
On the occasion of the 150th anniversary of his birth, what is the historical reason for the theft of Gandhi's urn and the defacement of photographs?

Foreign media reports: On October 2, on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of Gandhi's birth, Gandhi's urn was stolen, and the thieves painted the word "traitor" on the photo of the independent leader and the "Father of the Nation" of India. So who did it, why did he hate Gandhi, and what were the deeper historical reasons? Today, we will explore one or two from the clues of history.

On the occasion of the 150th anniversary of his birth, what is the historical reason for the theft of Gandhi's urn and the defacement of photographs?

Gandhi, whose full name is Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, was the leader of the Indian National Liberation Movement and the leader of the Indian National Congress Party, and is revered as "Mahatma Gandhi". Gandhi was born into a Hindu family, and his father was the head of the local state. In this way, Gandhi and his old family also belonged to the aristocratic and landlord class, and belonged to the rich. Therefore, when Gandhi was 19 years old, he had the opportunity to study in the Uk and study law.

After he returned to China after completing his studies, Gandhi began to engage in legal practice in Mumbai, and the first time he fought a lawsuit for others, he was afraid of the stage and smashed the pot, suffered repeated setbacks, and has been relying on his family to help him get by. Later, he received a case to go to South Africa, which was then under British colonial rule. In South Africa, Gandhi, as a person of color, was subjected to a series of discrimination and insults. All this discrimination and humiliation inspired gandhi's national independence and freedom of thought, prompting him to return to India to engage in the national liberation movement.

On the occasion of the 150th anniversary of his birth, what is the historical reason for the theft of Gandhi's urn and the defacement of photographs?

After Gandhi returned to India, he engaged in national liberation movements throughout the country, gradually forming the theory of non-violent non-cooperation in practice and implementing it throughout the country. From 1919 to 1941, Gandhi led three nationwide non-violent non-cooperation movements that dealt a heavy blow to the British colonists, but all of them were brutally suppressed by the British colonists. In 1941, Gandhi was arrested and imprisoned, and was not released until May 1944. After World War II, the British government, which was in internal and external difficulties, was intimidated by the pressure of the resurgence of the Indian national liberation movement and agreed to India's demand for independence. However, the British colonists had always divided India's Hindus and Muslims, and when they allowed India to become independent, they adopted the partition of India and Pakistan, laying the foundation for India and Pakistan.

On the occasion of the 150th anniversary of his birth, what is the historical reason for the theft of Gandhi's urn and the defacement of photographs?

Although Gandhi was Hindu at that time, he was close to Muslims and had been running throughout the country to maintain the unity of India. But Gandhi's closeness to Muslims was intolerable to Hindu diehards, who considered Gandhi a traitor and a betrayal of Hinduism. On January 30, 1948, Gandhi was assassinated by Hindu diehards. After Gandhi's death, his body was cremated, and his ashes were kept by family members, former friends, and followers. One of the ashes was kept at the LaxmanBag Museum, which was stolen on October 2.

On the occasion of the 150th anniversary of his birth, what is the historical reason for the theft of Gandhi's urn and the defacement of photographs?

The theft of Gandhi's urn this time, combined with the historical reasons for his assassination and the fact that the thieves wrote "defamatory words" in green paint on Gandhi's photographs: the word "traitor" shows that this thief is likely to be a Hindu diehard like the assassin who assassinated Gandhi in that year, and hates Gandhi. The reason why this thief chose to act on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of Gandhi's birth was, first, through this special holiday, to expand the influence of the event, and second, under the political propaganda and encouragement of the Modi government of the People's Party, which represented the conservative ideas of Hinduism, Hindu nationalist sentiment was high. Therefore, some Hindu diehards will do such outrageous behavior as cutting off the head of Gandhi statue and stealing Gandhi's ashes.

On the occasion of the 150th anniversary of his birth, what is the historical reason for the theft of Gandhi's urn and the defacement of photographs?

At present, the police have been involved in the investigation at that time, but with the efficiency of the Indian government, it is difficult to find the thieves and recover Gandhi's ashes, and it is likely that it will not be resolved in the end. Guys, what do you think?

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