
Ship knowledge February 1992

author:Spear phalanx

The fate of the Japanese generals who sneaked into Pearl Harbor

Ship knowledge February 1992

Jiangwei-class frigate formation

Ship knowledge February 1992

Cover 2 and Table of Contents

Ship knowledge February 1992

Characteristics of the development of anti-ship missiles in the 1990s

Ship knowledge February 1992

Anti-ship missiles of the Chinese Navy

Ship knowledge February 1992

Illustration, Naval Submarine Academy

Ship knowledge February 1992

French dock landing ship, Lightning

Ship knowledge February 1992

The Japanese generals who attacked Pearl Harbor fell

The mobile forces of the Japanese Navy's sneak attack on Pearl Harbor have sunk in the vast Pacific Ocean as the war progresses, and the Imperial Admirals who planned and commanded this sneak attack have also been given their due field.

The Commander of the Combined Fleet, Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto, was the chief of the planning and command of the attack on Pearl Harbor. On 18 April 1943, when he flew to the front to inspect the troops, he was ambushed and killed on the island of Bougainville by a U.S. plane taking off from Henderson Airport on Guadalcanal, as the scheduled telegram was deciphered by the U.S. military.

Yamamoto's chief of staff, Lieutenant General Ugaki, was the former commander of the 5th Air Fleet. When he heard the armistice decree issued by Emperor Hirohito, he took off with four Japanese planes in an attempt to carry out a "kamikaze" special attack on Okinawa, and fell into the waves of the Pacific Ocean.

Vice Admiral Junichi Minamiun, who led a mobile force to sneak into Pearl Harbor, had committed a bloody debt to the Chinese. On July 15, 1937, as commander of the 8th Cruiser Squadron, he issued an operational order against Shanghai, frantically shouting that he would "sacrifice his life to participate in the war against China ... and give Chinese real shelling...". Later, due to successive defeats at the Battle of Midway, he was gradually snubbed and transferred to Saipan. When the U.S. army attacked Saipan, he committed suicide on July 6, 1944, with most casualties and no reinforcements from the island guarding forces.

Major General Ryunosuke Kusaka was Nanyun's chief of staff at the time of the war, and organized and led the revision and implementation of the plan to attack Pearl Harbor. After the Battle of Midway, he was transferred to the Japanese stronghold of Rabaul in the South Pacific, where he served under his cousin, Lieutenant General Kusanagi. When Vice Admiral Toyoda was the commander of the Combined Fleet, Kusaka became chief of staff of the Combined Fleet with the rank of Lieutenant General. On August 15, 1945, Emperor Hirohito issued an edict of surrender, and Ugaki led an airplane to the direction of Okinawa to carry out a suicide attack. He was sent to Oita Base, where the headquarters of the 5th Air Fleet was located, and succeeded as commander of the force until surrender. In this way, the grass deer was transformed from a "hero of war" to a defeated general.

Rear Admiral Takami Yamaguchi, who commanded the 2nd Aircraft Carrier Squadron, was the No. 2 person scheduled to command the operation when Animoto Tadaichi Nanun had an accident. Considered the most promising successor to Yamamoto in the Combined Fleet. During the Battle of Midway, he was killed by the Wyvern due to a defeat in battle.

Rear Admiral Jiro Onishi Taki, who was ordered by Yamamoto to study the attack on Pearl Harbor and develop a preliminary battle plan, was then chief of staff of the 11th Air Fleet. In October 1944, he issued an order as commander of the 1st Air Fleet to form the infamous Kamikaze Task Force. In August 1945, when the Emperor issued the Edict of the End of the War, he had just become deputy commander of the military command, so he committed suicide by cutting his abdomen at his home in Tokyo.

Among the Japanese admirals associated with the attack on Pearl Harbor, another important figure was Fu Fan. From 15 November 1939 to 10 April 1941, he served as Chief of Staff of the Combined Fleet of Isoroku Yamamoto with the rank of Major General. According to him, Yamamoto spoke to him for the first time in March or April 1940 about the bold idea of raiding Pearl Harbor with carrier-based aviation. Later, Fu liufan participated in the research of the entire program. When he was transferred to the Military Command as the first minister in charge of operations, he was even more specifically in charge of and approved the plan. In September 1945, Fukuro, then commander of the 10th Southern Fleet, joined other Japanese generals in surrendering to Marshal Mountbatten of the United Kingdom, the Supreme Commander of the Allied Forces in Southeast Asia, at the Singapore Special City Hall.

Ship knowledge February 1992

Sea of Japan, hypothetical diagram of anti-mine warfare

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Back cover, Soviet "Glory" class guided missile cruiser

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