
Can boiling pear soup really moisturize the lungs and relieve cough? Teach you to eat pears in winter

author:Beiqing Net
Can boiling pear soup really moisturize the lungs and relieve cough? Teach you to eat pears in winter

As soon as we enter the autumn and winter seasons, the weather is getting drier and drier, and although the humidifier is turned on, many people will still wake up at night with a dry cough due to a dry throat. When I went to the supermarket, fresh pears were on the market, and many mothers said whether to buy some pears and cook some rock sugar pear soup for their children to drink, saying that they had the effect of moisturizing the lungs and suppressing cough. There are also many programs on TV that say the benefits of eating pears in autumn and winter, such as moisturizing the lungs and coughing, dissolving phlegm and quenching thirst, etc., and it is also recommended that we eat a pear every morning and evening. Is it really so good to eat pears? Do you want to buy pears to eat?

Pears have a lot of moisture

Produces a feeling of moisturizing the lungs and relieving cough

85% of the pears are watery, the taste is crisp, sweet and sour, so the pear as a thirst quenching fruit to replenish water, the effect is very good. So pears are indeed fruits with high water content, and they can really replenish moisture to our bodies and relieve coughs caused by dryness. However, although in many advertisements, we often see that pears can "moisturize the lungs and relieve cough", but there is no formal scientific research in this regard.

Of course, due to the abundance of water in pears, eating pears is indeed good for replenishing water, and can also alleviate symptoms such as throat discomfort and cough caused by dryness. Especially friends with pharyngitis, after eating pears, they can indeed make their throats feel comfortable. Drinking pear soup made with pears makes you feel refreshed in your throat, not because there are any special ingredients in the pears, but also because of the addition of water. In fact, drinking more water has the same effect. However, although pears and pear soup do not have the legendary cough suppressant effect, it does not prevent us from enjoying its delicious taste.

Pears are cold and cannot be eaten raw?

It is related to the condition of one's own stomach

However, some people say that people with cold constitution and cold pain in the abdomen should not eat pears raw, because pears are cold, and eating raw will cause stomach pain and cause diarrhea, especially girls must not eat raw. In fact, this statement is a bit of a worry. The reason why some people feel uncomfortable after eating pears may be two reasons.

On the one hand, it may be because of the dietary fiber of the pear. When eating pears, many people will feel that there are some varieties of pears, the flesh seems to have hard slag, the taste is relatively rough, some people digest poorly, will feel uncomfortable. But in fact, they are all dietary fiber.

On the other hand, it may be because of the low temperature. When the weather is cold, eating cold fruits, some people's stomachs can not accept the cold temperature, will also be uncomfortable.

If you have a bad stomach, easy to diarrhea and other problems, eat raw cold pears will feel uncomfortable, and even stomach pain and other discomfort, you can consider eating less or heating the pear to boil soup water before eating. However, as long as there is no problem with your stomach, there is no problem in eating raw or cold.

White pears, green pears, pineapples...

Which is more nutritious?

The pears in the supermarket are also diverse, there are white pears, green pears, and even yellow-brown, are they nutritionally different? Which is better to buy? In fact, different colors, different shapes of pears, they are just different varieties, although the taste will be different, but the overall impact is not much difference, want to buy which, it depends on which you like to eat.

There are many kinds of pears, for example, there are sand pears with rough skins, smooth snow pears throughout, there are large and juicy duck pears, and delicate tribute pears. Although there are so many varieties of pears, on average, the pear family has its own common nutritional characteristics.

As we all know, vitamin A is very important for maintaining normal vision. If you lack vitamin A, you will not be able to see clearly at dusk, which is called "night blindness". Pears are rich in carotene, and carotene can be converted into vitamin A in the human body. Pears are also rich in vitamin B2, which promotes the normal growth of skin, nails and hair, and prevents and eliminates angular cheilitis.

How to eat pears is healthier?

It is not recommended to eat more pear sugar

There are many people who say that they should eat a pear every morning and evening, saying that it is healthier to eat this way, is it really necessary? There is no need. First of all, in the fruit family, pears do not have a very prominent nutritional advantage, it can only be regarded as a lower-middle level. Moreover, the pear is large and large, eat two pears, the smaller one also has 200-300 grams, the larger one is more than a pound, more than the stomach, plus more sugar, the health is actually not very good. And eating only pears in the morning and evening is obviously not in line with the principle of food diversity and moderation recommended by China's dietary guidelines.

1. Eat it with other fruits and mix it up. China's dietary guidelines recommend that everyone pay attention to dietary diversity and strive to eat at least 10 kinds of vegetables and fruits every week. Especially friends who like to eat pears very much, fruits can not only eat pears, but can be mixed with apples, winter dates, persimmons, grapes, etc., and eat a little of each fruit.

2. Eat pears in moderation. Adults are recommended to eat 200-350 grams of fresh fruit per day. Different varieties of pears vary greatly in size and individual weight. Fruit is too much, but also prone to excessive sugar, excess energy problems, do not eat too much.

Text/Nguyen Quang Feng (Director, Science and Technology Department, Food and Nutrition Information Exchange Center)

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