
Foreign kings came to China to die, and their descendants have guarded the tomb for 600 years and have become a part of China

Counting the glorious times in China's history, like the prestige of the Han and Tang Dynasties, all the countries in the four sides have come to the dynasty, and the countries of the great unification of China's dynasties and dynasties have all occupied an important position in the development of the world, especially during the Tang Dynasty, the envoys of various countries have been constantly coming and going, they have learned a large number of advanced technologies from China, and brought them back to China, which has promoted the development of their own technology, which shows the unparalleled influence that China has brought to the world.

Foreign kings came to China to die, and their descendants have guarded the tomb for 600 years and have become a part of China

To calculate the Ming Dynasty period, the envoys of various countries came and went more, because of Zheng He's voyage to the West, many Southeast Asian countries have sent envoys after feeling the customs and customs of China, they took Chinese ships along the way to the Ming Dynasty to see the Heavenly Son, some of them were led by the king himself, the number often reached the scale of hundreds of people, which is also quite rare in history, of course, due to the long distance, some of them died of illness, they were buried in China.

Foreign kings came to China to die, and their descendants have guarded the tomb for 600 years and have become a part of China

But what everyone may not expect is that at that time, in addition to the king personally leading the team to come, some of them lived in China for several years, and finally after the death of illness in China, they were directly buried in China, although this is difficult to imagine, but it did happen, in China's Shandong Dezhou, there is such a foreign king's tomb Sulu King's Tomb. The Sulu Kingdom was a country in Southeast Asia during the Ming Dynasty, and in the Sulu Islands of the Philippines today, the Sulu State itself was a theocratic state, a country that embraced Islam, and its main rights were distributed among three princes, namely the Eastern King, the Western King, and the King of Gong.

Foreign kings came to China to die, and their descendants have guarded the tomb for 600 years and have become a part of China

In the fifteenth year of Ming Chengzu Yongle, the three kings on the Sulu Islands, the Eastern King Batu Ge Hara, the Western King Mahara Ge Ma Ding, and the King of Ding Ledu Ge Lating led a family of 340 people to form a friendly mission to Come to China for a friendly visit, thanks to the guidance of Zheng He to the West, this delegation received a warm welcome from China at that time, especially received the attention of Ming Chengzu, and arranged the best hospitality for them, this delegation stayed for a total of 22 days, and finally left reluctantly.

Foreign kings came to China to die, and their descendants have guarded the tomb for 600 years and have become a part of China

That is, when passing through Shandong by the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal, the Eastern King Badu GeZhala unfortunately fell ill and died, and after his death, Zhu Di was very sorry, and aimed to find a place to build the Tomb of the Eastern King, when the eldest son of the Eastern King returned to China to inherit the throne, while the second son, the third son and the two princesses stayed in China to guard the tomb.

Foreign kings came to China to die, and their descendants have guarded the tomb for 600 years and have become a part of China

With the passage of time, these people have not left, after death also buried here, and the Eastern Prince heirs have multiplied for hundreds of years, but also gradually formed a large family, the Ming and Qing emperors are very caring for their families, Yongzheng years, at the request of the eighth generation of descendants of the Eastern King, officially joined the Chinese nationality, and now they have become Chinese.

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