
Where are the actors of "The Lord of the Rings," which was released 20 years ago, still perform

author:Meitu Great Search

Not long ago, we were watching the premiere of The Lord of the Rings and keeping an eye on the adventures of the hobbits, elves, dwarves, and other inhabitants of Middle-earth. I can't believe this could have happened 20 years ago. The first film in the Lord of the Rings trilogy was released in December 2001.

We fell madly in love with the movie legends in Tolkien's book. But lately we want to know where these actors are still performing.

Ilya Wood: Hobbit Frodo vs Unknown Soldier Agent Kid 3

Where are the actors of "The Lord of the Rings," which was released 20 years ago, still perform

Vigo Mortensen: Aragon vs. Tony Bolton's Green Book

Where are the actors of "The Lord of the Rings," which was released 20 years ago, still perform

Sean Estin: Bob the Hobbit, Stranger Things

Where are the actors of "The Lord of the Rings," which was released 20 years ago, still perform

Ian McClum: Magician Gandalf vs Magneto X-Men

Where are the actors of "The Lord of the Rings," which was released 20 years ago, still perform

Sean Bing: Borromil v. Ed Stark, Game of Thrones

Where are the actors of "The Lord of the Rings," which was released 20 years ago, still perform

Billy Boyd: Peleglin of the Hobbit vs. Lord Gerald Forbes Seasons 4 and 5 of The Stranger

Where are the actors of "The Lord of the Rings," which was released 20 years ago, still perform

John Rees-Davis: Dwarven Kinley vs Elf King Evans Seder In The Legend of Shanara

Where are the actors of "The Lord of the Rings," which was released 20 years ago, still perform

Orlando Bloom: Legras, Elf Prince vs. Benjamin, Outpost

Where are the actors of "The Lord of the Rings," which was released 20 years ago, still perform

Liv Taylor: Elf Princess Twilight vs Eve McBride Star Quest

Where are the actors of "The Lord of the Rings," which was released 20 years ago, still perform

Hugo Viven: Elrond vs. Elf King, Sergeant Farrat "The Tailor"

Where are the actors of "The Lord of the Rings," which was released 20 years ago, still perform

Kate Blanchett: Elf Queen Calantrell vs Queen Elizabeth: The Golden Age

Where are the actors of "The Lord of the Rings," which was released 20 years ago, still perform

Andy Serkis: Gollum and the Gangster William Hale, "Booker and Hale"

Where are the actors of "The Lord of the Rings," which was released 20 years ago, still perform

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