
Adults living in the world of animation

author:Yuan Zhi Bai wei peach blossom forest

Text/Yuan Zhi Bai Wei Peach Blossom Forest

Upstairs lived a twenty-eighty-nine girl Xiao Chen, her family has some wrestling downstairs is clear to hear, last night everyone has slept, and her mother began to shout hysterically: "Such an adult, watch cartoons every day, what time is it?" What can you do? Useless stuff. Then I heard something "bang" and fall to the ground. Luckily I wasn't asleep yet. [Sweat]

It turned out that Xiao Chen had not gone out to look for a job since graduating from college, nor had any object, and had been at home, hiding at home every day, listening to her mother's propaganda everywhere, and the most she did every day was to watch cartoons.

The world of animation can soothe a person's heart

Why can't adults watch animation, of course, even the author of the animation may be an old man, and the person who watches the animation can't be an adult?

For example, Mr. Hayao Miyazaki, who is now in his 80s, has painted many, many excellent works, such as "Castle in the Sky", "Totoro", "Porco Rosso", "Valley of the Wind", "Spirited Away", "Moving Castle" and so on.

Some people say that cartoons are not the exclusive property of children? No, his animation content is not only colorful, the characters are clear and the expressions of the characters are also vivid, but the content expressed has many meanings.

"Spirited Away" expresses the greed of human beings, and after a lot of suffering to find their former self, "Valley of the Wind" expresses the meaning that as long as you are brave, you can overcome everything.

Mr. Miyazaki has incorporated his life's experience and what he has seen and thought into his works, cleverly allowing people of different ages to taste different feelings.

Some people watch the hilarity, some people look for their own shadows, and Xiao Chen should try to find his lost self, using the characters inside to soothe his wounded heart.

Adults living in the world of animation

When they are powerless to change anything, someone flees to the world of animation

Xiao Chen, because she always bears blame and neglects an effective guide, she flees to the animation world

I know that I always see such a sentence: "The child's life lives in the mouth of the parents"


If parents always say: nothing is good, stupid..... To blame the child

And this child, who will really develop in this direction, will become more and more autistic and inferior.

Like Xiao Chen, who always hides from the sunshine of life, he really can't do anything

So she found an outlet, a place where she could unleash her nature: the world of animation

There she still matches herself to smaller characters instead of protagonists, snooping and learning about the protagonist's behavior

If her parents could give her some encouragement from time to time, help her and cheer her up when she's in trouble, I don't think she would be like this.

If her parents could watch animation with her, they would have learned about her world, and it wouldn't be the way it is now.

Adults living in the world of animation

Become the protagonist of the anime and achieve yourself in reality

I don't know if anyone has seen the cartoon "The Adventures of the Dirty King"

This cartoon was especially popular with children in the early 1980s

The children who have watched it have changed to a certain extent


It is about a particularly scruffy little boy, and in real life, he is also a very inconspicuous character

One day he accidentally stuck to some kind of chemical liquid

Suddenly, he became smaller and inadvertently fell into the rat kingdom

In order to escape, he experienced some difficulties and finally sharpened himself to be both strong and brave

And also helped a lot of friends.

Eventually became a clean and excellent child.

Adults living in the world of animation

Whoever grows up does not make mistakes, and who is not confused when things happen

Adults living in the animation world are not adults, but make multiple choice questions in the adult path, and they can also be released under the pressure of life.

If you are an adult who loves to watch cartoons, it means that your heart is still rich and colorful, and you will meet characters who have the same difficulties as you, and he will help you choose the right path.

If your child loves to watch animation, congratulations, he will be the richest person in his heart.

May your life have the color of the animated world and the fruits of a beautiful yearning for life.


[Welcome to leave a message or private message, for your life to make a seasoning, for the feeling of a drip]

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