
Averaging 13+4 per game! With a three-point shooting rate of 43%, Guo Shiqiang wants to create the strongest "3D" player in China

If the Guangzhou team led by Guo Shiqiang last season was a "dark horse" team, then this season's Guangzhou team should have entered the ranks of the middle and upper reaches of the league and become a playoff-level strong team! Because of the results of the first season, guangzhou team can use the foreign aid system of four quarters and five people last season, which also gave them great help.

When many people think that they rely on foreign aid to enter the playoffs, the guangzhou team in the new season is simply amazing to everyone, in the case of only one foreign aid to the team in the first stage of the game, they have achieved a record of 10 wins and 3 losses, ranking 7th in the league, and there is only one win gap from the second place Guangdong team.

Averaging 13+4 per game! With a three-point shooting rate of 43%, Guo Shiqiang wants to create the strongest "3D" player in China

Moreover, in the first stage of the game, head coach Guo Shiqiang was also banned for five games, and the team was still able to achieve such good results, which shows that this Guangzhou team has become more mature under the tutelage of Guo Shiqiang in the past year or so! In terms of players, Chen Yingjun's progress is also an important reason why the team can achieve such good results, as the core of the team, Chen Yingjun can average 20.8 points and 10.5 assists in the double-double data this season, not only can score but also can drive teammates around him, and now he seems to have become Guo Shiqiang's Guo Allen or Zhao Jiwei in Guangzhou!

Averaging 13+4 per game! With a three-point shooting rate of 43%, Guo Shiqiang wants to create the strongest "3D" player in China

In addition to Chen Yingjun, the much-watched mixed-race player Zhu Mingzhen, who has also made great progress this season, has increased from 32.5 minutes per game to 34.7 minutes this season, the average number of points per game has increased from 9.6 points last season to 13.1 points this season, and the average number of three-point shots per game was 1.6 times last season and 1.8 times this season, compared with not much change, but the three-point shooting rate has increased from 38% last season to 43% this season!

Averaging 13+4 per game! With a three-point shooting rate of 43%, Guo Shiqiang wants to create the strongest "3D" player in China

At the same time, Zhu Mingzhen has been able to deliver 1.1 steals per game this season, and has become more and more like a top-level "3D" player! Whether it is the NBA or in other leagues, this kind of forward player who can score three points, can defend, and does not occupy the ball, is very popular, every coach likes to use, and in China, there are indeed too few players with similar attributes. Fortunately, now that Zhu Mingzhen has come out, if he can grow at such a speed, coupled with Du Feng's "hot" vision, I believe that in the future, there will be a place for Zhu Mingzhen in the national team!

Averaging 13+4 per game! With a three-point shooting rate of 43%, Guo Shiqiang wants to create the strongest "3D" player in China

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