
To save the unconscious child he fought

author:National Party media information public platform

Source: Shenyang Daily - Shenyang Net

To save the unconscious child he fought

The one on the right is Han Song

"There is warmth in the world, and there is positive energy to help each other." On the morning of August 30, a pennant full of infinite true feelings was delivered to The Hands of Han Song, the driver of the Shenyang high-speed rail infrastructure section. "We have to express our gratitude for saying anything, it is Han Song who saved our children's lives, thank Han Song, thank you for cultivating such a good staff member of Shenyang Railway."

On August 23, Han Song, who was resting, drove to Zhujiang Road to prepare to purchase decoration materials. At about 10 o'clock on the same day, a father with a child in his arms was stopping a car in the middle of the road with the child's mother, and when he saw this scene, Han Song immediately stopped. "Please, save the child." Han Song saw that the child was unconscious and foamed at the mouth. The father holds his daughter in one hand and pinches his daughter's human cavity with the other. Han Song immediately let them get into the car and asked which hospital they needed to go to. The child's father replied, "I'm not from Shenyang, please take us to the nearest hospital." Thank you! ”

Born in 1986, Han Song has always been a well-known helpful and good worker in the infrastructure section of Shenyang's high-speed rail, looking at the child's illness, thinking of his 4-year-old daughter at home, he knows that the situation is urgent, and it is too late to wait for the green light... When the opportunity was made, he drove three red lights in a row, and it took only 10 minutes to rush to Shenzhou Hospital in Huanggu District.

Arriving at the hospital, the child was immediately taken to the rescue room. Because of the timely delivery of the doctor, the child was quickly released from the danger of life. Seeing that the child was fine, Han Song left silently.

The child's father, Liang Yanbin, is a native of Heilongjiang and has been doing business in Shenyang for less than two months. "At that time, the child was feverish and unconscious, and her mother and I were in a hurry, and the more anxious we were, the more we couldn't get a taxi, so we had to go to the middle of the road to try to stop the car. Unexpectedly, this kind young man not only did not refuse, but also ran a red light to buy time for our child's treatment, and we were really touched. The grace of life, there is no way to repay, at my strong request, he agreed to leave a contact information. Liang Yanbin told reporters that he had repeatedly tried to thank Han Song in the form of red envelopes, but he refused. In the past few days, the daughter has recovered steadily, and Liang Yanbin and his lover quickly made a pennant and sent the pennant to Han Song's unit. Liang Yanbin said that his family came to Shen to make a living, and he was willing to become friends and family with Han Song in the future.

According to the Shenyang Evening News, Shen Bao all-media reporters understand, Han Song is often helpful, a few days ago passed by Tawan, a 70-year-old grandfather rushed to the direction of the park entrance to return the courier, did not pay attention to hit the parking column, after the fall of the face and nose is blood, even the clothes are a lot of blood. Han Song and his lover quickly got out of the car to help the old man up, and helped the old man to sit in a safe position, and bought paper towels and water to make a simple wipe for the old man. Later, it was learned that the old man and his children were not around, and Han Song called the old man's wife, until the old man's wife came, and the young couple did not leave. In life, Han Song also did a lot of similar good things. Talking about his own help for others, Han Song told reporters with a smile, "What I didn't do was out of sincerity, and it was all small things that were not enough to worry about." There are more people in society who are better than me, and the world needs these wonderful beings. ”

Zhang Dongyue, a reporter from Shenyang Evening News and Shen Bao

This article is from [Shenyang Daily - Shenyang Net], which only represents the author's views. The National Party Media Information Public Platform provides information dissemination services.


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