
Win 43.6 points per 100 rounds! The Lakers' new gold kill is out, and Howard is even crazier on the top

The Lakers have used 13 starting lineups this season, and recently missed due to an injury to the thick eyebrows, Lakers coach Vogel used Howard to start, and the new starting lineup received excellent results. The Purple and Gold Legion built the Golden Kills, and Howard proved that he was more practical than Jordan Jr. on the Lakers.

Win 43.6 points per 100 rounds! The Lakers' new gold kill is out, and Howard is even crazier on the top

In the fivesome that the Lakers have played more than 20 minutes this season, Westbrook + Tucker Jr. + Bradley + James + Howard have played a total of 24 minutes, with an offensive efficiency of 117.6, a defensive efficiency of 74.0, and a net efficiency of +43.6, that is, 43.6 points can win the opponent in 100 rounds, ranking first in the Lakers' fivesome this season.

Win 43.6 points per 100 rounds! The Lakers' new gold kill is out, and Howard is even crazier on the top

The Lakers' second-highest net efficiency group this season also has Howard in the fivesome. This lineup is actually the Second Team of the Lakers, Westbrook with 4 substitute players Munch + Ellington + Anthony + Howard, the offensive efficiency value is 112.3, the defensive efficiency value is 89.2, and the net efficiency value is +23.1, which is 23.1 points won per 100 rounds.

Win 43.6 points per 100 rounds! The Lakers' new gold kill is out, and Howard is even crazier on the top

Let's take a look at the other fivesomes that the Lakers have tried before. The Lakers first used the starting lineup of Westbrook + Bazemore + James + Davis + Jordan Jr. this season, but the effect was very bad, the offensive efficiency was only 98.1, the defensive efficiency was 112.3, and the net efficiency value was -14.2.

Bazemore has lost Vogel's trust and is now completely out of the regular rotation with few chances to play. Jordan Jr. also lost Vogel's trust, and he became a substitute center.

Win 43.6 points per 100 rounds! The Lakers' new gold kill is out, and Howard is even crazier on the top

It is worth mentioning that in the Lakers' net efficiency value list, Bazemore and Jordan Jr. are exactly the bottom two. Bazemore has a net efficiency of -7.7 this season, the team's bottom number one. Jordan Jr. has a net efficiency of -6.2 this season in second-to-last place on the team.

Win 43.6 points per 100 rounds! The Lakers' new gold kill is out, and Howard is even crazier on the top

By comparison, Howard's net efficiency value this season is +3.5, and it's clear that Warcraft is better to use than Jordan Jr. From the basic data, Howard and Jordan Jr. are similar. Howard averaged 5.0 points and 5.4 rebounds per game, and Jordan Jr. averaged 4.7 points and 5.9 rebounds per game. But high-end data shows that Howard has helped the Lakers even more. Vogel has found a golden kill after constantly tuning the lineup.

Win 43.6 points per 100 rounds! The Lakers' new gold kill is out, and Howard is even crazier on the top

Of course, once the thick-browed brother returns and Vogel continues to use the 1 big 4 small lineup, Howard will still have to return to the bench. The Lakers have played 36 minutes this season using Westbrook + Tucker Jr. + Bradley + James + Davis, with an offensive efficiency value of 116.0, a defensive efficiency value of 109.1 and a net efficiency value of +6.9. Brother Thick Eyebrow has not recovered its best state this season, and the Lakers have to count on Brother Thick Brow to revive with blood this season.

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