
Why is "Dream of the Red Chamber" more like a ming history than a Manchu Qing story

author:Xi and again

Regarding the author of "Dream of the Red Chamber", there have always been many opinions, since some celebrity scholars in the Republic of China period have determined that "Cao Xueqin" is Cao Yin's grandson, most people have followed his opinion.

However, this statement has still been opposed by many people. First, because the early red scholars examined that Cao Xueqin's birth and death years are unknown, there are many theories; second, there is no name "Cao Xueqin" in the Cao Yin descendants in the Cao family tree; third, there are many "great rebellions" in the book, whether it is for the Cao family or the Manchu Qing, it is not friendly.

Why is "Dream of the Red Chamber" more like a ming history than a Manchu Qing story

Cao Yin once served as a weaver in Jiangning, and after Qin Keqing's death, Jia Rong wrote a resume claiming to be from Jiangning County, Jiangning Province, so this book is considered to be autobiographical, and it is easy to think that "Cao Xueqin" is Cao Yin's family. Moreover, when Kangxi was touring the south, the Cao family was responsible for taking over the car many times, which also conformed to the description of the "Jiangnan Zhen family" corresponding to the Jia fu in the book, and the Cao family had a woman enter the palace as a concubine, and the Jia fu Yuanchun also entered the palace as a noble concubine...

However, these seem to only prove that the author wants to impersonate the Cao family, but the disguise is not good, or leaked a lot of flaws.

For example, the "Yin" of the well-known "Tang Yin" did not avoid "Cao Yin", and some people said that when the author wrote, he originally avoided it, just like the book says that Dai Yu wrote the word "Min", lacking one or two strokes of writing, but the person who copied it later did not avoid it.

However, Cao Yin also used a number called "Xueqiao", so the name "Xueqin" is better than his grandfather.

People who examined the bloodline of the Cao family said that Cao Yin's son was dead, and the title was not inherited, and the emperor specially assigned a nephew to him to inherit it, and to inherit the title and inherit the throne.

However, although the son died, the original daughter-in-law still existed, and was still written into the book, which was the prototype of Li Feng and was an excellent widow. However, this person is not surnamed Li, but surnamed Ma.

Some people say that this widow of the Cao family is Cao Xueqin's mother, that is, he is the widow of Cao Yin's son Cao Yin, and some people say that he is the son of Cao Fu, who later passed over, then this Ma clan should be his aunt.

Anyway, this Ma Clan is real, an elder close to Cao Xueqin. Then why did the author write about ma Daobao, the mother who poisoned Baoyu, who was surnamed Ma. There are hundreds of surnames in China, so why not avoid the elder of your own family (if it is your own mother, even more so).

If Ma Daobo is a good person, it is enough. She is so bad, nominally Baoyu's mother, but in fact, she only wants to calculate Jia Mu's money, and she and Aunt Zhao calculate Baoyu and Fengjie together, of course, she is not really with Aunt Zhao' heart, and she has also pit Aunt Zhao a lot of money.

She is a completely bad person, and she has no reason to be surnamed Ma. At that time, the avoidance of emperors and elders was very strict, such a bad person, the author could have given her a different surname at will, rather than the Ma surname of her mother or aunt.

Could it be that the author hated his mother and deliberately wrote Ma shi as a bad person?!!!

In addition, Cao Yin's mother's surname is Sun, but the book disassembles the word "Sun" into "descendants of zhongshan wolves". Although the book refers to Sun Shaozu, he can also be another surname, why not surname Sun.

Writing her mother's or aunt's and great-grandmother's last names as bad people, how much Cao Xueqin hates her origins!

Why is "Dream of the Red Chamber" more like a ming history than a Manchu Qing story

For the first time in the book, The stone himself said, "It is not as good as these women I have seen and heard about in half a lifetime", and since the original author said that he recorded what he had heard in the "half life", how could this be thirty or forty years.

Although many people have examined the existing information, no one can point out the true birth and death year of Cao Xueqin as Cao Yin's grandson, some say that he was raided when he was four or five years old, some say that he was raided when he was twelve or thirteen years old, and some people say that his home has not been copied at all, it is simply not good at management, and finally he was defeated because of poverty.

Imagine a four- or five-year-old who can remember the prosperity of his home so clearly? Even if you are copied as a teenager and separated from a few sisters, you can't say that you are half a life, you can only say that you knew when you were a teenager. Even if there are one or two sisters who have accompanied them for half a lifetime, or even a lifetime, after raiding the house, it is impossible for the protagonist to have these sisters, so it cannot be said that they have known each other for half a lifetime.

Mr. Hu Shi once determined that Cao Xueqin was Cao Yin's grandson ("Neem Pavilion" is Cao Yin's grandson) based on the sentence "Xueqin is the grandson of Neem Pavilion Tongzheng" in Mr. Yang Zhongxi's "Poetry of Xueqiao".com ( "Neem Pavilion" is Cao Yin, and "Tongzheng" is Cao Yin's official position).

Mr. Yang's statement comes from a note in Duncheng's "Four Songtang Collection": "Xueqin once served with his ancestor Yin weaving."

This contradicts another statement. Mainstream red scholars agree that after the death of Cao Yin and his son, no one inherited the knighthood, only the son of others, if Cao Xueqin had followed her grandfather, why should she inherit the son of others, the title was passed directly to the grandson, and there is no such precedent in history.

Cao Xueqin's life, some people say that the second half of his life is "the whole family eats porridge and wine often on credit", try to ask a person who has a problem eating, where is the money to buy paper and pencil? At that time, writing so many words, repeated revision, in addition to requiring a lot of energy, but also need a lot of paper and pen and ink, such a sloppy person, eating and wearing are problems, where is the money to write, or unpaid writing, a writing is more than ten years?

Lu Yao needed much less paper and pencil to write "Ordinary World", and there was also a manuscript fee, and finally he died of poverty, cao Xueqin insisted on it for more than ten years, and he did not starve to death?

Why is "Dream of the Red Chamber" more like a ming history than a Manchu Qing story

Among the many versions of "Dream of the Red Chamber", the Qi Preface is also very important, and it is a must-read version for many people to study "Dream of the Red Chamber".

According to records, when Qi Rongsheng entered Beijing in his early years to take the examination, he bought 80 copies of the manuscript "Stone Record". Qi Zhisheng was born in 1730, and Cao Xueqin's death year, many theories are around 1763, that is, when Qi Zhisheng encountered the "Book of Stones", Cao Xueqin may still be alive.

Since he admired this book so much, and spent so much effort to write the preface and comment, if the author himself is still there, he should think of visiting the author, and even if it is not good, he will also want to understand the author's life. This is a basic need of a fan, and how many readers throughout the ages have pursued meeting their favorite writers.

However, neither of their works records their intersection. Moreover, from the perspective of Qi Shuben, he did not see the back of the chapter, and he did not want to go to the end of the back.

Then it should be that Qi Tatesun knows that the author does not exist in this world at all, or that the subsequent plot cannot be found at all.

That is to say, at this time, the author has died many years earlier, and the next 28 times have been harmonized for a long time, and only the first 80 times can be circulated. Because I knew that it was impossible to find it, I did not make any effort to find it, or I was at ease to study the existing chapters.

In the preface to the first time, Qi Tiansheng said, "It must be the intention, and the reading is the book, but it can get the author's subtle will." Such as catching the water moon, only the clear glow; such as rainy ceiling, but smell the aroma, shu get the string of this book? Or to hate the leopard without looking at the whole leopard, not knowing that the prosperity and decline is a loop, the fate of all things is nothing but an illusion bubble, the author's wise eyes and heart, there is no need to make a transliteration, and thousands of understandings, there are countless cihangs. He who dips the leaf in order to seek it, he who opens the scroll and the one who loves it is a few xi! ”

That is to say, carefully read the first 80 times to understand the main idea of this book, why not see the ending of the sadness, the author originally wrote is to the point, can understand the things explained in this book is good, you do not have to read later.

These are objective factors.

The contents of the book are even more bold descriptions, which are very rude to the Manchu Qing.

Why is "Dream of the Red Chamber" more like a ming history than a Manchu Qing story

The ninth time, Bao Yu Qin Zhong was fighting with others in the academy, and his little boy scolded, "Surnamed Jin, what are you... Come out and move your uncle Ming."

We all know that in the early Qing Dynasty, the prison of writing was serious, and some people lost their lives because of the two poems "Qingfeng can't read, why turn the book haphazardly".

The predecessor of the Manchu Qing Dynasty was the national name "Jin", in order to distinguish it from the "Jin" of the Song Dynasty, historians called it "Hou Jin", and Ming was homophonous with Ming, so if you smoke, you can call the Nine Tribes.

How could he be so rude to the Manchu Qing and call himself "Uncle Ming" be the home of officials of the Qing Dynasty.

On the sixty-third time, Baoyu named Fangguan "Yelü Xiongnu" and published a long speech: "The second sound of 'Xiongnu' is also connected with the Xiongnu, and it is the name of inuyasha." Moreover, these two kinds of people have been plagued by China since the time of Yao Shun, and the Jin and Tang dynasties have been deeply affected by them. Fortunately, we are blessed to be born in this world, the true descendants of Da Shun..."

Of course, during the Ming and Qing dynasties, the Xiongnu were long gone, but whether it was the Xiongnu, the Turks, or the Tatars and Jurchens, our Central Plains Dynasty was always regarded as a "Dog Rong" and called it "Hu People". And the aforementioned Jin Rong, who was scolded by Ming Yan, had his mother's surname exactly hu, and he was born of the Hu clan.

Cao Yin's family entered the flag register, is the white flag wrapped slaves, how can his descendants be kind enough to call themselves "the true descendants of The Great Shun" (or that the royal family is the true descendants of the Great Shun), and also wrote it into the book.

Of course, there are many other factors that many readers have pointed out. Personally, I feel that this "Cao Xueqin" originally wanted to pretend to be a descendant of Cao Yin's family, but the preparation work was not done well, so some places avoided it, and some places forgot. In this way, it can be more clearly seen that he was originally a pseudonym, not a true descendant of the Cao clan.

Why is "Dream of the Red Chamber" more like a ming history than a Manchu Qing story

Also, according to the author's naming principle, the name should have a metaphor.

The stones and karate people written above are pseudonyms, and Wu Yufeng and Kong Meixi may not be real names. Some people also say that because the original manuscript has no punctuation, "to Wu Yufeng's inscription "Dream of the Red Chamber". Donglu KongMeixi is inscribed "Treasure Book of the Wind and Moon" "Should be broken sentenced as "To Wu, Yufeng, the title is "Dream of the Red Chamber". Donglu, Kong Meixi, is titled "Treasure Book of the Wind and Moon".

This paragraph is juxtaposed with the previous name change of the empty karate people, the empty karate people renamed it "Love Monk Record", the people of wuyue land, that is, the people of Jiangnan knew that this book might cause trouble, so they hoped to temporarily seal it, hoping to pass it on to future generations, "Yufeng" was for "wanting to seal"; Donglu refers to the former Lu guo generation, that is, Shandong people read this book, I am afraid that no one cherishes "Fearful of Pity", then renamed "Wind and Moon Treasure Book".

In the late Ming and early Qing dynasties, Fengyue novels were very popular, such as "Golden Plum Bottle", "The Wizard of Oz", "Gu Yuyan", etc. are all cloaked in the cloak of fengyue to write about the world, satirize current affairs, and many have not been handed down because of their literary nature, or their value and significance are not large, such as "Yujiao Pear", "Pingshan Cold Swallow" and so on.

Because the Fengyue novel was popular at that time, and it was easier to avoid the text prison, so the Shandong people renamed it "Fengyue Baojian", hoping that more people would see it, see more people, understand more, and more people would cherish it.

Moreover, Wu Yufeng and Kong Meixi, these two people, there seems to be no specific and real clues in history, since the author is borrowing "real things hidden words" and "false village words" to speak, naturally will not expose the real name, let alone expose the true identity of friends, naturally "real hidden" and "false words remain".

According to various contents, it is speculated that the original author is likely to be between the ages of thirty and fifty, encountered the Ming Dynasty and Qingxing, witnessed all kinds of brutality in Manchuria in the early Qing Dynasty, witnessed the tragedy of the demise of the Ming Dynasty, and for some reason failed to martyr the country, so he could only record a period of wind and snow with the "historical pen" to pin his feelings.

The author said to himself that "clutching sorrow and joy, rising and falling, then tracking the traces, dare not wear a little chisel", again explaining that all the stories are true.

However, the author wrote a history book through fengyue, and the "History of Jia Wang Xue" is the history of the rise and fall of the blood and tears of the Ming Dynasty and the Qing Dynasty, and the "Family Death Blood History" of the entire Ming Dynasty.

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