
China's last vassal state, which was still paying tribute after the fall of the Qing Dynasty, now has state legislation to protect Chinese

China with a history of 5,000 years has occupied an important position in the world since ancient times, from the beginning of the 3rd century BC to the end of the 19th century, China has maintained a "tribute" system, tribute is tribute, we often see in the TV series that other countries come to China with a lot of gifts and tributes, so that the messengers are dedicated to the Chinese emperor, which is the tribute.

China's last vassal state, which was still paying tribute after the fall of the Qing Dynasty, now has state legislation to protect Chinese

However, with the demise of the Qing government, the Chinese tributary system has gradually withdrawn from the historical stage, but there is such a country, during the Qing Dynasty, it became a vassal state of our country, until 1947, it was still coming to China to pay tribute, in fact, they themselves were very poor, who in the end?

Kanjuti, China's last vassal state, here we want to explain, Kanjuti has not been China's territory, we have never forcibly occupied its land, in the Qing Dynasty Kanjuti was only our vassal state, it encountered invasion by other countries, our country has repeatedly come to the aid.

China's last vassal state, which was still paying tribute after the fall of the Qing Dynasty, now has state legislation to protect Chinese

China has had vassal states since the Western Han Dynasty, and successive dynasties have adopted a soft policy towards these vassal states, rarely interfering in their internal affairs, and providing free protection. Matteo Ricci's Notes on China writes: "Although Chinese had well-equipped troops and navies, it was easy to conquer its neighbors. But neither the emperor nor the people considered launching an anti-aggression war against the outside world. ”

As a big country with "courtesies and exchanges", let's not look at foreign countries bringing a lot of treasures to China to pay tribute, in fact, the emperors can "fear" the tribute, because the gifts we give back to them are often of higher value than the things they bring, and we have to give them travel expenses, free reception, good food and drink until dozens or hundreds of them return home. In his later years, Emperor Wudi of the Han Dynasty could not eat it, stipulating that "emissaries must not come to Chang'an for no reason", we imagine the grand situation of "all nations coming to the dynasty" in that year, how much did it cost them?

China's last vassal state, which was still paying tribute after the fall of the Qing Dynasty, now has state legislation to protect Chinese

The most "good-looking" emperor Of Sui, in 610 AD, in order to welcome foreign businessmen and envoys from various countries, he held a "special performance" in Luoyang, a total of more than 18,000 musicians were playing, the small traders on the whole street had to change into silk clothes, the trees had to be "dressed" to hang silk, and the foreign businessmen ate casually in all restaurants in Luoyang, all free of charge! The Sui Emperor said: "China is rich, and the wine and food cases are not worth it." "Now it seems that it is all surprising.

China's last vassal state, which was still paying tribute after the fall of the Qing Dynasty, now has state legislation to protect Chinese

The Qing Dynasty also inherited the tributary system and accepted tributes from Ryukyu, Siam and other countries. In 1761, Kanjuti sent emissaries to daqing and said that he wanted to become a vassal state of daqing, but in fact, the Qing Dynasty did not attach much importance to this country at that time, after all, Kanjuti said: "There are more than 2,000 residents in the city, and more than 5,000 other villagers." Native cattle, sheep, horses, no cloth..."

It can be known that the population of Kanjuti is very small, living by raising cattle and sheep, the land is not suitable for growing grain, compared to rich China, it is indeed very "miserable", so the Qing government agreed, so that they do not have to pay grain and taxes every year, only need to pay tribute 125 yuan of placer gold.

China's last vassal state, which was still paying tribute after the fall of the Qing Dynasty, now has state legislation to protect Chinese

Placer gold refers to the rock gold in the mountain body that is washed by the river, and the gold is separated from the quartz veins, and there is a lot of placer gold in Kanjuti, in fact, for China at that time, this thing was nothing at all, it was symbolically collected from them.

During the Daoguang years, Kanjuti was invaded by the Kashmir Kingdom, the Qing Dynasty sent soldiers to help Kanjuti, and finally the Kashmiri Kingdom compensated Kanjuti with 1500 silver dollars and a number of horses and hounds, it can be said that the Qing Dynasty has been protecting this small country of thousands of people.

China's last vassal state, which was still paying tribute after the fall of the Qing Dynasty, now has state legislation to protect Chinese

In 1912, the "last emperor" Puyi abdicated, announcing the end of the Qing Dynasty, at this time Kanjuti had actually been colonized by the British, they were looking for help from the Qing government, the Qing government was already unable to protect itself, let alone protect them. However, Kanjuti, who has lost even the country, still remembers paying tribute to China every year, which lasted until 1947, but why 1947?

China's last vassal state, which was still paying tribute after the fall of the Qing Dynasty, now has state legislation to protect Chinese

In 1947, Kanjuti officially joined Pakistan and became part of Pakistan. However, since May 21, 1951, China and Pakistan formally established diplomatic relations, the relationship between the two countries has been very good, everyone uses "Pakistani railway" to describe the feelings of the two countries, Pakistan also legislated to protect the Chinese, Chinese to Pakistan will be protected.

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