
Extraordinary times

author:Xiang Nan's world

  She is a world-renowned Czech soprano who is preparing to return home after a sensational tour in the United States. When World War I broke out, her agent advised her to stay in the United States, but she loved her native Czech Republic and resolutely boarded the ship back to China.

Before leaving, she accepted the information that the patriots had entrusted her to bring back to China, but she did not expect to be detained and interrogated by the police as soon as she entered the country, and it was The German Kaiser Wilhelm, her fans, who interceded and let her go. The National Theatre in Prague also refused her to perform on stage.

Under house arrest at home, she fell into the predicament of life. His relationship with his lover Victor also had twists and turns. Victor is unwilling to act as her vassal, yearning for his own free and normal life, he wants to have his lover, his own children, which makes her unable to fulfill his wishes, she is sad.

She regarded the art of opera as something as precious as life, how could she have children? But she also knew that it was unreasonable to ask Victor to do so. In order to keep Victor, she even suggested that Victor could have his own wife and children, and that she should feed them.

Victor, who is self-respecting and self-loving, flatly refuses and chooses to resign and leave her.

The police suspected her of being in contact with an underground party organization and forced Victor to return to her to spy on her.

Officials have not yet taken over her property. Victor is very embarrassed, he wants to protect his lover and save his own life.

At this time, her agent returned from the United States. Victor again persuaded her to go to the United States to continue her singing career.

She could have gone far and high, but her strong patriotism prompted her to decide to share the hardships of the people in her hometown. She gave free concerts in the country, which were hugely reverberated and caused panic among the authorities. They threatened her to serve them after going abroad, or they would kill Victor.

She was in great pain, but she knew that something that betrayed her soul and conscience could not be done, and even Victor would not let her do it, and her refusal finally ruined Victor's life.

Emma spent the war years alone and in pain.

After the war, everything seems to be back to the past, but her beloved Victor will not come back...

This is the synopsis of the classic Czech film "Extraordinary Emma".

The film is based on real events and is based on the first half of the autobiography of the famous Czech singer Emma Destin.

Emma Destin was born in Prague on 26 February 1878. He was an excellent violinist. In 1898, at the age of 20, she performed for the first time in a berlin theater and was successful. Since then, he has traveled to famous opera houses in Europe and the United States, and has also performed at the Royal Theatre, Coventry Gardens and the Metropolitan Opera House in the United States, and his reputation has risen for a while.

She has performed in operas such as Carmen, La Traviata, The Marriage of Figaro, and Madame Butterfly, and has been well received by world music authorities.

Emma is regarded as a national treasure by the Czech people and is proud of her artistic achievements.

I was only 25 years old when I watched this movie. People's Cinema in Shijiazhuang.

The People's Cinema is located on Zhongshan Road, one of the liveliest streets in Shijiazhuang.

I've seen a lot of movies at the People's Cinema later. But the most impressive is this "Extraordinary Emma".

First, it was because I experienced the charm of bel canto singing on the screen for the first time.

Emma Extraordinary is a musical film. The film runs through many classic opera songs, showing Emma's gorgeous voice and voice.

The second is the elegant and solemn shawl of Emma Phi in the movie, with extraordinary temperament.

The shawl, which contained the important code of the patriots, had become a target for the Germans when she stepped into the country, and she was monitored and interrogated, but she refused to take off the shawl and was thrown into prison in the name of the singer's need to protect her voice.

After the Germans obtained the password, they used the shawl as bait to release Emma. Unbeknownst to Emma, Emma was still obsessively waiting for the patriots to remove the shawl. She sang affectionately "Ode to the Moon" composed by czech compatriot Dvořák: "Ah! Moon, please send a word to him, tell him that I am here waiting for him..."

The shawl is an important prop in the film, and Emma wears it from beginning to end.

Although China at that time had opened up, it was still generally conservative in dress. Even in later years, few people in Chinese had the habit of wrapping up their shawls. I can imagine how the shawl that set Emma off in a graceful manner fascinated me.

The third reason is that this movie was watched by me and my girlfriend Yuan. Shortly thereafter, she traveled to a foreign land.

Later, whenever we recalled the last scene we were together, I would always ask her, "Remember when we watched Extraordinary Emma together?" ”

Then I left my hometown. With the passage of time, everything in my hometown is getting farther and farther away from me, and I can only reminisce in my dreams.

And the buildings and scenes that come to mind, the People's Cinema must be one of them.

It is not just an ordinary theater, but also carries my youth, my nostalgia and love.

Unexpectedly, after more than 30 years, I stepped into this theater again. Because, when I surveyed and reviewed my hometown, I found that the People's Cinema actually had a remarkable history, and it was the place where the inaugural meeting of the North China People's Government was held during the Liberation War.

In other words, it is from here that the Central People's Government came out.

China, which has been devastated by disasters, has suffered like Emma's motherland, the Czech Republic. After a long period of darkness, when the dawn of China was approaching, a brand-new people's power was about to be born. The ideal for which the Communists shed their blood and sacrificed themselves is about to be realized, and all the people are full of passion.

yes! Just thinking about what it was like at that time would make me excited.

What an extraordinary time!

Extraordinary times
Extraordinary times
Extraordinary times
Extraordinary times
Extraordinary times
Extraordinary times

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