
Suzu Hirose and Sho Sakurai's new drama "Nemesis" starts tonight (with introduction to the first episode)

author:Pig Day drama subtitle group
Suzu Hirose and Sho Sakurai's new drama "Nemesis" starts tonight (with introduction to the first episode)

▲ Stills from the first episode of the TV series "Nemesis"

The TV series "Nemesis" (Nippon TV every Sunday at 22:30) co-starring Suzu Hirose and Sho Sakurai will start tonight on the 11th.

Set in a mysterious Nemesis detective agency in Yokohama, hirose's talented assistant Anna Mishin and Sakurai's "mixed-looking" pair of "seemingly mysterious" detectives played by Hirose solve one difficult case after another. In addition to Hirose and Sakurai, there are also Yosuke Eguchi, Ryo Katsuji, Cang Nakamura, Akio Tomita, Ayona Mishima, Hiroshi Yamazaki, Kana Hashimoto, Yuko Oshima, Ryuya Ueda, Ken Ishiguro, Yoko Maki, and Hiroshi Nakamura. Film director Yu Irie served as the general director.

Suzu Hirose and Sho Sakurai's new drama "Nemesis" starts tonight (with introduction to the first episode)

▲ Poster of the Japanese drama "Nemesis"

▪ Episode 1: Client No. 1 is a beautiful doctor played by Yuko Oshima

Nemesis is located on the second floor of an unoccupied building in Yokohama. The members of the firm consist of Anna Hirose, an assistant who uses a genius mind to guide the resolution of events, Sho Sakurai, a waste wood detective who looks very powerful at first glance and is actually nothing, and the president of Nemesis, that is, the veteran driver Kazuki Kurita (Yosuke Eguchi), who has 30 years of detective experience.

In the first episode, The Client No. 1 is a beautiful doctor, Uehara Huang Yizi (Yuko Oshima). Huang Yizi's commission is as follows.

Huang Yizi's employer, the rich man "Don Juan (Love Saint)" Shibusawa Fire Ghost (Ibuya Sword) will celebrate his 80th birthday tonight. However, he received threatening letters such as "If you don't stop, you will be killed by fire ghosts." Fire Ghost also wrote a will to distribute his huge assets to his 6 lovers after his death.

Receiving the first commission, the Nemesis trio triumphantly set off to the mansion of the Fire Ghost, watching the 6 lovers brushing together were all beautiful women, the peach blossoms blooming on the Fire Ghost, and Kurita's face was not very good. However, the day after the party, the body of the fire ghost was found in the room that had become a "secret room". The suspects are the 7 beautiful women who did not have an alibi, including the client Huang Yizi. All have a motive to kill.

Will the genius assistant Anna and the waste wood detective Wind really search for the first time and successfully solve this incident? In the beginning and end, "Memories of 20 Years Ago" and "The Figure of Anna's Father (Nakamura Heng)" are also meaningfully inserted. All events, ultimately, point to the same truth.

The TV series "Nemesis" is broadcast on Japanese television every Sunday at 22:30. (Ann Nian/Translation)

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