
Packers beat Bears 45-30 The Bears Special Forces team repeatedly operated hard to stop Dragon Brother 4 touchdowns

On the morning of December 13, Beijing time, the NFL's 14th regular season ushered in the competition for sunday night games, and the Chicago Bears sat at home to meet the Green Bay Packers and start the civil war in the north of the country. In the first half of the game, the Bears relied on the excellent performance of the Special Agent to lead the Packers. But after the packers got back in shape in the second half, the Bears kept a clean sheet, and Rodgers surprised four in a single game with 4 touchdowns. The score was set at 45-30, and the Packers continued to attack the league's number one seed after beating the Bears.

Packers beat Bears 45-30 The Bears Special Forces team repeatedly operated hard to stop Dragon Brother 4 touchdowns

Wonderful review

After the game began, the first wave of attacks from both sides was fruitless. Bears returner Jaikim Grant returned from 34 yards to get an excellent starting position, but quarterback Fields' several attempts were fruitless, cairo Santos came on and hit a 24-yard free kick to give the Bears a 3-0 lead.

The battle of the old enemies has always been difficult to fight, and the Bears are once again Grant standing out. After receiving a pass from Fields, he dodged the tackle along the sideline and sprinted forward to complete the touchdown from 46 yards, and the Bears took a 10-0 lead at the beginning of the second quarter.

The packers quickly returned to color, and Rogers scored several passes into the red zone. But before the end zone, the Packers failed to score on several attempts and had to force 4 gears, at which point Rodgers found his receiver Lazarde through a fake run, and the score came to 10-7.

Immediately after, Fields made a big mistake. His pass was too slow, and after being intercepted by Packers cornerback Douglas, he scored a 55-yard return touchdown along the sideline, and the Packers countered the score, 14-10.

Packers beat Bears 45-30 The Bears Special Forces team repeatedly operated hard to stop Dragon Brother 4 touchdowns

Before the words could be heard, Fields made up for his mistake. He found his receiver Damir Boyd on a short pass in his own half, who had no security guard to complete the catch, so he accelerated straight into the end zone to complete the touchdown, and the Bears led 17-14.

Jakim Grant was really crazy today, in a return attack, Grant originally wanted to choose the right side, but after he came to the left side with a big change, he directly completed the 97-yard return touchdown, breaking the Bears' record for abandoning the kick back to attack the touchdown, the score was 24-14.

The packers may have responded quickly, with Rogers taking over from outside the line to razad, who completed a 36-yard touchdown that took just over 40 seconds to advance 75 yards and make it 24-21.

With a minute left for the Bears, Grant once again helped the team get a good starting spot before kicker Cairo Santos hit a 44-yard free-kick to make it 27-21.

Packers beat Bears 45-30 The Bears Special Forces team repeatedly operated hard to stop Dragon Brother 4 touchdowns

At the beginning of the second half, Rodgers' several passes were pushed forward by Lazard and the like. Before the end zone, running back Aaron Jones took advantage of his teammate's excellent opening to complete the dashing touchdown, and the Packers reversed the score, 28-27.

The Packers defense created Fields drop the ball, and Rogers came on the field to attack directly near the Bears' red zone. Rodgers' first pass found runback Jones to complete a 23-yard touchdown, and the Packers extended the score to 35-27.

Next, Rodgers advanced from passing and finally stopped in front of the end zone line, and the score was 38-27 after the kicker hit a free kick.

Late in the fourth quarter, the Packers hit the red zone again, and after Rodgers deceived defenders with two fake moves, he connected Adams to the next city, the score was 45-27.

The Bears also had a free kick at the end to freeze the score at 45-30.

Packers beat Bears 45-30 The Bears Special Forces team repeatedly operated hard to stop Dragon Brother 4 touchdowns

Player stats

Packers: Quarterback Rodgers advanced 341 yards and 4 touchdowns on 37 passes 29; running back A.J. Dillon advanced 71 yards with 15 punches, and outside receiver Devant Adams advanced 121 yards and 2 touchdowns with 10 catches.

Bears: Quarterback Fields advanced 224 yards and 2 touchdowns twice in 33 passes 18; outside receiver Grant received 1 touchdown from 46 yards + 97 yards back to touchdown.

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