
Ugly World (8)

author:Yun Nakanoya

(8) Trio of thieves

Silly women always scold me for feeding unfamiliar dogs, eating and leaving.

She scolded me for reason, because since Manager Wang liked me, I had eaten too many good things, ham sausages, fragrant meat bones... I can eat these at any time. In order to show her love for me, Sister Li, whose face is as white as a wall, even went to buy dog food like a snack, which was specially created for me, and I don't like to eat it yet! Under her coercion and inducement, I pitifully ate two pills, which was to give her face. As for the steaming steamed buns of a stupid woman, I will never again foolishly eat it with both hands, only a stupid woman treats it as a good thing.

It's just that I often go back to sleep with silly women. When I was tired of running outside, or was kicked at Sister Li (she always kicked me secretly), I ran back to the silly woman's house, and with the silly woman, fell asleep in the sun.

Smelling the silly woman's breath, I slept sweetly.

At night, the people in the White House were gone, and the silly women in the kitchen were gone, and my little nest was placed under the chimney of the kitchen by the silly women, and a wall was separated by wooden planks.

She just didn't know that since she left, I had rarely lived in my nest, because the wandering kind of people outside the factory would soon come to me. Rhubarb, the one who once snatched my bones, led his brother the dog with the most, and he said that the dog was my brother, but also said that we looked alike. God, if I were ugly like that, I'd rather not come into this world. His fur was tied and knotted everywhere, and his body always emitted a foul smell, as if pus was flowing out of the room. His hair blocked his eyes, and I always suspected he couldn't see the way, so he always looked down and sniffed.

The camera of Manager Wang holding me was seen by them, and they saw me with a bit of a bow. They smelled the good smell in my mouth and stubbornly asked me to find something to eat for him. Our dog world has always admired the strong, and after being bitten by them once, I contributed the bones that I had hidden before, but they were not satisfied, and they also wanted to eat succulent bones and incense-scented ham.

Think of the beauty! That's mine, and no one wants to grab it!

At night, I took them to a nearby migrant worker team. Because infrastructure is being built, there are many such migrant workers, and each migrant worker team has a small kitchen, and every kitchen has a kitchen lady like a thin kitchen lady or a fat kitchen lady. I quietly led them in and went inside to watch them sweep around the kitchen, nagging the meat prepared in the kitchen far away. The leper dog was a fool, he really couldn't see clearly, once touched the kitchen knife on the board and cut it on his leg where his hair was falling off, this guy was not afraid of pain, and he was still eating there.

Rhubarb, this rammed goods, every time have to leave a mark in the kitchen, not at all civilized, unlike me, I will never leave a mark in the place where to eat and drink, which may be the habit left by the life of human beings who walk upright.

I never ate or drank with them, I didn't look down on what they ate, and whenever they were wreaking havoc in the kitchen, I was always alert and hid in the darkness outside. My alertness was innate, and it came from my mother, who had long since disappeared into the depths of my memory, and like her, my hair was so shiny that no one could see it.

There was a kitchen lady who was bald, and I smelled it, and he was a male. He didn't have a single hair on his head, much lighter than the head of a leper, and during the day I always saw him take something and pile it up on his head.

I don't like him, he smells of having killed a dog.

One night we were surrounded by him, and I was upset that I shouldn't have taken them to the same kitchen for two days in a row, but I was just a puppy, wasn't I? The puppy's mind is that simple, I naively thought that I found food there on the first day and found it the next day.

We were surrounded, and the animals walking upright on two legs were indeed very sinister, they had already found out that we had destroyed the traces of the kitchen, and quietly laid out a round for us, and as soon as we entered, we were "closed the door and beat the dogs", and several people rushed in at the same time with sticks. Rhubarb is really not a good dog, he rushed out of the gap between people's legs for the first time, and incidentally bit a bite on a person's hand. The leper head was still sniffing silly, and an iron pipe slammed into his leg, and I heard him shout bitterly.

I was so frightened that I hid in the dark shadow under the board, listening to the miserable cries of the head of the fistula, and my body trembled.

The next day, the bald head's kitchen was like a New Year's Day, and the head of the bald head was hung upside down in the doorway, and the bald head took a knife and peeled his skin little by little.

I hid in the kitchen lady's house with my tail between my legs, and she didn't dare to come out no matter how she screamed.

Ugly World (8)

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Ugly World (8)

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