
Since December 15, the fortunes have risen, the 4 generations have helped each other, and the career has risen step by step

Genus Phase Mouse

Friends of the rat, flexible thinking, very good at dealing with people, from birth to old age are blessed with wealth, talented, intelligent, have a brain, super good temper, very gentle, but also very warm-hearted, with a super gentle side. Starting from December 15th, the genus rats their fortunes are rising higher and higher, the fortune is also rolling in, the windfall is easy to earn, life is more exciting than imagined, the day of fortune, the great luck, the great fortune, the older the more smooth, the happier, the next can laugh often, life becomes more and more smooth, the money in the pocket can not fit, and there will be a rich partial wealth into the account, a lifetime and blessings, all the way to the money and fortune.

Since December 15, the fortunes have risen, the 4 generations have helped each other, and the career has risen step by step

Genus Phase Cattle

People who belong to cattle, strong self-esteem, let them appear a little proud in the eyes of others, and pour out their hearts, the most afraid of loneliness, while often lying to face you with great righteousness, plus sweet words, sound and color, Buddha blessings, starting from December 15, fortune all the way red, rich and rich, as well as "wolf" auspicious star blessing, noble fortune, noble people come from all directions, will be able to work high and famous, and work hard, so that they often waste sleep and forget to eat, pay attention to the body, the family is superior, and the future is easy to be promoted by nobles.

Since December 15, the fortunes have risen, the 4 generations have helped each other, and the career has risen step by step

Genus Phase Pig

Friends who belong to the pig, good looking, good temperament, everyone loves and cares, will be able to do everything smoothly, is very pragmatic, decided a goal will work hard for it, willing to fight, enterprising, will inevitably be able to earn countless accounts, life will be truly rich, no matter what difficulties encountered in work, what setbacks encountered in life, they can calmly face. Starting from December 15th, the zodiac pigs they are rich and noble, happy events spread thousands of miles, the rich and noble are not short of money, the money is greatly increased, the career is on the next level, will always get the heavens' favor at hand of the difficulties one by one to solve, naturally can spend the second half of life with a smile, the future will inevitably be able to rise step by step in the career, there will be a very rich return on wealth, the recent good things are one after another, the month of good luck comes.

Since December 15, the fortunes have risen, the 4 generations have helped each other, and the career has risen step by step

Genus Phase Dog

Friends who belong to the dog are very diligent by nature and are patient in everything they do. Therefore, no matter what they encounter, they will always overcome one difficulty after another in life with tenacity and perseverance. From December 15th, good luck was good, and even windfalls were frequented. So they can make enough money in just two years, and buying a house and a car is not a problem.

Since December 15, the fortunes have risen, the 4 generations have helped each other, and the career has risen step by step

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