
Preparing to stay in the ocean? Li Lei INS in German with: Sch tzen (treasure)

Preparing to stay in the ocean? Li Lei INS in German with: Sch tzen (treasure)

Live Bar December 14 News Since he will play in the Swiss Super League next year, Li Lei, who is currently playing with Guoan in the war championship, has also begun to learn his own German.

Li Lei's contract with Beijing Guoan expires on December 31, and after the end of this season's league, Li Lei will join the Swiss Premier League club Grasshopper to start his career in Foreign Countries.

In Zurich, where the Grasshopper Club is located, the main language is German, so Li Lei also began to contact German, and he posted a group photo of the first round of the first round of the National Security Championship Group at INS, and wrote "treasure" in German.

in Drisson

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