
Ganzhou-Shenzhen high-speed railway officially opened The reporter experienced two hours from Guangming to Ganzhou_Shenzhen News Network

author:Shenzhen News Network

Shenzhen News Network, December 10, 2021 (Reporter Chen Yuanyuan, Lin Qiuying, Mai Leyao, Niu Yun) On December 10, the Ganzhou-Shenzhen high-speed railway was officially opened for operation, and the fastest travel time from Nanchang to Shenzhen will be compressed from 4 hours and 42 minutes to 3 hours and 30 minutes, and Ganzhou to Shenzhen will be compressed to 2 hours. On the first day of opening, the reporter took the Harmony G4624 from Guangming City Station to Ganzhou West Railway Station, and then took the Fuxing G4627 from Ganzhou West Railway Station to Return to Guangming City at 16:25, experiencing the speed and convenience brought by the opening of the Ganzhou-Shenzhen high-speed railway along the way. The train departs at 13:14 and arrives at Ganzhou West Railway Station at 15:19, which also means that you can eat pigeons in the light at noon and eat local navel oranges in Ganzhou in the afternoon. All the way down, the train was fast and steady, the water bottle was placed on the window sill, and the water surface did not shake violently. The carriage also has a special toilet specially designed for the disabled and parents with infants and young children, which is not only humane in design, but also convenient for passengers in need. There are catering supplies on the high-speed train, and the reporter also enjoyed a braised beef brisket rice, which is delicious with meat and vegetarian dishes. Mr. Liu, who got on the train with the reporter, worked in Guangming for 2 years, and he bought a high-speed rail ticket at noon on the 9th, this time to Ganzhou West Railway Station. "It was a comfortable ride home by high-speed train." Mr. Liu also recommended the ancient city wall of Ganzhou and the tourist attractions of the Eight Mirror Terrace, and said that it is also a good choice to eat navel oranges in Gannan. Mr. Zhou, who has worked in Guangming for eight years, took the Gan-Shenzhen high-speed railway back to his hometown of Ji'an this time, "Before, every time I went home, I used to drive or take a train, which took seven or eight hours. After the opening of the Ganzhou-Shenzhen high-speed railway, he expects that it will only take about three hours to return home, which greatly facilitates his life. Mr. Liu recommended the ancient city wall of Ganzhou and the tourist attractions of the Eight Mirror Terrace to reporters. At present, the Ganzhou-Shenzhen high-speed railway is in the initial stage of operation, and the railway department will arrange to open 22 pairs of mobile train sets, with an initial operating speed of 300 kilometers per hour. When the national railway operation map is adjusted on January 10, 2022, trains will be arranged according to the daily line, weekend line and peak line, and the maximum number of pairs of mobile trains will be opened in a single day. The reporter inquired from the railway 12306 website that there were two trains from Guangming City Station to Ganzhou West Railway Station on December 10, namely G4624 and G4636, of which G4624 departed at 13:14, G4636 departed at 19:24, Guangming City to Ganzhou West Commercial Seat 890 yuan, first class seat 407 yuan, second class seat 254 yuan. It is understood that the Ganzhou-Shenzhen high-speed railway starts from Ganzhou in Jiangxi in the north, runs through the five cities of Ganzhou, Heyuan, Huizhou, Dongguan and Shenzhen, and ends at Shenzhen North Railway Station. The main line has a total length of 436 kilometers, a design speed of 350 kilometers per hour, and a planned transportation capacity of 50 million passengers per year. There are 14 stations on the line, namely: Ganzhou West, Xinfeng West, Longnan East, Dingnan South, Heping North, Longchuan West, Heyuan North, Heyuan East, Boluo North, Huizhou North, Zhongkai, Dongguan South (Tangxia), Guangming City, Shenzhen North. Among them, Guangming City Station is located in Fenghuang Street, Guangming District, and is the first stop of the Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong high-speed railway and the Gan-Shenzhen high-speed railway to enter Shenzhen. Guangming City Station is composed of three parts: both line transformation, expansion and new construction, with a new construction area of 14699.7 square meters and a reconstruction of 3906.4 square meters. The Guangming City Station of the Ganzhou-Shenzhen High-Speed Railway has set up 2 platforms and 4 rail lines. Spacious and bright Guangming City Station. The Ganzhou-Shenzhen high-speed railway is an important part of the Beijing-Hong Kong high-speed railway in China's "eight vertical and eight horizontal" high-speed railway network, which is connected to the Changgan section of the Beijing-Hong Kong high-speed railway that has been put into operation in the north and the existing Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong high-speed railway and the Hangzhou-Shenzhen high-speed railway in the south, forming a fast passenger channel connecting central China to the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. The completion and opening of this high-speed railway will further improve the structure of the regional road network, greatly facilitate the travel of people along the route, and is of great significance to the integration of the former Central Soviet Area of Gansu, Fujian and Guangdong into the development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and the construction of a new model of linkage development of the "Suzhou Bay Area". The water bottle was placed on the windowsill, and the surface of the water did not shake violently. Experience the ride with the reporter. Braised beef brisket rice on the train. Create a national civilized city light zone in action

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