
Attack the fourth quarter! Tongliao City two levels of court "Grassland Eagle 2021" centralized enforcement continued to exert force

author:Tongliao Intermediate People's Court

Since the Autonomous Region High Court arranged the deployment of the "Montma Galloping" special action to improve the quality and efficiency of trial enforcement and the "Grassland Eagle 2021" centralized enforcement action, the courts at both levels in Tongliao City have continued to exert efforts and take the initiative, combined with the practical activities of "I do practical things for the masses", intensively organized and carried out centralized enforcement actions, continuously expanded the results of the battle in a way that can be seen by the people, and enhanced the people's sense of gain, happiness and satisfaction.

Zarut Flag Court

Attack the fourth quarter! Tongliao City two levels of court "Grassland Eagle 2021" centralized enforcement continued to exert force

The Zarut Flag Court focused on the quality and effectiveness of enforcement, continuously compacted responsibilities, and organized centralized enforcement actions on December 8.

In the early morning, the police lights flashed in front of the gate of the court, and the enforcement cadres and policemen had already assembled, only to wait for the party secretary and acting president to give an order to Tong Laga and immediately get ready to go. More than 20 police officers were divided into 6 police cars, and the soldiers were divided into three roads, and they sped away to the various Sumu Gacha and streets.

Attack the fourth quarter! Tongliao City two levels of court "Grassland Eagle 2021" centralized enforcement continued to exert force

Undaunted by the severe cold, the cadres and policemen walked the streets and alleys and went straight to the hiding place of "Lao Lai." In the course of enforcement, the cadres and policemen insisted on standardized enforcement in accordance with the law, good faith and civilized enforcement, showed the sword of enforcement, played an enforcement momentum, and realized the rights and interests of the parties to win the lawsuit to the greatest extent.

The centralized enforcement action lasted until 8 p.m., from early morning to evening, which lasted for a day, and each team had won: 11 cases of execution were completed on the same day, 11 cases of execution and settlement were executed, 573,000 yuan of enforcement was executed, 91 people were executed for dishonesty, and 2 bounty orders were announced through the official WeChat public account, which played a strong momentum of centralized enforcement.

Cullen Flag Court

Attack the fourth quarter! Tongliao City two levels of court "Grassland Eagle 2021" centralized enforcement continued to exert force

In accordance with the deployment requirements of the higher court, the Kulun Banner Court actively carried out this centralized enforcement action, so that the intensity was not reduced, the rhythm remained unchanged, and the momentum was not weak. Through this enforcement action, we will concentrate on concluding a number of cases involving people's livelihood, resolving a number of cases involving law enforcement letters and visits, resolving a number of cases of concern to the masses, actively creating a high-pressure situation of implementation, and always taking the protection of the people's rights and interests in winning lawsuits as the primary task of enforcement work.

Attack the fourth quarter! Tongliao City two levels of court "Grassland Eagle 2021" centralized enforcement continued to exert force

It is reported that the "Autumn Wind Action" of the Kulun Banner Court's "Autumn Wind Action" 100-day offensive and enforcement battle of the "Net Collection Chapter" was launched to summon 15 people, detain 1 person, close 29 cases, and execute 185579.00 yuan in place.

Section Left Rear Banner Court

In order to further improve the quality and efficiency of enforcement and strive to complete the implementation action goal of the "Grassland Eagle" of the Supreme People's Court, the party group of the KezuoHouqi Court mobilized the strength of the whole court, meticulously organized and planned the deployment, and used the rest time on weekends and holidays to carry out large-scale enforcement actions, and then set off the climax of the "Golden Autumn Storm", and achieved phased results.

Attack the fourth quarter! Tongliao City two levels of court "Grassland Eagle 2021" centralized enforcement continued to exert force

The division of labor in this operation is clear, and a departmental linkage mechanism is formed, in which the external control team urges the person subject to enforcement to actively perform its statutory obligations, and actually closes 34 cases (2 cases to be concluded) and 111 cases are settled (11 cases to be settled); the final interview team and the case closure team interview 300 cases and close 110 cases in the court. The total amount of the two-day execution action on the weekend is 902,800 yuan.

Attack the fourth quarter! Tongliao City two levels of court "Grassland Eagle 2021" centralized enforcement continued to exert force

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