shouldered is the spiritual style and lofty realm of contemporary Chinese communists. Cadres who dare to take responsibility for their deeds are not only political character, but also their duty in politics. Looking back at the glorious course of the Communist Party of China, whether it is the years of revolutionary war, the period of socialist construction, or since the beginning of reform and opening up, historical responsibility has always been the political essence of our party. Since the Eighteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping has made many important speeches and expositions, and has always taken responsibility as a requirement throughout all aspects of economic development, poverty alleviation, risk prevention and control, strict management of the party, and selection and employment of personnel. In May 2018, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China issued the "Opinions on Further Encouraging the Vast Number of Cadres to Take On New Responsibilities and New Deeds in the New Era", and the provincial and municipal party committees have successively issued and implemented documents, clearly putting forward the requirements for the majority of cadres to take responsibility and actively encourage the majority of cadres to dare to take responsibility and have the courage to act. At the beginning of this year, the city printed the "Excerpts from Xi Jinping's Discourse on the Courage of Party Cadres to Take Responsibility", and through the cadre lecture hall, the city's party members and cadres were educated as responsibilities, and efforts were made to create a strong atmosphere of courage, willingness, courage and good deeds in the city. For some time, under the guidance of the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech, under the encouragement of the central and provincial and municipal party committee documents, a group of grassroots party members and cadres who dare to take responsibility in the new era have emerged on the main battlefields of rural construction, poverty alleviation, urban construction, and stability maintenance that promote the revitalization and development of our city. All-round revitalization and unremitting efforts.

Wang Fengxian: A good descendant of Hippocrates in the East

"Positioning the coordinates of life where the motherland and the people need it most can we not be an angel in white."

- Protagonist language

50 years of life ups and downs, 26 years of medical career, tempered her noble medical ethics and superb medical skills. The patient who succumbed to the disease encountered her, as if the light breeze in the summer, lifted her spirits, and regained the courage to live...

This is Wang Fengxian, director of the Department of Infectious Diseases of Jinzhou Central Hospital, chief physician, and liver disease specialist.

Hepatology Professional Committee Member of Chinese Research Hospital Association, Director of Liaoning Provincial Alliance of Beijing Asia-Pacific Liver Disease Diagnosis and Treatment Technology Alliance, Member of Liaoning Provincial Association of Integrative Infectious Diseases, Expert of Jinzhou Medical Malpractice Technical Appraisal Group, Expert of Jinzhou Hospital Infection Quality Control Center, First Basic Academic and Technical Leader of Jinzhou City... Through these dozens of professional titles, it is enough to glimpse Wang Fengxian's achievements and achievements in practicing medicine, and it is also enough to make people look at it.

Wang Fengxian: A good descendant of Hippocrates in the East

"Those who want to practice medicine in the world in ancient and modern times must first cure their bodies; those who want to cure their bodies must first straighten out their hearts; those who want to straighten out their hearts must first be sincere in their intentions and refined their skills." This can be described as the benevolence of the healer. ”

Benevolence is the foundation of responsibility and the foundation of action.

To support Qinghai, Wang Fengxian took the initiative to sign up and became the first batch of internal medicine resident doctors of Jinzhou Central Hospital to go to Qinghai Medical Team. She said: "I think that people should reflect their own value when they are alive, and they can't do nothing, this is a good opportunity to exercise themselves..." When Wang Fengxian told her family about this decision, her parents strongly supported her, but the children did not understand. Did you know that her son was in the second year of junior high school in the eighth middle school and was immediately facing the middle school entrance examination? Knowing that his mother was going to go to the northwest, his son's first words were: "Mom, do you think it is appropriate to leave me at such a critical time?" Her son's words made Wang Fengxian feel very uncomfortable in her heart, and between responsibility and family affection, she resolutely chose the former. Before leaving, her son went to the station to send her, and he had never hugged his mother's son since he was a child, and he embraced her with tears for the first time. The sensible son told his mother: "When you are not around, I will study harder." ”

With tears in her eyes, Wang Fengxian boarded the medical aid train.

Wang Fengxian: A good descendant of Hippocrates in the East

Tongde County in Qinghai Province in April is still cold, with an average temperature of 6°C. Altitude sickness at an altitude of more than 3100 meters, physical discomfort caused by lack of oxygen, medical team members from time to time nose bleeding, dizziness, chest tightness. When I first got there, I couldn't laugh, I was short of breath when I smiled, and I didn't even dare to walk and run fast. The boiling point on the plateau is more than 80 degrees Celsius, the water is boiling, but the meal is not very cooked, and it tastes like chewing wax. The ultraviolet rays there were very strong, and after a few days, Wang Fengxian had peeled off their skin on their faces.

The weather is unpredictable. On the third day of arriving in Qinghai, Yushu earthquake occurred.

Some members of the medical team went to Yushu to relieve the disaster, and Wang Fengxian threw herself into the work of Tongde County Hospital with the fastest speed and the best state.

The medical technology in Tongde is weak, the working environment is poor, needless to say, the local diseases are very mixed, and there are many infectious diseases. Hepatitis, tuberculosis, hemorrhagic fever, measles, and hand-foot-and-mouth disease are common. When Wang Fengxian treats patients, she is also at risk of being infected at any time. At this moment, she is not thinking about personal safety, but "the pain and health of patients in border areas, and the heavy trust of Liaoning Province, Jinzhou City, and Jinzhou Central Hospital..." Wang Fengxian said solemnly.

In Qinghai, Wang Fengxian, with her benevolence and extraordinary dedication as a healer, brilliantly fulfilled the mission of "coming with ambition and returning with a purpose". She has not only been insisting on diagnosis and treatment in the front-line post, but also helped Tongde County Hospital to further improve the medical system, helped the hospital to formulate the diagnosis and treatment process of common diseases and multiple diseases, and passed on some cutting-edge medical knowledge to local doctors without reservation, especially the medical level of internal surgery and gynecology in Tongde County Hospital has been greatly improved.

Someone asked Wang Fengxian whether it was worth it to leave her parents and son and go to the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau to "suffer" and whether she regretted it later, she said: "I think that life can have such an experience, I feel that the healer is more noble, and the ordinary person is no longer ordinary." I'm worth it, I really have no regrets..."

Year after year of study and research, day and night of clinical watch, Wang Fengxian suffered from cervical spondylosis, made a mistake, and the sky was spinning. One morning, she had a cervical spondylosis, vomited violently, suffered from severe dizziness, and had to be put on with the help of her family. "But I was in a hurry, not only did I make an appointment with the patient, but Corey had more serious diseases and was waiting for me." I asked my colleagues who were going to work along the way to take me to the hospital, and my heart was solid, and the patients saw me appear in the department, and they were also steadfast..."

"Fifty and know the Destiny". It seems that more than half a hundred people should calm down and enjoy life, especially women.

Wang Fengxian was not, she was still as enthusiastic as a young person.

Over the years, no matter what time, no matter the wind and rain, as long as there are emergencies in Corey and the hospital, Wang Fengxian will arrive at any time, and it is often possible to work for more than 30 hours continuously. The young doctor in the department joked: "Our director works more than the young man and has a spiritual head, it is simply a little old lady with unlimited vitality..." People over fifty years old, overloaded work is indeed a bit unbearable, busy back home, the whole person is like a scattered shelf. "My mother said that I didn't turn over after lying in bed for three or four hours..." Wang Fengxian told reporters.

Once upon a time, many people in society complained about the tension between doctors and patients, but Wang Fengxian treated patients like relatives. Some of the patients she treated became girlfriends or brothers and sisters. Unfortunately, the manuscript is short and abundant, and it is difficult to count them all!


The healer is benevolent to all things, and the hanging pot saves the world.

It is said that before practicing medicine, every doctor swore an oath in front of the statue of St. Hippocrates, an ancient Greek physician, and performed his lifelong duty of saving lives and helping the injured. Wang Fengxian has faithfully practiced her vows for 26 years, consistently, unswervingly, with her heart and sweat to write "responsibility" and "as" into a big picture, and cast them into a new great era. When the western former wise man Izumi saw this oriental female descendant, he should also smile!

Editor| Zhou Li

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