
【Civilized City】People's Square Zimei Book Garden - a quiet place in the hustle and bustle

author:Civilization Gongyi
{"info":{"title":{"content":"【文明城市】人民广场子美书苑——喧嚣中的一处静谧","en":"【Civilized City】People's Square Zimei Book Garden - a quiet place in the hustle and bustle"},"description":{"content":"人民广场子美书苑喧嚣中的一处静谧繁华街道,寻一处静谧,让心灵安放,感受阅读之美。巩义市人民广场子美书苑城市书房,位于市人...","en":"A quiet and bustling street in the hustle and bustle of the Zimei Book Garden in People's Square, find a quiet place, let the soul rest and feel the beauty of reading. Gongyi People's Square Zimei Book Garden City Study Room, located in the city..."}},"items":[]}