
Huang Namejin: "Hiradai Sakushi" YellowIshock

author:Huang's Information Compilation
Huang Namejin: "Hiradai Sakushi" YellowIshock

Huang Zhizhen (1637-1701), Ziyuan Yuan, Jing'an, a villager in Huxi Township, Zhangpu County, Zhangzhou, and the builder of Yao'an Fort. At the beginning of the Qing Dynasty, the Qing Dynasty and the Zheng regime in Taiwan waged a political and military struggle on the southeast coast for 30 or 40 years. The unification of Taiwan during the Kangxi Dynasty was a major event in the early Qing Dynasty. In this historical event, Huang Zhizhen made suggestions and made special contributions, which were commended by the imperial court. After that, he was ordered to control the Wuding River in Beijing, eliminating the centuries-old water damage in several counties along the river, and the Wuding River was renamed the Yongding River from then on, so the official was promoted to Yipin Taichang Temple.

  According to Zhangpu's "Huang Clan Genealogy", Huang's ancestors can be traced back to the Southern Song Dynasty cabinet attendant Huang Cai. In 1279, the southern Song Dynasty's little emperor Zhao Fu was chased by the Yuan soldiers to Yashan in Guangdong, and after the prime minister Lu Xiufu carried the little emperor and jumped into the sea to commit suicide, Huang Cai and Zhao Ruohe, the king of Minchong County, led the remnants of the ship north from the sea, unfortunately suffered a hurricane on the way, and landed on the west coast of Zhangpu Lake in Fujian Province after drifting for many days, living in the west corner of the lake. From the yellow material to the yellow earthquake, it has gone through fourteen generations. His childhood was ill-fated, and his parents died one after another when he was 12 years old, and his life was difficult. However, others are not poor in their ambitions, they study hard, especially like to read history books, understand the deeds of some historical figures who have made meritorious achievements, and cultivate the aspiration of serving the country and building meritorious deeds, "reading history meets the rise of Haojie, the voice and color are moving, and they are secretly conceited" (Fujian Tongzhi, vol. 34). At that time, Zheng Chenggong fought with the Qing Dynasty on the coast of southern Fujian for the right to rule the whole country, and later occupied Taiwan, and his hometown became the main battlefield of the Qing and Zheng armies, gradually growing up in the chaos of the war, and defected to the anti-Qing forces when Zheng Chenggong's troops were recruited in Zhangzhou, and was appointed by Zheng Jing as an alternate Minister. He kept a close eye on the development of the war situation. In the later period of the Zheng regime, political affairs were corrupt, the struggle for power and profits, the depletion of financial resources, the apportionment of heavy taxes for many years, the forced recruitment of Zhuang Ding into the army, arousing the dissatisfaction and resistance of the masses, the people's hearts were separated, and there was no longer the strength to realize the reunification of the country. The unification of the world by the Qing Dynasty has become the general trend of development of the times. Huang Shizhen analyzed the political and military situation between the Qing Dynasty and Zheng, and resolutely broke away from the Zheng Army and returned to his hometown.

  In the seventeenth year of the Kangxi Dynasty (1678), Liu Guoxuan, a Zheng army, sent troops from Xiamen to capture Quanzhou, Tong'an, Haicheng, Pinghe, Zhangping, Changtai, Xiamen and other counties and cities.

  In order to reverse the defeat, the Qing court appointed Yao Qisheng as the governor of Fujian. After Yao Qisheng took office, he sat in Zhangzhou and discussed strategies against Zheng Jun, but he had been suffering from a bad strategy. At this time, Huang Sexzhen, who was watching the changes in the political situation, felt that the time had come, so he "fought the sword and the military gate" and entered Yao Qisheng's "Pinghai Tiao Chen Shi ben", that is, "ten strategies for the platform". These ten strategies include the propositions of attacking the heart first, giving priority to appeasement, clearing the Fujian Sea, restoring the border and reclamation, recovering Taiwan, and rehabilitating the people (Guangxu", Zhangzhou Fuzhi, vol. 32, "Characters" V).

  Because of Zheng Zheng's many years, Huang Zhizhen was well aware of the political and military situation on the island of Taiwan, and he said in the above book: "Zheng Jing is no more than a mediocre material, and it is all lined up from left and right; although Liu Guoxuan is stubborn, he relies on his wings to cross the line." Always blocking the waves, so the calendar is the second. That is, there is Yi Qin, and Mo Ke drums his lips and tongue. If you can hold a high position and buy people's hearts, you don't have to do anything, you can immediately reap its performance. (Jiang Risheng's "Taiwan Foreign Chronicles", vol. 3) Taiwan is in a dangerous position and it is difficult to attack strongly, but "Zheng Jing's generals, each with different intentions, if he can not be stingy with officials and gold, attract his party, and buy his confidants, Taiwan will be easy to be peaceful." This is the core of "attacking the heart", and it is also the core of the "Ten Strategies of the Platform". Yao Qisheng heard that this was the strategy of "Chen Ping's death", "Qizhi, and Yu Dayue, counting into the view, talking about secrets" (Guangxu "Zhangzhou Fu zhi" volume 32 "character" five), deeply felt "in line with the heart", and wanted to put it into practice immediately. Huang Said: Zheng Jun had just captured Haicheng, fought several victorious battles in succession, and was full of morale. It is necessary to "take the attack on the heart as the best strategy, use the tactics of attacking the heart, divide and disintegrate, weaken the heart of the army, wait for the opportunity, strike suddenly, thwart its sharp edge, and win the battle in sight", or "surprise the soldiers in the service to greatly defeat their front, collect all the important places to stomp their momentum, the division is lost, the isolated island is difficult to stay, and then caress it, and his heart is far away, and Pengtai can also fight in one battle" (Fujian Tongzhi, vol. 34). Qi Sheng praised, "Xiang Yuan, so he lowered Zhang Handan ye." Therefore, he commanded the Qing army to retake the lost lands of Pinghe, Zhangping, Changtai, and Tong'an in Zhangzhou, and destroyed the Zheng army in the West Stream of Jiulong River and recaptured strategic places such as Jiangdong Bridge and Xiaogangzhou. Zheng's army suffered heavy casualties, Liu Guoxuan fled to Haicheng, and the unfavorable war situation of the Qing army began to reverse. At this time, Huang Sexzhen said: "You can caress it." Therefore, Yao Qisheng asked the imperial court to approve the implementation of the "Ten Strategies for the Platform". At Huang's suggestion, Yao Qisheng set up a "Xiulai Pavilion" in Zhangzhouwei and hired Huang Tozhen to take charge of his affairs and be responsible for the recruitment work (Jiang Risheng's "Taiwan Foreign Chronicles", vol. 3). The "Xiulaiguan" played an important role in winning the officers and men of the Zheng Army to come and surrender, and all the civil and military officials who came to surrender not only granted official posts, but also gave military uniforms and uniforms to ride, "all of them were extended, so that they could be dressed in fresh clothes, dazzling on the outskirts of Zhangquan, and providing accounts with whatever they wanted" (Quan Zuwang's "Collection of Fish And fish Qiting", vol. 15), thus expanding its influence. So the people of Zhangquan scrambled to make noise first. It stipulates that "civilian officials who surrender to sincerity shall be requested by their original titles and be allowed to make up for their posts"; military attaches who surrender their sincerity will also be "guaranteed to be incumbent"; "soldiers and civilians who come to vote will be rewarded with fifty taels of silver per person if they have all the hair, and those with short hair will be rewarded with twenty-two pieces of silver per person." May those who enlist in the army be clothed in the camp and be paid for war; may those who return to the peasants be sent back to their hometowns, and will be installed in Raofu County, and no bullying will be allowed" (Jiang Risheng' "Taiwan Foreign Chronicles", vol. 3). Enlistees are given silver and returnees are given fields, seeds and cattle. As a result, defectors flocked to the scene. Some those who fled back to Zhengying after receiving the reward will not be prosecuted. Huang Also published the list of those who had surrendered in the "Xiulai Pavilion", the most powerful thing was to publish the names and positions of the civil and military officials who were still serving in the Zheng Dynasty in the surrender list, and also set up "a certain town and a certain official's mansion", or threatened to "surrender on a certain day in a certain month", etc. This trick caused the Zheng Dynasty to fall into a situation of doubt and suspicion, and the named people could not clear themselves. As a result, there is an endless stream of defectors, hundreds of people every day. In only half a year, there were 1237 surrender officials and 11639 soldiers, which greatly weakened the strength of the Zheng army. Then, the Qing army quickly recovered Haicheng.

  The offensive war turned the enemy into a friend, which seriously weakened the military strength of the Zheng clique. In the spring of the nineteenth year of the Kangxi Dynasty (1680), when Yao Qisheng threatened to attack Xiamen by land and sea, the people of Xiamen were already panicked, and the generals of the Zheng army were all responding to escape, and from time to time there were rumors of rebellion, the army was shaken, and it collapsed without a battle, and Xiamen and Kinmen were lost. Zheng Jing destroyed the Wu pavilion, withdrew his troops back to Taiwan, and died of illness the following year. It took only more than a year from the establishment of the "Xiu Lai Pavilion" to the time when Zheng Jing withdrew his troops and returned to Taiwan, which shows the power of Huang Sexzhen's "attacking the heart" tactic.

  After Zheng Jing withdrew to Taiwan, the Qing government began to discuss the restoration of Taiwan and the reunification of the whole country, and the Kangxi Emperor entrusted this heavy task to Shi Lang, the admiral of the Fujian Marine Division, and actively prepared to attack Taiwan. At the same time, Yao Qisheng, the governor of Fujian, continued to implement Huang Sexzhen's "ten strategies for the platform". Huang Suggested that Yao Qisheng send people to infiltrate Taipeng to do counter-insurgency work and assist General Shi Lang in the conquest of Taiwan, so as to make internal and external countermeasures. At the same time, it also combined with the use of anti-strategy to create public opinion among the Generals and officials of the Zheng Army, so that they were "suspicious of each other, and those who came and returned were more and more numerous." According to incomplete statistics from the historical records of the Ming and Qing dynasties, from June of the seventeenth year of The Kangxi Dynasty to June of the twentieth year of the Kangxi Dynasty, more than 130,000 officers and soldiers of the Zheng clan were recruited and surrendered, and the number of soldiers who were dismantled and scattered was not in the counting, of which the Zhangzhou "Xiulaiguan" accepted 5153 military and political officials who surrendered from the Zheng regime and 35677 soldiers and soldiers who accepted the surrender. 

  This remarkable effect laid the foundation for Shi Lang's recovery of Taiwan.


  Smooth resumption of Taiwan, relying on Huang Sexzhen "Pinghai Aftermath Eight"

  The implementation of huang's persuasion policy "ten strategies for the platform" has achieved great success, which has brought about major changes in the balance of military forces between the Qing and Zheng dynasties. On the battlefield, the Qing army changed from passive to active, and successively recaptured Haicheng, Xiamen, and Kinmen, and won victories one after another. After the Battle of Jinxia, the Qing generals proposed to kill Zheng Jing's subordinates and reward their wives, children, and property to the officers and soldiers. Proceeding from the strategy of winning the hearts and minds of the military, Huang Shizhen resolutely opposed it, saving hundreds of thousands of Zheng Jun and his residents on the island from disaster, and exerting a tremendous impact on winning the surrender of the Taiwan military and people.

  At this time, according to the changes in the strength of the Qing and Zheng sides and the development of the war situation, Huang Zhizhen proposed to Yao Qisheng the "Eight Articles of the Pinghai Aftermath", which were all adopted by the imperial court. In the twenty-second year of the Kangxi Dynasty (1683), the Qing army conquered Penghu in only seven days, recovered Taiwan, and completed the great cause of national reunification. 

  The recovery of Taiwan, Huang Sexzhen, is indispensable, and is known as a "platform strategist".

  After the reconquest of Taiwan, the Qing court gave a great deal of praise to Huang Shengzhen. The Kangxi Emperor summoned him three times in one day, gave him a python robe, a palace satin, comforted him, and promoted him to a knighthood. The official was directly subordinate to BachangDao to manage the affairs of Tuntian and Yichuan grain and salary, and was later promoted to shanxi according to the chashi, Guangxi according to the cha envoy, And Hunan bu envoy si bu political envoy. In the thirty-ninth year of the Kangxi Dynasty (1700), he was ordered to control the Wuding River in Beijing, and within 4 months, he completed the project of filling the gap in the Wuding River, eliminated the century-old water damage in several counties along the river, and created the shortest and highest quality miracle in the history of the Zhihe River.

  Invested in the construction of Yao'an fort

Huang Namejin: "Hiradai Sakushi" YellowIshock
Huang Namejin: "Hiradai Sakushi" YellowIshock
Huang Namejin: "Hiradai Sakushi" YellowIshock

  Located in the inner city village of Huxi She, Zhangpu County, Fujian Province, Yao'anBao is located in the middle of the Huxi Basin, surrounded by mountains and green water. The castle was built by Huang Sexzhen in the twenty-sixth year of the Kangxi Dynasty (1687) donating a salary saved for many years. The city walls are majestic and imposing, with a total length of more than 1200 meters, a height of 6.7 meters, a width of 2.6 meters, all built with huge strips of stone. At the top of the wall, the exterior of the wall is built more than 2 meters high, 0.5 meters wide triad earth female wall, 2 meters high, open 365 battlements (for the number of days a year, to show the beginning of the year, stretching for a long time) and the number of holes in the cannon hole, the city built 4 city gates and 4 small towers according to a certain distance, one gate in the east, west, south and north, respectively, named "Yingxi", "Yuxiu", "Yao'an", "Chengqing". There are three castle towers on the east, south and west gates, each with two gates on the left and right, and a 2-meter-wide stone staircase under the door. The inner wall of the city wall is equipped with 25 stone ladders with a width of 1 meter to climb the city for the guards to guard the city. There is a moat in front of the south gate to the west gate, which is 10 meters wide.

  The walls and towers of Fort Yao'an have played a role in defending against the invasion of the Wokou for more than 300 years, and hundreds of huang descendants still live in the fort. The 95 rows built that year, a row of 10 private houses, are basically well preserved. Huang's name for this city after "Yao'an" is the security of Taiwan, which implies his expectations for Taiwan's stability.

  Huang died of illness in Zhending, Hebei (present-day Zhengding, Hebei) in the 40th year of the Kangxi Dynasty (1701) at the age of 64. Kangxi's handwritten inscription reads: "Qin Zhi Sacrifice Funeral." In 1988, the People's Government of Xixiang, Zhangpu Lake, where Huang Sexzhen's hometown is located, named a street south of Huxi New Market as "Yao'an Street". In 1996, in order to commemorate huang shengzhen's glorious life, the road from the Huxi township government to the village within the city (the village in Yao'anbao and the village where Huang Zhizhen's former residence was located) was named "Jing'an Road" after it.