
Share 7 inspiring little stories

author:Dig into finance

The rules of success are actually very simple, and the reason why successful people are rare is that most people think that these rules are too simple, do not insist, and disdain to do them. Persistence is the premise of our success, if we do everything halfway, then we will never succeed. The following small series to introduce to you about the incentive small, convenient for everyone to learn.

Share 7 inspiring little stories

Motivational Little Story 1

What a magnificent scene! In the vast wilderness, a pack of wolves treads through the snow in search of prey. One of their most commonly used marches is to march in a single row, one after the other. The lead wolf's physical exertion. As a pioneer, he took the lead in breaking a path in the soft snow to allow the wolves behind him to conserve their strength. When the lead wolf is tired, it will give way and let the wolf behind him take its place. This way it can follow the team, relax, recharge and take on new challenges.

Led by a couple of heads of wolves, each wolf in the pack is responsible for the happiness of the group. For example, after the female wolf gives birth to a litter of cubs, there is usually an "uncle" who takes on the role of "chief nanny", so that the female head wolf can temporarily get rid of responsibility and go on a "honeymoon hunt" with the male wolf. No member of the wolf pack wants to be a regular hunter, babysitter, or sentry—but every wolf plays a vital role.

As early as when playing with adult wolves, wolf cubs are patiently trained to take on the responsibility of leading the wolves. They do this because life is supposed to be the way it is.

The same goes for successful groups and happy families. Each member must not only assume his or her own obligations, but also be ready to assume greater leadership responsibilities at any time. A group's life is likely to be linked to this.

Wolves not only work closely with their kind, but also with other kinds of creatures. The purpose of this is to achieve the goals agreed upon by both parties, sometimes just for fun.

Crows are an example. The crow is spatially observable, and when she finds an injured or dead prey, she usually calls the wolf and other crows to the scene like a messenger. Wolves can tear apart the corpses of their prey, so they provide enough food for a few days.

Wolves sometimes playfully pounce on cunning crows, and crows peck at wolves as they eat. Not only are the two animals able to live in peace, but it is clear that there is an intricate cooperative relationship between them that has been gradually formed according to nature's laws of efficiency and thousands of years of experience.

The tacit cooperation between wolves and wolves became a decisive factor in the success of wolves. Similarly, the tacit cooperation between them and humans also helps to improve the living environment of both.

Motivational Little Story 2

Every year from September to November, the geese in Canada fly south in flocks to the east coast of the United States for the winter. In the spring of the following year, it flew back to the spot to breed. During the voyage of 10,000 miles, they encountered the muzzle of the hunter's gun, through storms, lightning and thunder, and the threat of cold and water shortages, but every year they were able to successfully travel back and forth. When the geese are lined up in a "V" shape, this increases the flight energy by 71% compared to the lone goose flying alone.

When each goose flaps its wings and flies high, it also provides a "upward wind" for the teammates behind it, this labor-saving flight mode allows each goose to save energy. If we move like geese towards a common goal, we are interdependent and share the strength of the team. When a goose deviates from the team, he will immediately notice the hardship and resistance of flying alone, and he will immediately fly back to the team, taking advantage of the "upward wind" provided by the partner in front of him. Revelation, if we are like geese, we will be in the procession, following the leader to the destination. We accept the assistance of others and are also to assist others.

When the lead goose is tired, he will retreat to the back of the line, while the other goose will fly to his place to fill. In fact, difficult tasks need to be paid in turn, and we must respect each other, share resources, and realize the potential of all people. When a goose is sick or injured, two other geese will fly out of the line to follow him, assist and protect him until he recovers, and then they form a "V" shape on their own and start flying to catch up with the team.

In fact, if we are like geese, we can maintain each other and rely on each other in times of difficulty or good times, and no matter how difficult the journey is, we are not afraid of the distance. Each goose in the procession will make a "croaking" sound to encourage the leading geese to move forward. In fact, the reward of life is at the end, not the beginning, in the journey to suffer ups and downs, you may still fail, as long as the team encourages each other, firm faith, in the end will be able to succeed.

Motivational Short Story 3


The two birds live together, and the male collects a full nest of nuts for the female to preserve, but due to the dry weather, the nuts are dehydrated and smaller, and one nest of nuts looks like only half of the original.

The male bird thought that the female had eaten it, so he pecked it to death, and after a few days, after a few rains, the air was moist and the nuts swelled into a full nest. At this time, the male bird said with great regret, "I blamed the female bird!"

Bosses and colleagues must trust each other, and many happy and united teams are ruined by doubt and suspicion. Therefore, we must maintain trust in colleagues and employees, and do not let suspicion ruin the team.

Motivational Little Story 4

[Marie Curie scientific research, do not ask about the future]

Marie Curie, mentioning this household name, everyone knows. She was Marie Curie, the first female scientist on the 1903 Nobel Prize in Physics, the first to discover and study radium with her husband, Pierre Curie.

When I finished reading The Story of Marie Curie, I was deeply moved by Marie Curie's perseverance. After discovering this unknown element, Marie Curie and her husband named it "Radium", and then the couple began a four-year study in a dilapidated fence house. Every day, Marie Curie did the same thing: first boiling the residue of the asphalt uranium in a large iron pot, and then stirring the shallow slag with an iron rod about the same height as her. Mary insisted on working all day and chose the man's "rough work". Sometimes, she refined more than forty pounds of raw material at a time, and the shed was piled with large bottles of sediment and solution. She carried the weight, moved the solution, and kept stirring the boiling substance in the pot. Doing these heavy jobs, Mary did not complain in the slightest, and still buried her head in hard work.

The working day was extended to a working month, the working month became a working year, two years became three years, and three years became four years. In these long years, the couple did the same work and did the same thing every day, but they never felt bored, but they worked harder and never gave up. For four years, the Curies used amazing perseverance to refine the "radium", and their spirit of perseverance and never giving up is so admirable! Kung Fu pays off, and with payouts, there will be gains. The Curies explained its meaning with practical actions.

Motivational Little Story 5


In 1912, Carnegie, the king of American steel, hired Waber as president of the company for an annual salary of one million dollars at the time, trying to reverse the backwardness of the steel plant. The corporate community in the United States is talking about it, Waber is not an expert in the steel industry, a million dollars of high salary, is it worth it?

Facts speak louder than words. This million dollar high salary, worth it.

On this day, Waber came to a steel factory and asked the director, "Why does the output of your factory always go up?" The director of the factory said: "I have taken a lot, but the enthusiasm of the workers is always not high, and I am also worried about this matter." At that time, when the day shift and night shifts were shifted, Waber asked the foreman of the day shift: "How many tons of steel did you refine today?" The foreman said, "Six tons." Waber said nothing, just wrote a big "six" in chalk on the cement floor, and then left.

The next morning, when Waber arrived at the factory, he found that the word "six" written on the ground yesterday had been rewritten by the night workers to "seven". The day shift workers knew that after losing to the night shift workers, their hearts were very unhappy, and they were determined to give the night shift workers a little color to see, and everyone redoubled their efforts, and as a result, ten tons of steel were refined that day. In this way, under the constant competition of the day and night workers, the situation in the factory gradually improved. Soon after, its output jumped to the top of all the steel mills in the company.

If you want me to do it, it is better for me to do it; It is better to send a general than to provoke a general. People fight for a breath, Buddhas fight for incense. In order to compete for "one breath", many people will stop at nothing to catch up with their opponents, which is the secret of Vaber's chalk to increase production.

Motivational Short Story 6


There was a Lu guo who was good at weaving straw shoes, and his wife was good at weaving white silk. He wanted to move to Vietnam. His friend said to him, "If you go to Vietnam, you will be poor." "Why?" Straw shoes are used to walk, but Vietnamese are accustomed to walking barefoot; White silk is used to make hats, but the Vietnamese are accustomed to wearing shawls. Is it possible to go where you are not needed by virtue of your strengths, so that you may not be poor?"

For a person to develop his or her expertise, he or she must be adapted to the needs of the social environment. If it is divorced from the needs of the social environment, its expertise loses its value. Therefore, we must decide our own actions according to the needs of society and better use our own expertise.

Motivational Short Story 7


A spider has laid a web at the broken wall and settled its home, but its life is not peaceful, because it is often hit by wind and rain.

It was such another day, heavy rain came, and its net was once again devastated. No sooner had the heavy rain passed than the spider struggled to crawl toward the shattered web on the wall. Because the walls are damp, it will fall down when it climbs to a certain height. It climbed up again and again, and fell down again and again...

The three people who had been sheltering inside saw the spider climbing up and falling down, and began to discuss, but their views were very different.

When the first person saw it, he sighed and said to himself, "Oh, isn't my life like this spider?" That's how we are. Although I have been busy all the time, the result is nothing. It seems that my fate, like this spider, cannot be changed. ”

The second man watched quietly for a moment and said dismissively, "This spider is so stupid, why don't you go around and climb up from the dry place next to it?" I can't be as stupid as I am in the future. When I encounter another thorny problem, I must think seriously with my head, not blindly bury my head in hard work, and try to find shortcuts to solve problems. ”

The third man looked intently at the defeated spider, and his soul was deeply shaken, and he thought, "A small spider has such a persistent and tenacious spirit, and with such a spirit it will certainly succeed." I really should have learned from this spider!"

For the same thing, different mentalities, will lead to different understandings and different results. Mindset determines personal destiny. [Light the peace lamp]

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