
The Liande family style has been passed down from generation to generation| and the Talents of the Piling Lü Clan have been born

author:National Party media information public platform

Source: Junction News Client

Intersection News "There are tribes in the world, and there is no such thing as a common man in the southeast." This is the dragon city - Changzhou. Especially in the Qing Dynasty, the Culture of Changzhou flourished, talents emerged, and many family families appeared, making Changzhou culture flourish for a while. The Lü family is one of the representatives, and the "Fourth Family" and "Five Sons Dengke" are the praise of the Lü family. The first title of Changzhou in the Qing Dynasty came from the Lü clan, "When the ambition came out of the mountains and forests, the nomination of the gold list was a good news." A famous and prestigious lü clan descendant, the first person of the Qing Dynasty. "It's this Yuanlang," Lu Gong.

Lü Gong (1603-1664) character long tone, also known as lane pillow, number Golden Gate, Qing Changzhou capital Wujin Beigang people, in the fourth year of Shunzhi in the Qing Dynasty (1647) ding haike a jinshi, is the first Qing Dynasty in Changzhou, the second champion of the Qing Dynasty, from the Hanlin Secretary Academy to a pin Hongwen Academy university scholar (equivalent to the prime minister). Lü Gongtong studied economics, dealt with the officials in the DPRK, devoted himself to his wisdom, and cared about the sufferings of the people. Although he was an extremely popular subject, his power was tilted toward the opposition, and he was quite relied upon by the Shunzhi Emperor, he was always able to clean himself up, not abuse his power, and did not use his political resources to seek the interests of his family. Lü Gong has served as an examiner and a scroll reader many times, has many protégés, but can break corporals, for decades the scientific expedition officials in the Jiangnan region are his protégés, but in order to avoid favoritism, his six sons do not try to be his protégés, all of whom are old, which shows that he is innocent and has an upright family style. Lü Gong was charitable and charitable, inheriting the family business at a young age, and within three years he scattered all the family land, after becoming an official, he observed the people's feelings, sought the well-being of the people, disdained to form a party for personal gain, and also used his own money to reward the victims of the disaster, so that many people could survive, which was highly praised by the government and the opposition.

The Liande family style has been passed down from generation to generation| and the Talents of the Piling Lü Clan have been born

About the Lü Palace, there is also a small story, when the Lü Palace entered the capital to participate in the scientific expedition in the fourth year of Shunzhi, the candles burned out at night, fell on the scrolls of the Lü Palace, resembling a lotus, and soon dissipated, so the Lü Palace passed the entrance examination, and in the court examination, he was appreciated by the magnates and was selected by the Shunzhi Emperor as a first-class person. Although this story seems to be a folk legend, it carries the affirmation of posterity for the road of Lü Gong as an official, "for the official to be clean and honest, step by step to give birth to lotus".

For the country and the people, the descendants of the Lü family have always been praised by the township for their virtues, and the upright and innocent family style continues unceasingly. Lü Xingyuan (1753-1821), also known as Shu Ne, Xianggao, Yingwei, Yingwei, the fifth grandson of The Lu Palace of Yuanlang, was one of the "Seven Sons of Biling" and had great achievements in poetry, ancient texts, novels, miscellaneous dramas, and calligraphy and painting. Although he was inferior to his ancestors on the road of the imperial examination and failed to pass the imperial examination three times, his talent was recognized, and he eventually embarked on the career path because of his practical talent, and in his later years, he was famous in the local area in the name of a follower. Lü Xingyuan was influenced by his ancestor Lü Gong and his family, not a person who read poetry and books emptyly, was familiar with river affairs, and had the talent to govern dramas, although he was late in his life and was only hired in the past, he was a "shrewd and strong member" in the mouth of the then prince Shao baofang. During his term of office, he paid attention to the rule of officials and benefited the people, and was a good official who was honest and honest and respected by the people. Throughout Lü Xingyuan's life, he was born into a famous family, but experienced the fall of the family; the examination was frustrated, but he always had a high fighting spirit; embraced the talents of the world and always struggled unceasingly; and did not fall into the family's voice and established himself.

The Liande family style has been passed down from generation to generation| and the Talents of the Piling Lü Clan have been born

Throughout the ages, the Lü clan has produced many talents, and Lu Simian, a historian and master of traditional Chinese studies in modern China, is from the Lü clan. Lü Simian has been able to read historical books and classics since he was 7 years old; since the age of 18, he has attached importance to the national economy and people's livelihood, from water conservancy, taxation, and official governance, to the people's food, clothing, housing, and transportation, changes in prices, and the idea of worrying about the country and the people, which can be seen from a young age. During the period of isolated islands, Lü Simian avoided living in the Shanghai concession; while writing a large number of historical works and papers, he also paid attention to the current situation and cared about the fate of the motherland; under the pseudonyms of "Wild Cat", "Naiqiu", "Liuyong", and "Cheng Yun", he wrote many articles full of national righteousness and exposing the atrocities of the Japanese and Kosovars, which were published in the anti-Japanese newspapers and periodicals in the concession, and were called "fighters on the isolated island" by fan quan, a writer and newspaperman.

The Lü family training will always be passed down The Lü family can make immortal contributions to the country and the people, and its family training is indispensable. The Lü family training of "Xun'er's descendants, Mao De Mian Learning, Diligence and Thriftiness, and Great Protection of the World" teaches future generations to have noble and broad conduct like the sages, work diligently, restrain greed, be self-respecting, introspective, self-vigilant, self-motivated, live frugally, maintain honesty and honesty, and make achievements to comfort the ancestors. The Lü family training has not only educated generations of Lü clan people, but also benefited the descendants of Biling a lot, and it is precisely with the influence and cultural heritage of such a large clan like the Lü clan that the "Dragon City" is more shining. Correspondent Jin Miao