
Monopolize the first in history, dance and wear glasses! Almost 37 years old, old Zhan, you are an old naughty boy

In the third quarter, 10 of 15 bombed 25 points, 8 rebounds and 6 assists, and in the fourth quarter of the game, 12 of 20 of 37 minutes, 30 points, 11 rebounds, 10 assists and 3 blocks, James once again punched the doubter's face with performance! You look at this old man, he's 37 years old, he's dancing on the field again, he's picking up people's goggles and wearing them, and you think you're in Bollywood? Very directly, James scored 14 points in the third quarter, with the Lakers a wave of 23-0 offensive waves, whether it is a strong 2+1, whether it is a block or a three-pointer, this has everything, can only say that James is too good.

Monopolize the first in history, dance and wear glasses! Almost 37 years old, old Zhan, you are an old naughty boy

Of course, James blasted a 30+ triple-double at the age of 36 and 348 days, which also surpassed Bryant to become the oldest Mr. 30+ triple-double in NBA history. That year, when Kobe Bryant was 36 years old and 99 days old, he once bombed 31 points, 11 rebounds and 12 assists in a single game, Kobe Bryant and James, Kobe Bryant and the Lakers, James and the Lakers, which may also be a kind of inheritance.

Monopolize the first in history, dance and wear glasses! Almost 37 years old, old Zhan, you are an old naughty boy

Up to the youngest record, down to the oldest record in the NBA, if anyone is the best in history in the editor's mind, then it may be LeBron James. What is james's dominance this time? Let's also listen to the interview with the Magic coach after the game.

Monopolize the first in history, dance and wear glasses! Almost 37 years old, old Zhan, you are an old naughty boy

Coach Mosley said: "Today is LeBron James's game, he absolutely put his own will into the game. "Today's James looks at the humble, but the more he fights, the happier he is, and then the eighteen martial arts are in unison, and the magic is really unbearable."

From the editor's point of view, a very practical point, many people say that James can not play to 40 years old, but at the age of about to turn 37, he can still take away the game by himself, which just proves that as long as James wants, maybe he is still the main force of a team at the age of 45.

Monopolize the first in history, dance and wear glasses! Almost 37 years old, old Zhan, you are an old naughty boy

Old Zhan eventually became an old naughty boy, but he had such and such a performance, and he himself said the key. "It's just sleep, and then the motivation of watching my son' game, when we were in Russia city and on the day of the game, I got some great sleep, and today I got sleep again, so I was able to go into the game with great energy and then I got more and more energetic. From 12 o'clock last night to 8 o'clock in the morning, getting up for an early shift, and then going to bed from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 o'clock, sounds good, right? "It is said that the old man feels less, and if he does not understand, he asks, could it be that this old man is growing backwards?"

Monopolize the first in history, dance and wear glasses! Almost 37 years old, old Zhan, you are an old naughty boy
Monopolize the first in history, dance and wear glasses! Almost 37 years old, old Zhan, you are an old naughty boy

It is very practical that in the last 8 games, James has averaged 29.8 points + 7.3 rebounds + 8 assists per game, averaging 52% of the shots per game, and he has not only convinced his opponents, but also convinced his teammates. It is said that Horton Tucker is not suitable for the Lakers lineup, but it seems that James's crazy performance has awakened him.

Monopolize the first in history, dance and wear glasses! Almost 37 years old, old Zhan, you are an old naughty boy

He said: "When you see him play like this at 36, it makes me really have no excuses. You say he's serious, he's not serious at all, and even after the game he joked about picking up the clip he was wearing with his eyes: "I just want to see if I can improve my vision." "But if you look at the domineering spirit he has after scoring goals, maybe that's exactly what proves that when you enjoy the game, you're invincible.

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