
In 2021, the Kanji of the Year in Japan was selected for the fourth time

According to Japan's NHK television station, the 2021 Japanese kanji of the year was unveiled at Kiyomizu-dera Temple in Kyoto, Japan, as the word "gold". According to Japanese media sources such as Osaka Television, this year's Tokyo Olympics were successfully held under the new crown epidemic, and the public cheered for the gold medal and prayed for more glory in the future, and the word "gold" is containing relevant meanings. This is the fourth time that the "jin" character has been selected as the Chinese character of the year. Last year's Japanese kanji of the year was "密", and the previous year's was "令".

In 2021, the Kanji of the Year in Japan was selected for the fourth time

Source: People's Daily Overseas Edition - Overseas Network

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